보건계열학과 흡연 대학생들의 전자담배 사용에 따른 금연시도 및 금연성공 여부

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금연시도, 금연성공, 전자담배, 보건계열학과 대학생, 금연보조제, Smoking cessation attempts, Smoking cessation success, E-cigarettes, Health college students, Smoking cessation aids
Objective: Electronic cigarettes are known to smokers as anti-smoking aids, but the relationship between e-cigarette use and smoking cessation attempts and smoking cessation success has not yet been studied. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the relationship between e-cigarettes use and smoking cessation attempts and success in smoking cessation by analyzing the status of e-cigarettes use among college students who smoke in health departments.

Methods: For the smoking cessation attempt, subjects who had quit smoking for more than 24 hours within 1 year were selected for the purpose of smoking cessation. and for the smoking cessation success, subjects who had stopped smoking for more than 6 months were selected. For statistical analysis was performed by chi-square test and logistic analysis.

Result: Conventional smoker was 36.2%, E-cigarettes users were 42.5%, and Mixed conventional cigarettes and e-cigarettes users were 20.8%. There were 78.5% of those who tried to smoking cessation attempt and 11.3% of those who succeeded in smoking cessation. The younger the age, the higher the smoking cessation attempt rate (p=0.046), and the higher the stress, the lower the smoking cessation attempt rate (p=0.040). The shorter the smoking period, the higher the smoking cessation attempt rate (p=0.015), and the smaller the average daily smoking amount, the higher the smoking cessation attempt rate (p=0.010). Subjects with a smoking period of 1 to 3 years had a high smoking cessation success rate (p=0.024), and the lower the average daily smoking amount, the higher the smoking cessation success rate (p=0.002). As a result of logistic analysis, e-cigarettes were not related to smoking cessation attempts and smoking cessation success, even after adjustment. In addition, subjects with lower stress than those with higher stress had a 2.213 times higher smoking cessation attempt rate (p=0.020). Those who had an average daily smoking amount of 6-10 had a 7.425 times higher smoking success rate than those who had five cigarettes (p=0.011), and those who thought secondhand smoking with e-cigarette gas had a 0.366 times lower smoking success rate (p=0.045).

Conclusion: As a result, the use of e-cigarettes was not related to both smoking cessation attempts and smoking cessation success, and e-cigarettes were ineffective as a smoking cessation aid. E-cigarettes, like cigarettes, contain nicotine, so they cannot be seen as smoking cessation aids, various harmful substances have been found, and all harmful substances have not yet been identified. Therefore, more aggressive regulation is needed than now.
Alternative Title
Smoking Cessation Attempts and Success according to the Use of E-Cigarettes among Health College Students
Alternative Author(s)
KIM Duk Won
조선대학교 일반대학원
일반대학원 보건학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
표 목 차 ⅲ

Ⅰ. 서론 1

Ⅱ. 연구 방법 3
A. 연구 대상 및 자료 수집 방법 3
B. 조사 변수 4
1. 인구 사회학적 특성 4
2. 흡연 관련 특성 4
3. 전자담배 관련 특성 4
4. 전자담배에 관한 인식 관련 특성 5
5. 금연 관련 특성 5
C. 자료 분석 6

Ⅲ. 연구 결과 7
A. 대상자의 특성 분포 7
1. 인구 사회학적 특성 7
2. 흡연 관련 특성 9
3. 전자담배 관련 특성 11
4. 전자담배에 관한 인식 관련 특성 13
5. 금연 관련 특성 15
B. 연구 대상자 특성에 따른 금연시도와 금연성공 16
1. 인구 사회학적 특성에 따른 금연시도와 금연성공의 비교 16
2. 흡연 관련 특성에 따른 금연시도와 금연성공의 비교 18
3. 전자담배에 관한 인식 관련 특성에 따른 금연시도와 금연성공의 비교 20
C. 담배종류와 금연시도 및 금연성과의 관련성 22
1. 담배종류와 금연시도와의 관련성 22
2. 담배종류와 금연성공과의 관련성 23

Ⅳ. 고찰 24

Ⅴ. 요약 및 결론 28

참고문헌 29

부록 35
조선대학교 대학원
김덕원. (2022). 보건계열학과 흡연 대학생들의 전자담배 사용에 따른 금연시도 및 금연성공 여부.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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