8주간의 훈련이 구좌소동(久坐少動) 재직자의 목·어깨의 체형에 미치는 영향

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구좌소동久坐少動 체형. 재직자
本研究旨在探討8周干預训练對久坐少动的在职人员肩颈部不良体态的影響.通過招募的志愿者男女共83名,通过筛选和排除16名志愿者,確定67名志愿者參加此項研究.受試者被分為2組,分別為男子组和女子组,最终根据研究需要选取男女各30名,共计60名受试者的数据进行分析研究。通過8周的肌力训练和牵伸等方式的干预,觀察训练干預方式對久坐少动的在职人员肩颈部不良体态的影響效果.測量指標包括基礎體力健康指標(身高、體重、BMI)和肩颈部位静态指標(头前伸角度FHA、圆肩角度FSA、颅椎角CVA、头前伸距离、颈椎活动度) . 研究結果如下:





第五,8周干预前头前伸距离与肩颈角度指数有显著相关,即头前伸距离越大FHA,FSA越大,反之相反。干预前男女组BMI与颈椎活动度有显著相关,即BMI值越大颈椎屈曲,颈椎左旋转,右旋转越大,反之相反。干预前男女组BMI值越大颈椎伸展,颈椎左侧屈越小。8周干预后男女组头前伸距离与BMI,CVA,FHA,FSA呈显著相关,即头前伸距离越大BMI,CVA越小,反之相反。头前伸距离越大FHA,FSA越大,反之相反。干预后男女组BMI和头前伸距离均与颈椎屈曲,颈椎左旋转,右旋转呈显著相关。即干预后BMI越大颈椎屈曲,颈椎左旋转,右旋转越大,反之相反。干预后头前移距离越大颈椎屈曲,颈椎左旋转,右旋转越小,反之相反。 | The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 8-week intervention training on the poor posture of the shoulders and neck of the sedentary in-service staff. A total of 83 volunteers were recruited, male and female, and 16 volunteers were screened and excluded, and 67 volunteers were determined to participate. In this study, the subjects were divided into two groups, one for men and one for women. Finally, according to the research needs, 30 men and 30 men and 60 subjects in total were selected for analysis and research. Through the intervention of 8 weeks of muscle strength training and stretching, the effect of the training intervention on the poor posture of the shoulders and neck of the sedentary employees was observed. The measurement indicators include basic physical health indicators (height, weight, BMI) and shoulder and neck position static indicators (head extension angle FHA, rounded shoulder angle FSA, cranial vertebral angle CVA, head extension distance, cervical spine mobility). The results are as follows:
First, there was a significant difference (p<0.01) in BMI values between the male and female groups before and after the 8-week intervention. The BMI values of the men's group and the women's group before and after the intervention were both decreased, and the BMI value of the women's group decreased more than the men's group.
Second, the effect of the 8-week intervention on the shoulder and neck index was as follows. There were significant differences in the FHA, FSA, and CVA values before and after the intervention between the men's group and the women's group (p<0.01). It shows that the 8-week intervention has positive changes in the shoulder and neck index head anteversion angle, rounded shoulder angle and cranial vertebral angle of Chinese sedentary and inactive employees, and the poor posture is improved, and statistically significant differences are also confirmed.
Third, there was a significant difference in head extension distance between the male and female groups before and after the 8-week intervention (p<0.05). The head extension distance before and after the intervention in the men's group and the women's group were improved, and the improvement effect in the men's group was more significant than that in the women's group.
Fourth, the effect of the 8-week intervention on the range of motion of the cervical spine is as follows. Before and after the 8-week intervention, the values of cervical spine flexion, extension, cervical spine left flexion, cervical spine left rotation, and right rotation were all significant between the men's and women's groups. difference (p<0.01). There were significant differences in cervical flexion, extension, left flexion, right flexion, and left rotation of the cervical spine in the male group before and after the intervention (p<0.01), and there was a significant difference in the right rotation of the cervical spine (p<0.05). There were significant differences in cervical flexion, extension, left flexion, right flexion, left rotation, and right rotation of the cervical spine in the female group before and after the intervention (p<0.01). It can be seen that the 8-week intervention had a positive effect on cervical flexion, extension, left-side flexion, right-side flexion, left-side rotation, and right-side rotation of the cervical spine among Chinese sedentary and inactive employees difference in meaning.
Fifth, the head extension distance before the 8-week intervention was significantly correlated with the shoulder and neck angle index, that is, the greater the head extension distance, the greater the FHA, the greater the FSA, and vice versa. Before intervention, BMI was significantly correlated with cervical mobility in male and female groups, that is, the greater the BMI value, the greater the flexion of the cervical spine, the greater the left and right rotation of the cervical spine, and vice versa. Before the intervention, the greater the BMI value of the male and female groups, the lower the cervical spine extension and the lower the left cervical spine flexion. After 8 weeks of intervention, the head extension distance in male and female groups was significantly correlated with BMI, CVA, FHA, and FSA, that is, the greater the head extension distance, the smaller the BMI and the smaller the CVA, and vice versa. The greater the head extension distance, the greater the FHA and the greater the FSA, and vice versa. After the intervention, BMI and head extension distance were significantly correlated with cervical flexion, left rotation and right rotation of the cervical spine in both male and female groups. That is, the greater the BMI after the intervention, the greater the flexion of the cervical spine, the greater the left rotation and the greater the right rotation of the cervical spine, and vice versa. After the intervention, the greater the distance of the head forward, the greater the cervical flexion, the left rotation of the cervical spine, and the smaller the right rotation, and vice versa.
Alternative Title
The effect of 8-week intervention training on poor posture of shoulder and neck in sedentary and inactive employees
Alternative Author(s)
Liang Xiao
조선대학교 일반대학원
일반대학원 체육학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents

I. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구 목적 3
3. 용어의 정의 4
4. 연구 가설 5

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 6
1. 구좌소동행위 6
1) 구좌소동행위 및 신체활동 부족의 개념 6
2) 구좌소동행위 집단의 특징 및 생활방식 6
3) 구좌소동행위가 건강에 미치는 영향 8
4) 사무직 종사자의 구좌소동 행위에 대한 선행연구 10
2. 체형의 연구 11
1) 체형의 정의 11
2) 체형에 영향을 미치는 요소 15
3) 어깨와 목의 비정상적인 자세 19
4) 체형의 평가방식 23
5) 불량한 자세 교정 방식 30

Ⅲ. 연구 방법 35
1. 연구 대상 35
2. 연구 절차 35
3. 검사 도구 및 방법 36
1) 검사 도구 36
2) 평가 방법 36
4. 운동프로그램 40
1) 근력 증가 훈련(1-4주) 40
2) 유연성 증가 훈련(5-8주) 43
5. 자료처리방법 45
1) 문헌처리법 45
2) 데이터 통계법 45

Ⅳ. 연구 결과 46
1. 8주간의 트레이닝이 사무직 종사자의 체질량지수(BMI)에 미치는 영향 46
2. 8주간의 트레이닝이 사무직 종사원의 견경각도에 미치는 영향 47
1) 두전경각도 (FHA) 47
2) 두전경각 (FSA) 48
3) 노추각도 (CVA) 49
3. 8주간 트레이닝이 사무직 종사자의 두전신거리에 미치는 영향 50
4. 8주간의 트레이닝이 사무직 종사자의 경추활동도에 미치는 영향 51
1) 경추 굴곡 51
2) 경추 신전 52
3) 경추 좌측 굴곡 53
4) 경추 우측 굴곡 54
5) 경추 좌회전 55
6) 경추 우회전 56
5. 8주간 트레이닝 전·후 각 지표간의 상관관계분석 57
1) 8주간 트레이닝 전·후 남·여 각 지표간의 상관관계분석 57
2) 8주간 트레이닝 전·후 남성의 각 지표간의 상관관계분석 61
3) 8주간 트레이닝 전·후 여성의 각 지표간의 상관관계분석 64

Ⅴ. 논의 67
1. 8주간 트레이닝이 체질량지수(BMI)에 미치는 영향 67
2. 8주간 트레이닝이 견경 각도 지수에 미치는 영향 68
3. 8주간 트레이닝이 두전신거리에 미치는 영향 69
4. 8주간 트레이닝이 경추활동도에 미치는 영향 70
5. 8주간 트레이닝 전·후 구좌소동자세 평가지표의 상관관계 71

Ⅵ. 결론 및 제언 72
1. 결론 72
2. 제언 74

참고문헌 75
조선대학교 대학원
량소. (2022). 8주간의 훈련이 구좌소동(久坐少動) 재직자의 목·어깨의 체형에 미치는 영향.
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