고등학교 사회과 교육과정에서의 근로자 인권교육에 관한 내용 분석

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This study examines the proportion of content related to workers' human rights in 'Integrated Society', a required subject for first-year high school students produced in accordance with the achievement standards of the 2015 revised curriculum, and 'Politics and Law', an optional subject in the college scholastic ability test under the high school credit system. We analyzed what was being dealt with. This study analyzes the distribution and statements of workers' human rights-related content presented in the 'Integrated Society' and 'Politics and Law' textbooks according to the 2015 revised curriculum. It is meaningful that the contents of the labor-related laws learned in high school are sufficient to help students cope with labor problems that may arise as youth workers or adult workers.
The textbook analysis of this study selected Genjae Education Co., Ltd., Jihaksa Co., Ltd., and Bisang Education Co., Ltd. among the certification textbooks of 'Integrated Society' and 'Politics and Law' of the 2015 revised curriculum, and selected 'Integrated Society' as units containing labor-related contents. ' in IV. Human Rights Protection and the Constitution, Ⅴ. Market Economy and Finance, ‘Politics and Law’ Ⅴ. It was aimed at social life and law. The analysis results according to the research problem are as follows.
First, what can be seen through the distribution according to the type of Labor Standards Act in the three types of 'Integrated Society' textbooks in the 2015 revised curriculum is that the amount of labor-related content is not consistent for each textbook. However, it was found that each textbook presented various explanation methods or statements in order to enhance understanding of the concept. In the learning process, it is expected that learning burden and confusion will be reduced if efforts are made to prevent subtle differences and misconceptions in the explanation of the same concept.
Second, when looking at the distribution according to the type of Labor Standards Act in the three types of 'Politics and Law' textbooks in the 2015 revised curriculum, the content elements of work education were revised in 2015, befitting the characteristics of the subject in which the scope and area of ​​the exam are relatively differentiated. According to the achievement standards of the curriculum, it was found that all textbooks were well structured without omission of content elements. In addition, various reading materials such as photos, illustrations, and examples can be enriched to help comprehension, but the basic theory of the text may reduce the amount of the text due to insufficient space. The ‘Politics and Law’ textbook presented the most data from Jihaksa as a whole, and Sangsang Education also presented various contents with examples.
Third, high school social studies subject should appropriately reflect practical education and theoretical education along with the contents system when constructing educational contents. Therefore, when looking at whether the youth who have learned work-related contents through 'Integrated Society' and 'Politics and Law' textbooks are providing enough contents to be applied to real life in the future, there is a lack of cases that are closely related to learners' daily lives. There were 2 textbooks with few work-related cases and 6 cases with many textbooks. In particular, it can be seen that the 'integrated society' has insufficient aspects, such as contents related to the work of minors, not young workers, and detailed listing of industries harmful to youth. 'Politics and Law' has too much content and has been degraded into a subject for exams, and there is a problem that more effort is being devoted to learning the part that can increase discrimination power rather than the part necessary for real life.
In this study, the limitation that 'society' in the existing 2009 revised curriculum was organized as an elective subject due to the elective course of all high school subjects and the omission of work-related education contents was found in the 'integrated society' of the 2015 revised curriculum. This study aimed to examine whether the volume and structure of work-related content were appropriate in that the introduction of major reinforcement in the 2015 revised curriculum introduced discretion in the composition of textbooks for each publisher. The 'integrated society' of the 2015 revised curriculum is an integrated subject that includes morality, geography, history, and general society, which were not previously included in social studies and history. It is expected that the 2015 revised curriculum will be continuously implemented for several years without any change in contents, so the analysis is meaningful.
Alternative Title
Analysis of Human Rights Education for Workers in the High School Social Studies Curriculum
Alternative Author(s)
Kim Ha-Yeon
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 일반사회교육
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Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 문제제기 1
제2절 연구의 목적 3

제2장 이론적 논의 6
제1절 고등학교 사회과 교육과정의 검토 6
1. 사회과 교육의 내용 범위 및 교육과정의 목표 6
2. 사회과 교육 변천과정 7
3. 근로자 인권 교육의 정의 11
제2절 고등학교 사회과 교육과정의 평가 기 15
1. 2015 개정 교육과정 ‘통합사회’ 성취기준 15
2. 2015 개정 교육과정 ‘정치와 법’ 성취기준 20
제3절 사회과 교육과정에서의 근로자 인권 관련 내용 검토 22
1. 2009 개정 교육과정 사회과 정의 22
2. 2009·2015 개정 교육과정 사회과 비교 22

제3장 연구문제 및 분석방법 28
제1절 연구문제 28
제2절 분석대상 29
제3절 분석방법 32
1. 분석기준 32
2. 분석체계 34

제4장 분석 결과 35
제1절 교과서별 근로자 인권 관련 내용 분석 기준 35
제2절 ‘통합사회’ 교과서별 근로 교육 관련 내용 분석 결과 38
1. 천재교육 38
2. 지학사 43
3. 비상교육 50
제3절 ‘정치와 법’ 교과서별 근로 교육 관련 내용 분석 결과 58
1. 천재교육 58
2. 지학사 61
3. 비상교육 65
제4절 교과서 내용 분석 종합 69

제5장 결론 및 제언 75

참고문헌 79
조선대학교 교육대학원
김하연. (2023). 고등학교 사회과 교육과정에서의 근로자 인권교육에 관한 내용 분석.
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