온라인 초등미술 교육의 지역 간 교육 격차 해소 방안 연구

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메타버스 플랫폼|온라인 초등미술 교육|온라인|지역 교육 격차|방안 연구
A Study on ways to resolve educational gaps interzonal in online elementary art education
-Focusing on the Metaverse Platform-

Oh sae ouk
Advisor: Prof. Moon Hyeong sun
Major in Fine Arts Education
Graduate School of Education, Chosun University

In the current digital age, elementary school art education was momentarily suspended to the aftermath of COVID19. Accordingly, the ministry of education recommended the use of online platforms for remote education, and elementary schools nationwide to introduce online elementary art education. However, in online elementary art education using these platforms, feedback did not provided immediate and concentration and interest were low. Disparities also emerged between urban and rural educational environments. As a result, disparities in elementary art education between regions will be occur and research is needed on alternative platforms that can mitigate regional disparities in elementary art education.
From this perspective, the purpose of this study is to enhance by exploring a new online elementary art education platform proposing solutions to alleviate regional disparities. In addition, this study suggests ways that can innovatively advance elementary art education in the digital age.
In this study, after theoretical considerations, interviews were conducted with upper elementary student's based on content of metaverse-based elementary art education. After then, the answers were analyzed from perspective of researcher to determine solutions to mitigate regional disparities in elementary art education.
As a result, we obtained a conclusion which is the state of metaverse-based elementary art education, perceptions and attitudes towards collaborative classes, the necessity and value of metaverse in mitigating regional educational disparities and the potential of future education. In those results, strategies for mitigating educational disparities between regions could be presented through the enhancement of policy and capacity in metaverse-based elementary art education and the activation of collaborative interregional classes.
This study has academic significance in enlighten digital and aesthetic competencies that are elementary student's needs in this rapidly changing information age and presents ways to envision community-based education by showing.
Furthermore, this study provides solutions to alleviate regional disparities in elementary art education, and also shows possibility of innovative enlightenments in elementary art education. We hope that this study will contribute to the enlightenment of beneficial and innovative elementary art education for elementary student's. Also, we expect that metaverse will be prominently featured in meaningful educational implications in elementary art education.
Alternative Title
A Study on ways to resolve educational gaps interzonal in online elementary art education: Focusing on the Metaverse Platform
Alternative Author(s)
Oh se uk
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 미술교육
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Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구 배경 및 목적 1
제2절 연구 내용 및 방법 4
제3절 연구 흐름도 5
제2장 이론적 고찰 6
제1절 온라인 초등미술 교육 6
1. 온라인 초등미술 교육 현황 6
2. 온라인 초등미술 교육의 문제점 12
제2절 온라인 초등미술 교육에 활용된 메타버스 플랫폼 14
1. 메타버스의 개념 15
2. 제페토(Zepeto) 17
3. 로블록스(Roblox) 22
4. 게더타운(Gather town) 27
5. 마인크래프트 에듀케이션(Minecraft education) 33
제3장 메타버스 기반 온라인 초등미술 교육에 관한 인터뷰 분석 및 지역 교육 격차 해소 방안 39
제1절 메타버스 기반 온라인 초등미술 교육 인터뷰 설계 39
1. 인터뷰 대상 39
2. 인터뷰 문항 40
3. 자료 수집 절차 45
4. 윤리적 고려 45
제2절 인터뷰 분석 46
제3절 인터뷰 결과 59
제4절 메타버스 기반 초등미술 교육의 지역 격차 해소 방안 60
1. 메타버스 기반 초등미술 교육의 정책 및 역량 강화 61
2. 메타버스 기반 초등미술 교육의 지역 간 합동 수업 활성화 64
제4장 결론 66
【참고문헌】 70
【국문초록】 79
조선대학교 교육대학원
오세욱. (2024). 온라인 초등미술 교육의 지역 간 교육 격차 해소 방안 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2024-02-23
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