작품군 연구

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The purpose of this study is to comprehensively examine the work group, namely , , and .
The bibliographical details of the group were organized and the relationship between the three works was examined through mutual contrast. By contrasting the title and text of the chapter titles of , , and , the three existing works do not have a direct influence on each other. The Suncheon Deep Rooted Museum collection and the Korean print book are translated or rewritten based on the undiscovered Chinese text , and the National Library of Korea collection has a certain distance from the original, confirmed that it is a transcription copy.
The creative background and compositional characteristics of were examined. In , motif from other novels appear. The figure of the male and female protagonists in is similar to that of Hwang Tae-eul, the male protagonist of , and the motif in where the male protagonist is raised in a thief group and forms a relationship with the female of this group. And we can confirm that is very similar in the narrative development method of and the female figure.
is a story about family separation and union, and marriage between a man and a woman. Family separation in is a device for Hwang Tae-eul's marriage, enabling the male protagonist to freely realize his affection. Characteristics of the main characters are placed in the five elements and can be identified in the names of gender, place of birth, and residence. The name of the bird can be confirmed in the names of the main characters, and this also embodies the character of the characters based on the characteristics of the bird.
The translation and adaptation aspects of and were examined. is a Korean translation, and the Korean version is mostly translated, and the sentences appear deformed during the translation. is an adaptation, and scenes deleted or abbreviated in Korean typeface do not affect the theme, but it was transformed for commercial purposes when was published in Korean print.
Alternative Title
A Study on the group of Orobonggi
Alternative Author(s)
Im yuna
조선대학교 일반대학원
일반대학원 국어국문학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구 목적 1
2. 연구사 검토 2
3. 연구 방법 4

Ⅱ. 작품군의 서지와 이본 6
1. , , 의 서지 사항 6
2. , , 의 이본 비교 7

Ⅲ. 의 창작 배경과 구성적 특징 16
1. 조선 후기 소설의 수용 16
1) , 의 수용 16
2) 의 수용 22
3) 여성영웅소설의 수용 25
2. 의 구성적 특징 28
1) 가족의 이산과 결합 28
2) 남녀의 결연과 인물의 특징 30
3) 오행에 따른 작명과 배치 34

Ⅳ. , 의 번역과 개작 41
1. 의 번역 양상 41
2. 의 개작 양상 46

Ⅴ. 결론 50

참고문헌 52
조선대학교 대학원
임유나. (2022). 작품군 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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