마커리스 증강현실과 수술 가이드를 활용한 임플란트 수술 시뮬레이션의 정확도 비교
- Author(s)
- 김효준
- Issued Date
- 2023
- Keyword
- Markerless, AR, Dental Implant
- Abstract
- Objectives: This paper aims to implement a Markerless AR for implant surgery that performs registration and tracking without additional markers using teeth and hard tissues. Furthermore, it evaluates the applicability of the system by comparing its accuracy with a Surgical Guide in a laboratory environment.
Materials and Methods: The dental cast was scanned and converted into a 3D model, and the placement of five implant was planned on the model. A Markerless AR application was created using Unity 3D and Vuforia SDK. And Surgical Guide was created using Materialise 3-Matic and DLP 3D printer. Implant drilling was performed on a total of 20 replicated casts using the AR app(Group1) and Surgical Guide(Group2). The replicated cast with the implant hole was scanned and converted into a 3D model, and then the error from the implantation plan was measured for the entry point, apex point(below 10 mm), and angle. and statistical verification was performed.
Results: For group1, the entry point error showed an average of 0.80±0.41mm with a minimum value of 0.15 mm and a maximum value of 1.65 mm. In the apex point, the minimum value was 0.1 mm and the maximum value was 2.88 mm, showing 0.97±0.61 mm. The measured value of angular error showed 3.28±2.15° with a minimum of 0.43° and a maximum of 11.47°. For group2, the entry point error showed an average of 0.38±0.18 mm with a minimum value of 0.01 mm and a maximum value of 1.02 mm. In the apex point, the minimum value was 0.05 mm and the maximum value was 1.68mm, showing 0.98±0.40 mm. The measured value of angular error showed 3.78±1.62° with a minimum of 0.88° and a maximum of 6.59°. In the comparison of error between the two groups, a statistically significant difference was shown in the entry point error, but no significant difference was found in the angular error and apex point error.
Conclusion: In the accuracy comparison of the Markerless AR app produced in this study, the entry point error showed a statistically significantly larger value than the Surgical Guide. The error of the Apex point and the angular error did not show a statistically significant difference when compared with the error of the Surgical Guide. Therefore, it has the potential to be a promising tool that can increase the accuracy of actual implant surgery, but it is important to apply it to the actual clinical environment and identify its effect. This study will further prove the effectiveness of the AR app and contribute to improving the results of implant surgery.
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- AuthorizeOpen
- Embargo2023-08-25
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