Involvement of calcium released from endoplasmic reticulum and TLCK and TPCK sensitive-serine proteases in amyloid beta-induced lamin fragmentation

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호세인 엠디 셀림
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β-Amyloid(Aβ) is the main constituent of amyloid plaque identified in Alzheimer’s disease. This hallmark peptide induces both non-apoptotic and caspase-dependent apoptosis cell death. To understand the AD pathology, more investigations on Aβ induced cell death pathway are needed. In this study, we focused on Aβ induced caspase-independent non-apoptotic pathway.

Aβ contains 36-43 amino acids. Aβ42 oligomer is the toxic form of Aβ peptide and is proved to cause lamin fragmentation during cell death. Aβ42 produces caspase-independent lamin A(LA) and lamin B(LB) cleavage. The mechanism of this lamin cleavage by Aβ42 remains inconclusive. One of the key events of this mechanism is to know the protease(s) responsible for this nuclear lamin damage. To find out the nature of this protease, we screened different protease inhibitors and found that TLCK, TPCK, and Z-FF-FMK were able to block Aβ42 induced lamin cleavage. In addition, TLCK, TPCK, and Z-FF-FMK shielded morphological changes of lamin induced by Aβ42. Moreover, our cell viability data showed that TLCK & Z-FF-FMK prevented Aβ42 induced cell death but TPCK failed to reduce cell death because TPCK itself was toxic. From our findings, the specific protease for lamin cleavage was cathepsin L since the Z-FF-FMK is a cathepsin L inhibitor whereas TLCK & TPCK protease inhibitors were non-specific. We also examined the influence of serine proteases on cysteine protease by measuring cathepsin L activity in the presence of TLCK or TPCK and observed the cathepsin L activity reduction in the presence of TLCK or TPCK. We hypothesized that this could be due to the activation of serine protease before cathepsin L.

Next, we were curious about how cathepsin L is activated and by searching literature we came to know that lysosomal cathepsin release is calcium (Ca2+) dependent. Then, we investigated the role of Ca2+ for Aβ42 inducing lamin cleavage. Initially, we found that the Aβ42 significantly increased the intracellular Ca2+ which mediates cell death. Later, we established a correlation between Ca2+ increase and lamin fragmentation using a Ca2+ chelator (BAPTA-AM). We also observed the prevention of nuclear morphology changes by BAPTA-AM in Aβ42 treated cells. This finding indicates that intracellular Ca2+ rise is important to mediate Aβ42 induced lamin damage. Then, we checked the source of Ca2+ in Aβ42 treated cells liable for cytosolic Ca2+ overload. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Ca2+ release induced by Aβ42 was examined by using Cyclopiazonic Acid (CPA) and found that blocking ER Ca2+ mobilization by CPA inhibited lamin fragmentation as well as cell death. Our data demonstrate that ER Ca2+ causes cytosolic Ca2+ increase in Aβ42 treated cells. Similarly, we observed the effect of BAPTA-AM in other cell death-inducing agents where caspase-mediated lamin fragmentation occurred and there was no impact of BAPTA-AM in the reduction of lamin fragmentation or cell death. However, the measurement of cathepsin L activity in Aβ42 treated cells was performed in the presence or absence of a Ca2+ chelator. Results revealed that cathepsin L activity was reduced significantly in the presence of BAPTA-AM. So, the cathepsin L activity is regulated by cytosolic Ca2+ concentration indicating its calcium-dependency. Incubation of isolated nuclei in the presence of CaCl2 generated laminar fragments similar to those of Aβ42 treated lamin products. Furthermore, the observation of Ca2+-induced lamin cleavage in the presence of various protease inhibitors in isolated nuclei ultimately confirmed that only cathepsin L inhibitor(Z-FF-FMK) was able to inhibit this lamin fragmentation process. Therefore, the involvement of Ca2+ dependent cathepsin L release to cleave lamin in Aβ42 treated cells has been justified. An additional feature of TLCK, TPCK, BAPTA-AM, and Z-FF-FMK was the prevention of Aβ42 induced activation of pan caspases. This part needs to be investigated in detail.

To support Aβ42 induced lamin fragmentation mechanism, cell-permeable Tat-tagged Aβ42(tAβ42) was prepared for the study. This highly cell-permeable and soluble tAβ42 induced Aβ42 specific lamin cleavage and the mechanism was similar. Furthermore, we used curcumin as an Aβ toxicity inhibitor. Our results implied that curcumin prevented Aβ42 specific lamin fragmentation by inhibiting intracellular Ca2+ release.

So, altogether, our results indicate that this pathway for lamin protein cleavage is specific for Aβ42 and could help to clarify the Aβ42 induced cell death mechanism in Alzheimer’s disease.|β-아밀로이드(Aβ)는 알츠하이머병 (AD)에서 확인된 아밀로이드 플라크의 주요 성분이다. 이 홀마크 펩타이드는 비아포토시스 및 카스파아제 의존성 아포토시스 세포사를 유도한다. AD 병리를 이해하기 위해서는 Aβ 유도 세포사 경로에 대한 더 많은 연구가 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 Aβ 유도 카스파아제 비아포토시스 경로에 초점을 맞췄다.

Aβ는 36~43개의 아미노산을 함유하고 있다. Aβ42 올리고머는 Aβ펩타이드의 독성 형태이며 세포사망 시 라민 절단를 일으키는 것으로 입증되었다. Aβ42는 카스파아제 비의존성으로 라민 A(LA)와 라민 B(LB)을 절단한다. 이 메커니즘의 핵심 주제 중 하나는 이러한 핵 라민을 절단하는 단백질 분해 효소를 확인하는 것이다. 이 단백질 분해효소의 성질을 알아보기 위해 여러 단백질 분해효소 억제제를 선별하여 TLCK, TPCK 및 Z-FF-FMK가 Aβ42 유도 라민 절단을 차단할 수 있음을 발견했다. 또한 TLCK, TPCK 및 Z-FF-FMK는 Aβ42에 의해 유도되는 라민의 형태학적 변화를 억제하였다. 한편 TLCK와 Z-FF-FMK가 Aβ42 유도 세포사멸을 막았지만 TPCK 자체가 독성이었기 때문에 TPCK는 세포사멸을 감소시키지 못했다. Z-FF-FMK가 카테프신 L 억제제인 반면 TLCK 및 TPCK 단백질분해효소 억제제는 비특이적이었기 때문에 라민 절단에 대한 특정 단백질 효소는 카테프신 L이었다. 또한 TLCK 또는 TPCK의 존재 하에서 카테프신 L 활성을 측정하여 시스테인 단백질 분해효소에 대한 세린 단백질 분해효소의 영향을 조사하였고 TLCK 또는 TPCK의 존재 하에서 카테프신 L 활성의 감소를 관찰하였다. 결과적으로 카테프신 L 이전에 세린 단백질 분해 효소가 참여할 수 있다고 가설을 세웠다.

다음으로 카테프신 L이 어떻게 활성화되는지 궁금했고 문헌을 검색하여 카테프신 L이 칼슘(Ca2+) 의존성 단백질 분해효소라는 것을 알게 되었다. 그리고 라민절단을 유도하는 Aβ42에 대한 Ca2+의 역할을 조사하였다. 처음에 우리는 Aβ42가 세포사멸을 매개하는 세포내 Ca2+를 유의하게 증가시켰다는 것을 발견했다. 이후 Ca2+ chelator (BAPTA-AM)를 사용하여 Ca2+ 증가와 라민절단간의 상관관계를 설정했다. 또한 Aβ42 처리 세포에서 BAPTA-AM에 의한 핵 형태 변화도 관찰됐다. 이 발견은 세포 내 Ca2+ 상승이 Aβ42 유도 라민 절단을 중재하는데 중요하다는 것을 나타낸다. 그리고 Aβ42 처리된 세포에서 Ca2+ 과부하를 초래하는 Ca2+의 출처를 확인했다. Aβ42에 의해 유도되는 소포체 (ER) Ca2+ 방출을 Cyclopiazonic Acid (CPA)를 사용하여 검사한 결과, CPA에 의한 ER Ca2+ 증가를 차단하는 것이 세포사뿐만 아니라 라민절단을 억제하는 것으로 나타났다. 이 데이터는 ER Ca2+가 분비되어 Aβ42 처리 세포에서 세포질 Ca2+ 증가를 일으킨다는 것을 보여준다. 한편, 카스파아제 매개 라민절단과 세포 사멸 감소에 BAPTA-AM의 영향을 관찰했다. 결과는 BAPTA-AM의 존재 하에서 카테프신 L 활성이 유의미하게 감소했음을 보여주었다. 따라서 카테프신 L의 활성은 칼슘 의존성을 나타내는 세포질 Ca2+ 농도에 의해 조절되는 것으로 결론내렸다. 분리된 핵에 CaCl2를 처리하면 Aβ42 처리시 보이는 라민절단 산물이 생성되었다. 분리된 핵에서 다양한 단백질 분해효소 억제제가 존재하는 상태에서 Ca2+ 유도 라민 분열을 관찰한 결과 카테프신 L 억제제(Z-FF-FMK)만이 이 라민절단 과정을 억제할 수 있음을 최종 확인했다. 따라서, Aβ42 처리 세포에서 라민절단에 Ca2+ 의존 카테프신 L이 관여하는 것이 확실해 보인다. TLCK, TPCK, BAPTA-AM 및 Z-FF-FMK의 추가적인 특징은 Aβ42 유도 팬 카스파아제 활성화 방지였다. 이 부분은 추후 자세히 조사할 필요가 있다.
Aβ42 유도 라민절단 메커니즘을 조사하기 위해 준비한 세포 투과성 Tat-tagged Aβ42(tAβ42)는 Aβ42 특이적 라민절단을 유도하였으며 위의 메커니즘과 유사하였고 이는 세포투과성과 특정 라민절단의 밀접한 연관성을 암시한다. 또한 Aβ 독성 억제제로 커큐민시 커큐민이 세포 내 Ca2+ 방출을 억제함으로써 Aβ42 특이적 라민 분해를 막았다는 것을 암시했다.

따라서, 우리의 결과는 라민 단백질 절단을 위한 이 경로가 Aβ42에 특이적이며 알츠하이머병의 Aβ42 유도 세포사 메커니즘을 명확히 하는데 도움을 줄 수 있다는 것을 보여준다.
Alternative Title
Amyloid-β 에 의해 유도되는 라민 단백질의 절단화와 관련된 소포체 유래 칼슘과 TLCK/TPCK에 의해 저해되는 단백질 분해효소에 대한 연구
Alternative Author(s)
Md. Selim Hossain
조선대학교 일반대학원
일반대학원 의과학과
Prof. Il-Seon Park
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
요약 1

I-1. Alzheimer’s Disease Overview 8
I-2. Aβ hypothesis in Alzheimer disease 9
I-3. Different forms of Aβ and cytotoxicity 10
I-4. Aβ induced apoptosis and cell death 11
I-5. Aβ42 induced lamin fragmentation 13
I-6. Lysosomal enzymes in AD 14
I-7. Aβ induces calcium dyshomeostasis in AD 15
I-8. Prevention of Aβ42 induced cell death by chemical compounds 17
I-9. Outline of the Dissertation 18

II-1. Materials 20
II-2. Fusion proteins expression process 21
II-3. Aβ42 and tAβ42 purification 21
II-4. Wild Aβ42 and tAβ42 preparation 22
II-5. Cell culture 23
II-6. Analysis of AD Mice brain tissues 23
II-7. Cell viability study 23
II-8. Determination of caspase activity 24
II-9. Measurement of cathepsin L activity 24
II-10. Screening of protease inhibitor 25
II-11. Determination of intracellular free calcium 25
II-12. Western Blotting Assay 26
II-13. Immunocytochemistry (ICC) 26
II-14. Isolation of nuclei and cell-free experiments 27

III-1. TLCK & TPCK sensitive serine proteases modulate cathepsin L mediated Aβ42 induced lamin fragmentation 28
III-1-1. Aβ42 induced LA and LB cleavage, cell death and caspase activation under various treatment conditions 28
III-1-2. Identification of TLCK, TPCK and Z-FF-FMK as inhibitor of Aβ42 induced lamin cleavage through screening protease inhibitors 31
III-1-3. TLCK, TPCK and Z-FF-FMK inhibit Aβ42 induced nuclear deformation 34
III-1-4. TLCK & TPCK sensitive proteases regulate C-L activity in Aβ-42 treated cells 36
III-1-5. Impact of TLCK, TPCK and Z-FF-FMK on Aβ-42 induced cell death 38
III-1-6. Lamin fragmentation and a rise in C-L are observed in the 3xTg model of AD 40
III-1-7. TLCK and TPCK are potent inhibitors of Aβ42 induced caspase activation 42
III-1-8. Discussion 44
III-2. Involvement of calcium (Ca2+) in Aβ42 induced lamin fragmentation 47
III-2-1. Aβ42 induces intracellular Ca2+ increase to mediate cell death 47
III-2-2. Ca2+ chelator inhibits Aβ42 induced lamin fragmentation 50
III-2-3. Ca2+ are released from Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) in Aβ42 treated cells and contribute to mediating lamin cleavage 52
III-2-4. The implication of Ca2+ in inducing lamin fragmentation is specific to Aβ42 treated cells 55
III-2-5. BAPTA-AM regulates Aβ42 induced cathepsin L activity as well as the expression 58
III-2-6. Z-FF-FMK suppresses Ca2+induced lamin cleavage in isolated nuclei 60
III-2-7. Aβ42 induced caspases activation involves cathepsin L 62
III-2-8. Aβ42 induces caspases activation upon ER Ca2+ release 63
III-2-9. Discussion 65
III-3. tAβ42 induced lamin fragmentation mechanism 70
III-3-1. tAβ42 induces cytotoxicity, lamin protein fragmentation and caspase activation in Hela cells 70
III-3-2. Measurement of intracellular Ca2+, participation of Ca2+ in cell death, calcium event in lamin fragmentation and caspase activation in tAβ42 treated cells 72
III-3-3. C-L inhibitor suppresses tAβ42 induced lamin cleavage and caspase activation 75
III-3-4. tAβ42 augments C-L activity 79
III-3-5. Inhibition of tAβ42 induced nuclear lamin invagination by BAPTA -AM and Z-FF-FMK 80
III-3-6. Discussion 82
III-4. Protection of curcumin against Aβ42 induced cell death through prevention of lamin fragmentation 83
III-4-1. Curcumin protects Hela cells from Aβ42 induced cell death 83
III-4-2. Effect of curcumin on Aβ42 induced lamin cleavage 85
III-4-3. Curcumin prevents Aβ42 induced nuclear deformation 85
III-4-4. Curcumin prevents intracellular Ca2+ increase caused by Aβ42 87
III-4-5. Aβ42 induced increased C-L activity are decreased by curcumin 88
III-4-6. Curcumin destabilizes Aβ42 fibrillogenesis 89
III-4-7. Curcumin protects against Aβ42 induced caspase activation 90
III-4-8. Discussion 91



조선대학교 대학원
호세인 엠디 셀림. (2022). Involvement of calcium released from endoplasmic reticulum and TLCK and TPCK sensitive-serine proteases in amyloid beta-induced lamin fragmentation.
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