총각김치 최적 발효조건
- Author(s)
- 조민주
- Issued Date
- 2022
- Abstract
- This study was conducted to establish the optimal fermentation conditions for
Chonggak kimchi. In this study, Chonggak kimchi was fermented at 6.5, 10℃ followed by storage at –1℃ when the acidity of the kimchi reached ≅0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8% and the control kimchi was stored at –1℃ without fermentation. The two were compared by analyzing pH, acidity, microbial community, and sensory evaluations on five occasions: end of fermentation; at 2 weeks; at 4 weeks; at 8 weeks; and finally at 12 weeks.
The initial pH of Chonggak kimchi was 6.13±0.16, the acidity was 0.19±0.02%,
the salinity was 1.86±0.15%, and the sugar content was 9.27±0.78 brix° The acidity of the 10℃ fermented Chonggak kimchi changed rapidly during the 12 weeks of storage, and 6.5℃ acidity 0.4% showed the optimal acidity range of kimchi up to 4 weeks of storage, indicating a longer quality maintenance period than other sections. The pH and acidity of the control kimchi remained almost unchanged until 4 weeks of storage, and then gradually increased.
The initial total cell number of Chonggak kimchi was 6.26±0.27 log CFU/mL. The maximum number of bacteria acidity was 0.4% and 0.6% at 6.5℃, it became approximately 108 CFU/mL and decreased gradually to approximately 107 CFU/mL during the 12 weeks of storage. At 10℃ acidity 0.80%, it decreased rapidly from the 8 weeks of storage to approximately 106 CFU/mL. The control kimchi recorded 106 CFU/mL at 2 weeks of storage, and increased gradually from the 4 weeks.
The initial Leuconostoc sp. number of Chonggak kimchi was 6.21±0.08 log CFU/mL, the highest among the total cell ratios, showing approximately 108 CFU/mL in all sections after fermentation. The number and ratio of Leuconostoc
sp. was high from 6.5℃ acidity 0.4% and did not drop below 107 CFU/mL until
the 12 weeks.
The initial Lactobacillus sp. number of Chonggak kimchi was 4.56±0.28 log CFU/mL, and the ratio of Lactobacillus sp. was small in all sections. The initial Weissella sp. number of Chonggak kimchi was 4.89±0.24 log CFU/mL ratio of Weissella sp. to 10℃ fermentation was found to be higher than that of 6.5℃ fermented Chonggak kimchi. For the control kimchi, the ratio of Weissella sp. was higher than other lactic acid bacteria during storage.
The sensory evaluations revealed that the carbonated taste and sweetness lasted up to 12 weeks at 6.5℃ acidity 0.4%. At 10℃, the sourness was the strongest during the 12 weeks of storage. The control kimchi had the strongest raw taste and astringency until 2 weeks. It began to ripen from the 4 weeks and the taste of astringency and bitterness gradually decreased. Overall, acceptance 6.5℃ acidity 0.4% for carbonated taste and sweetness are highly evaluated for all periods. This showed that kimchi can be stored for a long time with this optimal taste for at least 12 weeks at 6.5℃ acidity 0.4%.
In conclusion, Chonggak kimchi was fermented at 6.5℃ followed by storage at –1℃ when the acidity of the kimchi reached ≅0.4% results in a better taste and is edible for longer.
- Alternative Title
- Optimum fermentation conditions for Chonggak Kimchi
- Alternative Author(s)
- Min Ju Jo
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 일반대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 식품영양학과
- Advisor
- 장해춘
- Awarded Date
- 2022-08
- Table Of Contents
제 1장 서론 1
제 2장 실험 재료 및 방법 4
제 1절 총각김치 시료 준비 4
1. 총각김치 시료 구매 4
2. 총각김치 온도 설정 4
제 2절 총각김치 발효 온도 및 저장기간에 따른 분석 5
1. 총각김치의 이화학적 특성 분석 5
가. pH 및 산도 측정 5
나. 염도 및 당도 측정 5
2. 총각김치의 미생물학적 특성 분석 6
가. 배양학적 방법을 통한 균총 분석 6
나. 비배양학적 방법을 통한 균총 분석 6
(1) PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) 6
(2) DGGE (Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) 8
제 3절 총각김치 발효 온도 및 저장기간에 따른 관능검사 9
1. 관능검사 9
2. 통계처리 9
제 4절 총각김치 최적의 발효 조건 도출 10
1. 총각김치 시료 준비 10
2. 총각김치의 이화학적 특성 분석 10
가. pH 및 산도 측정 10
나. 염도 및 당도 측정 10
3. 총각김치의 미생물학적 특성 분석 11
4. 관능검사 11
5. 통계처리 11
제 3장 실험 결과 및 고찰 12
제 1절 총각김치 시료 구매 및 발효 온도 설정 12
제 2절 총각김치 발효 온도 및 저장기간에 따른 분석 13
1. 총각김치의 이화학적 특성 분석 13
가. pH 및 산도 측정 13
나. 염도 및 당도 측정 16
2. 총각김치의 미생물학적 특성 분석 19
가. 배양학적 방법을 통한 균총 분석 19
(1) 총균수 19
(2) Leuconostoc sp. 수 21
(3) Lactobacillus sp. 수 23
(4) Weissella sp. 수 23
나. 비배양학적 방법을 통한 균총 분석 27
제 3절 총각김치 발효 온도 및 저장기간에 따른 관능검사 30
제 4절 총각김치 최적의 발효 조건 도출 35
1. 최적 발효 조건에 따른 총각김치의 이화학적 변화 35
가. pH 및 산도 측정 35
나. 염도 및 당도 측정 37
2. 최적 발효 조건에 따른 총각김치의 배양학적 변화 39
3. 최적 발효 조건에 따른 총각김치의 관능적 특성 42
제 4장 결론 46
제 5장 참고문헌 50
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 조민주. (2022). 총각김치 최적 발효조건.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/17496
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- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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- Embargo2022-08-26
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