스토킹 피해의 가해자 위험요인: 친밀관계 종결 후 피해자의 보고를 통하여
- Author(s)
- 박소민
- Issued Date
- 2024
- Keyword
- stalking|intimate partner stalking|intimate partner violence|personality disorder
- Abstract
- Exploring Risk Factors for Stalking Perpetrator: Through Report of Victims After the End of an Intimate Relationship
Advisor : Prof. Seung Ah Jung, Ph. D
Department of Counseling Psychology
Graduate School of Chosun University
The purpose of this study was to investigate the risk factors for stalking victimization. To this end, data were collected from 363 adult men and women aged 20-50 who had dating experience, and Mann-Whitney U tset, hierarchical logistic regression analysis was conducted using SPSS 27.0. The followings are summary of the result: First, there was a significant difference in the factors of ‘intimate partner violence(IPV)’ and ‘controlling behavior’ between those who had experienced stalking and those who had not. In other words, victims of stalking experienced more physical and sexual violence, and their partner's controlling and obsessive behavior. And there was a significant difference in the ‘personality characteristics of partners’ between those who had experienced stalking victimization and those who had not. In other words, the partner of a stalking victim showed more antisocial personality traits (callousness, manipulativeness, deceitfulness, irresponsibility, hostility, impulsivity, risk-taking), borderline personality traits (emotional lability, hostility, impulsivity, risk-taking), and narcissistic personality traits(attention seeking) than their non-stalking partners. Second, hierarchical logistic regression analysis showed that only the partner's obsessive behavior and impulsivity, callousness traits were a significant risk factors for stalking victimization. Finally, the implications of these results were discussed, and the limitations of this study and directions for future research were suggested.
- Alternative Title
- Exploring Risk Factors for Stalking Perpetrator: Through Report of Victims After the End of an Intimate Relationship
- Alternative Author(s)
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 일반대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 상담심리학과
- Advisor
- 정승아
- Awarded Date
- 2024-02
- Table Of Contents
- 제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
제2절 연구가설 6
제2장 이론적 배경 7
제1절 스토킹의 정의 7
1. 스토킹의 정의 및 유형 7
2. 친밀한 파트너 스토킹의 개념 12
제2절 친밀한 파트너 스토킹 피해의 위험요인 13
1. 친밀한 파트너 폭력 13
2. 파트너의 통제 14
3. 파트너의 성격특성 17
제3장 연구 방법 20
제1절 연구 대상 20
제2절 측정 도구 22
1. 스토킹 피해 척도 22
2. 친밀한 파트너 폭력(IPV) 피해 척도 22
3. 통제행동 척도 23
4. 집착행동 척도 23
5. DSM-5 성격검사 정보제공자 보고형(PID-5-IRF) 24
제3절 자료 분석방법 26
제4장 연구 결과 27
제1절 친밀한 파트너 스토킹 피해실태 27
제2절 주요변수 기술통계 30
제3절 스토킹 피해 유무에 따른 주요변수 차이 31
제4절 친밀한 파트너 스토킹 피해의 위험요인 33
1. 주요변수 간 상관 33
2. 친밀한 파트너 스토킹 피해의 위험요인 35
제5장 논의 및 제언 38
참고 문헌 46
부록 55
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 박소민. (2024). 스토킹 피해의 가해자 위험요인: 친밀관계 종결 후 피해자의 보고를 통하여.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/18016
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- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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- Embargo2024-02-23
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