전기자동차 택시 도입에 따른 온실가스 저감 및 경제 효과 분석
- Author(s)
- 정종문
- Issued Date
- 2024
- Keyword
- electric vehicle|digital tachograph|taxi|greenhouse gas
- Abstract
- Analysis of the Effects of Introducing Electric Vehicle Taxi on Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Energy Cost : Gwangju Metropolitan City Jung, Jongmun Advisor : Prof. Park, Sangjun, Ph.D Department of Civil Engineering Graduate School of Chosun University The UN recently evaluated that an unprecedented abnormal climate problem has led to an era of Global Boiling, the Earth is boiling beyond global warming. Environmental problems caused by greenhouse gases are causing great damage to humanity. In order to respond to this climate change, developed countries are reducing carbon emissions and further declaring carbon neutrality by substantially reducing carbon emissions to 'zero', and the “2050 Carbon Neutral Scenario” report was published in 2021 Korea and carbon neutrality was declared. In 2020, Korea's total greenhouse gas emissions were 656.2 million tons CO2eq, of which the transportation sector emitted 96.1 million tons CO2eq of greenhouse gases, accounting for about 14% of Korea's total greenhouse gas emissions. In the transportation sector, most greenhouse gas emissions occur in the road sector (approximately 97%), attributed to using fossil fuels, the main energy source for transportation. As a result of applying the transportation greenhouse gas reduction policies, it was analyzed that the greenhouse gas reduction effect due to the spread of electric vehicles was 1.17 (tons/vehicle/year) and the prevention of idling of small trucks and the carpool policies could reduce 0.91 tons and 1.02 tons of greenhouse gas, respectively. The main carbon neutrality scenario in the road sector aims to convert existing internal combustion engine vehicles into zero-emission, eco-friendly vehicles such as electric or hydrogen vehicles. Globally, the number of electric vehicles is increasing every year, reaching 26 million units in 2022, an increase of approximately 60% compared to 2021. In Korea, a total of 389,855 electric vehicles have been cumulatively registered nationwide as of the end of 2022. In particular, the total number of registered vehicles in Jeju is 408,607, of which 31,373 are electric vehicles, showing a high market share of about 8%. Jeju is the most active in distributing electric vehicles in Korea, and in the case of taxis, 1,510 out of 5,115 taxis have been converted to electric vehicles. In the case of taxis, the average daily mileage is expected to be greater than that of general non-commercial passenger vehicles, so if taxis that use existing liquefied petroleum gas as fuel are converted to electric vehicles, the effect of reducing exhaust gases and greenhouse gases is expected to be significant. Currently, as interest in electric cars is increasing, this study calculates the effect of converting taxis operating in Gwangju Metropolitan City to electric cars using driving history data collected from digital tachographs. The VT-Micro model and VT-CPEM model were used to microscopically calculate vehicle emissions and energy consumption and evaluate the scenarios in terms of environmental and economic perspectives. As a result of this study, it was analyzed that as the market share of electric vehicles increases, electricity usage increases, and significant LPG usage and CO2 emissions decrease. It was analyzed that if all taxis in operation in the future were converted to electric vehicles, a total of 39,524 tons of CO2 could be reduced per year compared to 2023, and a total cost of 14.2 billion won could be saved.
- Alternative Title
- Analysis of the Effects of Introducing Electric Vehicle Taxo on Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Energy Cost : Gwangju Metropolitan City
- Alternative Author(s)
- Jung, jongmun
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 일반대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 토목공학과
- Advisor
- 박상준
- Awarded Date
- 2024-02
- Table Of Contents
- 제 1 장 서 론 1
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목표 1
1.2 연구동향 3
제 2 장 이론적 배경 · 5
2.1 전기자동차 · 5
2.1.1 전기자동차의 개념 5
2.1.2 전기자동차의 특징 6
2.1.3 국내 전기자동차 현황 10
2.1.4 국내 전기자동차 보급정책 13
2.1.5 국외 전기자동차 현황 15
2.1.6 국외 전기자동차 보급정책 19
2.2 디지털 운행기록계 25
2.2.1 디지털 운행기록계의 개념 25
2.2.2 디지털 운행기록계의 활용 28
2.3 교통류 환경영향 모델링 31
2.3.1 교통류 환경영향 개요 31
2.3.2 교통류 환경영향 평가 모델 · 33
제 3 장 광주광역시 택시 시뮬레이션 38
3.1 광주광역시 택시 분석 38
3.1.1 광주광역시 택시 현황 38
3.1.2 광주광역시 택시 운행 특성 · 40
3.1.3 전기자동차 택시 증가율 예측 45
3.2 광주광역시 택시 시뮬레이션 설정 47
3.2.1 광주광역시 택시 시뮬레이션 개요 47
3.2.2 광주광역시 택시 시뮬레이션 평가 방법 49
제 4 장 온실가스 저감 및 경제 효과 분석 52
4.1 전기자동차 택시 점유율 변화에 따른 영향 · 52
4.1.1 전기자동차 택시 점유율에 따른 분석 결과(1일 기준) 52
4.1.2 CO2 배출 감소량 비교 · 54
4.1.3 점유율별 에너지 비용 감소량 비교 · 55
4.1.4 점유율별 CO2 배출량 및 운행 비용(상대적 비교) · 56
4.2 광주광역시 보조금에 따른 장래 영향 예측 · 57
4.2.1 전기자동차 보조금에 따른 개인택시 전환 · 57
4.2.2 전기자동차 보조금에 따른 영향분석 57
4.3 LPG 택시 유가보조금 감소에 따른 영향예측 61
4.3.1 전기자동차 증가에 따른 유가보조금 감소량 산정 · 61
4.3.2 유가보조금 감소에 따른 비용 절감 · 62
제 5 장 결 론 64
5.1 결론 64
5.2 정책제언 65
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 정종문. (2024). 전기자동차 택시 도입에 따른 온실가스 저감 및 경제 효과 분석.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/17949
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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- Embargo2024-02-23
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