가족의 지지가 고등학생의 확률형 게임 아이템 중독에 미치는 영향

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가족지지, 고등학생, 확률형 게임 아이템 중독, 우울요인, 학교 및 스트레스요인, Probability Game Items Addiction, Gambling, Depression, Friend support, Teacher Support, Family support, School Stress, Friend Stress, Mediation Effect, Moderated Mediation Effect
This study is ‘the effect of family support on the addiction of probability game items in high school students.’ Through the rapid development and distribution of smartphones, anyone can access the Internet, and mobile games have also changed as they are deeply established in real life, and stochastic game items will emerge as a new revenue structure for game companies. Probability-type game items can be purchased at a small price, making it easy to purchase, and various rewards are added to compensate for probability, making it fun just to purchase items. The profit structure has spread rapidly and has also begun to be installed on PCs and consoles, and critics say that users overspend and encourage addiction to obtain higher-value items at lower costs. This study aims to prevent addiction and establish therapeutic interventions by diagnosing probabilistic game item addiction among high school students and identifying how family support, school factors, stressors, and depression relate to each other.
In this study, 242 people were surveyed from the first to third grades of high school, and 232 copies were retrieved and 10 copies were used for analysis, except for those who did not respond or responded faithfully.
Family support was selected as an independent variable, probability game item addiction was placed as a dependent variable, and friendship support, teacher support, school stress, friend stress, and depression were selected as parameters. In a total of three-step configurations, phase I conducted regression between independent and parameters, phase II conducted hierarchical regression with parameters on independent and dependent variables, and applied friend support and teacher support to PROCESS model 14. According to the study, independent and dependent variables had significant effects, so the addiction scale was low when family support was high, and the relationship between independent variables and parameters was significant. The parameter's effectiveness verification showed that teacher support, friend support, and friend stress were not significant and that school stress had a partial mediated effect, but failed to pass the re-validation through the sobel test. The depression factor was determined to have a partial mediated effect as a result of hierarchical regression, and the re-validation result showed that the mediated effect was significant. In addition, friend support and teacher support of PROCESS model 7 were also shown to be moderating in the relationship between family support and depression, but friend stress and school stress between depression and probabilistic game item addiction of PROCESS model 14 were not noted.
The higher the depression factor, the more negative emotions arise and make yourself physically and psychologically dangerous. The vicious cycle of buying stochastic game items and trying to avoid one's feelings through the pleasure of the moment using the gambling elements of the item itself will eventually lead to a rise in depression factors.
This study is meaningful in finding out about youth gambling addiction, which is the basis of adult gambling addiction, by looking into the impact of family support of high school students just before becoming adults.
As depression factors increase, negative emotions develop and make yourself physically and psychologically dangerous. The vicious cycle of purchasing probabilistic game items and using the gambling elements of the item itself to avoid one's feelings through instant pleasure will eventually continue to increase the depression factor.
This study is meaningful in finding out about adolescent gambling addiction underlying adult gambling addiction by looking into the impact of family support of high school students on probability game item addiction.
Alternative Title
The Effect of Family Support on the Addiction of Probability Game Items in High School Students: Mediation Effects of Depression, and Moderated Mediation Effects of Stress and School Factors
Alternative Author(s)
Park Geon-woo
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 기술.가정교육
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Table Of Contents
제 1 장 서론 1
제 1 절 연구목적 1
제 2 절 연구범위 및 방법 4
1. 연구범위 4
2. 연구방법 5

제 2 장 이론적 배경 7
제 1 절 가족지지 7
1.가족지지개념 7
2.가족지지특성 7
제 2 절 확률형 게임 아이템 중독 9
1.확률형 게임 아이템 중독 개념 9
2.확률형 게임 아이템 중독 특성 및 문제점 9
제 3 절 가족지지와 확률형 게임 아이템 중독과의 관계 11
1. 학교요인 11
가. 교사지지 11
나. 친구지지 12
2. 스트레스요인 13
3. 우울요인 13

제 3 장 연구설계 15
제 1 절 연구모형 15
제 2 절 연구가설 17
제 3 절 변수의 조작적 정의 및 측정 19
1. 변수의 조작적 정의 19
2. 설문의 구성 및 측정 20

제 4 장 실증분석 22
제 1 절 자료수집 및 표본의 특성 22
1. 자료수집 22
2. 표본의 특성 22
제 2 절 측정도구 검증 26
1. 타당도 분석 26
2. 신뢰도 분석 30
제 3 절 기술통계 32
1. 변수의 기술적 통계 32
2. 변수의 특성별 차이분석 32
3. 변수간의 상관관계 분석 36
제 4 절 가설검증 38
1. 확률형 게임 아이템 중독에 대한 가족지지의 영향 38
2. 학교요인의 매개 효과 38
3. 스트레스의 매개 효과 41
4. 우울요인의 매개 효과 44
5. 우울요인의 조절된 매개 효과 46
제 5 절 분석결과의 논의 59
1. 특성별 차이 분석결과 59
2. 가설검증 결과 61

제 5 장 결론 65
제 1 절 연구결과 요약 65
1. 특성별 차이 분석 결과 67
2. 가설검증 결과 67
제 2 절 연구의 시사점 70
1. 이론적 시사점 70
2. 정책적 시사점 71
제 3 절 향후 연구 방향 73

참고문헌 74

부록(설문지) 81
조선대학교 교육대학원
박건우. (2022). 가족의 지지가 고등학생의 확률형 게임 아이템 중독에 미치는 영향.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2022-02-25
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