맥문동 분말을 첨가한 다식의 품질특성 및 항산화 효과
- Author(s)
- 윤가비채
- Issued Date
- 2023
- Keyword
- 맥문동", "다식", "건강식" , "후식" , "간식" , "전통음식
- Abstract
- The purpose of this study was carried out to investigate the physicochemical components, quality characteristics and antioxidant effects of Liriopis tuber powder and its application to a health beneficial food such as Liriopis tuber Dasik. In addition, This study was also examined to investigate the possibility of improving the texture and sensory preference of Liriopis tuber Dasik prepared by adding various types of grains (soybean, brown rice, oat, yullmoo, and seoritae powders) or sugars (honey, jochung, maple syrup, fructooligo saccharide, and starch syrup).
The first study was conducted to compare the physicochemical components, quality characteristics and antioxidant effects of air dried and roasted Liriopis tuber powder. The crude protein and crude fat contents in the dried powder was higher than the roasted powder, but the crude ash and carbohydrate contents were significantly higher in the roasted powder than in the dried powder. The major organic acid was acetic acid in dried and roasted Liriopis tuber powder. Citric acid, tartaric acid and lactic acid are high in dried powder, while malic acid, formic acid and acetic acid are high in roasted powder. The total amino acid and essential amino acid contents were significantly higher in the dried powder than in the roasted powder. The major amino acid was glutamic acid in the dried and roasted tuber powder. Vitamin C and total mineral contents in the roasted powder was higher than the roasted powder. The major mineral was K in the dried and roasted tuber powder. The pH and L values in the dried powder was higher than the roasted powder, but the sugar content, a and b values were significantly higher in the roasted powder than in the dried powder. Total polyphenol and flavonoid contents, DPPH and ABTS free radical scavenging activities of the roasted powder were higher than those of the dried powder.
The second study was carried out to examine the quality characteristics, sensory evaluation and antioxidant effects of Dasik containing Liriopis tuber roasting powder. Dasik were added with different amounts (0, 3, 6, 9, and 12% to soybean flour) of Liriopis tuber powder. There were no significant differences in moisture content and a value of Dasik among the experimental groups. The pH value and sugar content of Dasik significantly increased as the amount of Liriopis tuber powder added increased, whereas L and b values of Dasik were determined to decrease significantly. As a result of the mechanical texture analysis, the springiness and chewiness of Dasik significantly increased as the amount of Liriopis tuber powder added increased, but its hardness, cohesiveness and gumminess of Dasik were determined to decrease significantly. Sensory evaluation showed that Dasik prepared with 6% or 9% Liriopis tuber roasting powder were significantly different from the other groups in terms of taste, flavour, texture, and overall acceptability. The total polyphenol and total flavonoid contents, and the DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities of the Dasik increased with increasing amount of Liriopis tuber roasting powder. The results of the study indicated that the quality characteristics and antioxidative effects of Dasiks could be enhanced by the addition of Liriopis tuber roasting powder. Moreover, the cookies with 6% Liriopis tuber roasting powder showed the best results in terms of sensory quality and potential antioxidant property.
The third study determined the quality characteristics, sensory evaluation profiles, and antioxidant effect of Liriopis tuber Dasik prepared with various types of grain, including soybean, brown rice, oat, yullmoo, and seoritae powder. The moisture content and L value of Dasik was the highest in seoritae powder, pH value and sugar content was the highest in yulmoo and soybean powder. The a value were significantly lower in the yullmoo powder than in the other grain groups. The b value of Dasik was the highest in soybean powder. According to the results for mechanical texture analysis, the hardness of Dasik was the highest in brown rice powder, and the springiness, cohesiveness and adhesiveness were the highest in the yullmoo powder, and the gumminess was the highest in soybean powder, and the chewiness was the highest in oat powder. The results of sensory characteristics intensity showed that Liriopis tuber Dasik prepared with the brown rice powder was the highest in hardness, and Liriopis tuber Dasik prepared with the yullmoo powder did differ significantly different from those of the other groups in moistness, cohesiveness sticky, and oily. Liriopis tuber Dasik prepared with the oat powder was the highest score in softness and Liriopis tuber Dasik prepared with the seoritae powder was the highest in particle size. However, Liriopis tuber Dasik prepared with the soybean powder was the highest scores in sensory preferences such as taste, flavor, texture and overall acceptability. The total polyphenol content in Liriopis tuber Dasik was significantly higher in the brown rice powder than in the other grain groups. However, the total flavonoid content of Liriopis tuber Dasik was significantly higher in the seoritae powder than in the other grains powder. Liriopis tuber Dasik prepared with the seoritae powder the highest activities in DPPH and ABTS free radical scavenging effects. Overall, Liriopis tuber Dasik prepared with the soybean powder showed to have desirable quality characteristics and sensory preferences.
The fourth study measured the quality characteristics, sensory evaluation, and antioxidant effects of Liriopis tuber Dasik prepared using various sugars, such as honey, jochung, maple syrup, fructooligosaccharide, and starch syrup. The changes of the textural characteristics, sensory evaluation, and antioxidant properties were conducted on Dasik during 7-day storage at room temperature. Liriopis tuber Dasik containing honey was the highest in moisture and sugar contents, but Liriopis tuber Dasik containing fructooligosaccharide or starch syrup was the highest value in the pH. The L value of Liriopis tuber Dasik containing honey or Jochung or fructooligosaccharide was higher than that of the other sugar groups, and the value of b of Liriopis tuber Dasik was higher in honey or fructooligosaccharide than in the other sugar groups. According to the results for mechanical characteristics during preservation period, the hardness and cohesiveness of the sugar-based Liriopis tuber Dasik increased significantly while the springiness increased significantly as the storage period of the sugar-based Liriopis tuber Dasik. Liriopis tuber Dasik containing the starch syrup was the highest score in hardness, while Liriopis tuber Dasik containing the honey or fructooligosaccharide was the lowest score. In the results of sensory characteristics intensity showed that the sugar-based Liriopis tuber Dasik were no significant differences in hardness, moistness, cohesiveness, sticky, and oily depending on the storage period. Dasik prepared with honey had the highest softness, whereas Dasik prepared with honey had the lowest particle size (roughness). In the overall preference test, there were no significant differences in taste, flavor, and texture of Liriopis tuber Dasik among the sugar-based groups. However, Liriopis tuber Dasik containing honey was the highest score in overall acceptability. The total polyphenol and total flavonoid content of the sugar-based Liriopis tuber Dasik showed a significant difference according to the storage period, and in the case of the other sugar-based Liriopis tuber Dasik except for the Dasik containing honey, it tended to decrease as the storage period increased. On the other hand, Dasik prepared with honey showed a significant increase in total polyphenol and total flavonoid contents as the storage period increased. The total polyphenol and total flavonoid contents were found to be significantly higher in the Dasik prepared with maple syrup. DPPH and ABTS free radical scavenging activity also showed a tendency to increase significantly as the storage period increased, only in the case of Dasik prepared with honey, and decreased in the case of Dasik prepared with the rest of the sugars. DPPH and ABTS free radical scavenging activity was also the highest in Dasik prepared with maple syrup. Therefore, depending on the type of sugar, the results on the quality characteristics and antioxidant effect of Liriopis tuber Dasik showed different. However, when the results of the preference survey and antioxidant effect put together, only the Liriopis tuber Dasik made with honey among sugars showed a tendency to increase as the storage period increased.
In conclusion, in this study, in case of preparing Liriopis tuber Dasik, adding 6% of Liriopis tuber roasting powder, soybean powder for grain, and honey for sugar was found to be the most desirable in terms of quality characteristics, overall preference, and antioxidant effect. In view of these results, Dasik with the addition of Liriopis tubers powder suggests the value and possibility of commercialization as a food ingredient for health functional food.
- Alternative Title
- Quality characteristics and antioxidant effect of Dasik with added Liriopis tuber powder
- Alternative Author(s)
- Yun Gabichae
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 일반대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 식품의약학과
- Advisor
- 이재준
- Awarded Date
- 2023-02
- Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제2장 이론적 배경 6
제1절 맥문동 6
1. 맥문동의 정의 6
2. 맥문동의 특징 및 효능 7
제2절 다식 9
1. 다식의 정의 9
2. 다식의 유래와 특징 9
제3장 실험 재료 및 방법 12
제1절 맥문동 분말의 이화학적 성분, 품질특성 및 항산화 효과 분석 12
1. 실험 재료 12
2. 이화학적 성분 분석 12
가. 일반성분 분석 12
나. 유기산 분석 13
다. 구성 아미노산 분석 13
라. 비타민 분석 13
마. 무기질 분석 14
3. 품질특성 분석 14
가. pH 분석 14
나. 당도 분석 14
다. 색도 분석 15
4. 항산화 효과 분석 15
가. 맥문동 분말 에탄올 추출 15
나. 총 polyphenol 함량 측정 15
다. 총 flavonoid 함량 측정 16
라. DPPH free radical 소거능 측정 16
마. ABTS free radical 소거능 측정 16
5. 통계분석 17
제2절 맥문동 분말을 첨가한 다식의 품질특성 및 항산화 효과 측정 18
1. 실험 재료 18
가. 첨가 비율을 달리한 맥문동 다식 18
나. 곡물의 종류를 달리한 맥문동 다식 18
다. 당의 종류를 달리한 맥문동 다식 18
2. 다식의 제조 방법 19
가. 첨가 비율을 달리한 맥문동 다식의 제조 방법 19
나. 곡물의 종류를 달리한 맥문동 다식의 제조 방법 20
다. 당의 종류를 달리한 맥문동 다식의 제조 방법 21
3. 맥문동 다식의 품질특성 측정 22
가. 수분 함량, pH 및 당도 측정 22
나. 색도 측정 22
다. 조직특성 측정 23
라. 관능평가 23
4. 맥문동 다식의 항산화 효과 측정 24
가. 에탄올 추출 24
나. 총 polyphenol 함량 측정 24
다. 총 flavonoid 함량 측정 25
라. DPPH free radical 소거능 측정 25
마. ABTS free radical 소거능 측정 25
5. 통계분석 25
제4장 결과 및 고찰 26
제1절 맥문동 분말의 이화학적 성분, 품질특성 및 항산화 효과 26
1. 맥문동 분말의 이화학적 성분 26
가. 일반성분 26
나. 유기산 조성 및 함량 28
다. 구성 아미노산 조성 및 함량 30
라. 비타민 32
마. 무기질 33
2. 맥문동 분말의 품질특성 35
가. pH 35
나. 당도 36
다. 색도 37
3. 맥문동 분말의 항산화 물질 및 항산화 효과 39
가. 총 polyphenol 함량 39
나. 총 flavonoid 함량 40
다. DPPH free radical 소거능 41
라. ABTS free radical 소거능 43
제2절 첨가 비율을 달리한 맥문동 다식의 품질특성 및 항산화 효과 45
1. 첨가 비율을 달리한 맥문동 다식의 품질특성 45
가. 수분 함량, pH 및 당도 45
나. 색도 49
다. 조직특성 51
라. 관능평가 54
2. 첨가 비율을 달리한 맥문동 다식의 항산화 효과 58
가. 총 polyphenol 함량 58
나. 총 flavonoid 함량 59
다. DPPH free radical 소거능 60
라. ABTS free radical 소거능 61
제3절 곡물의 종류를 달리한 맥문동 다식의 품질특성 및 항산화 효과 62
1. 곡물의 종류를 달리한 맥문동 다식의 품질특성 62
가. 수분 함량, pH 및 당도 62
나. 색도 65
다. 조직특성 67
라. 관능평가 69
2. 곡물의 종류를 달리한 맥문동 다식의 항산화 효과 72
가. 총 polyphenol 함량 72
나. 총 flavonoid 함량 74
다. DPPH free radical 소거능 76
라. ABTS free radical 소거능 78
제4절 당의 종류를 달리한 맥문동 다식의 품질특성 및 항산화 효과 80
1. 당의 종류를 달리한 맥문동 다식의 품질특성 80
가. 수분 함량, pH 및 당도 80
나. 색도 83
다. 저장기간별 조직특성 85
라. 저장기간별 관능평가의 변화 94
2. 당의 종류를 달리한 맥문동 다식의 저장기간에 따른 항산화 효과 104
가. 총 polyphenol 함량 변화 104
나. 총 flavonoid 함량 변화 107
다. DPPH free radical 소거능 변화 110
라. ABTS free radical 소거능 변화 113
제5장 요약 및 결론 116
참고 문헌 121
부록(관능평가지) 133
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 윤가비채. (2023). 맥문동 분말을 첨가한 다식의 품질특성 및 항산화 효과.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/17566
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- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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