한국과 일본 반도체 산업의 대중국 수출경쟁력 분석
- Author(s)
- 이암기
- Issued Date
- 2021
- Keyword
- Export Competitiveness, Semiconductor Industry, MS, EBI, IE
- Abstract
- This research takes the fourth industrial revolution and the high-profile semiconductor industry in the 5G era as the research object, which analyzes the export competitiveness of South Korea and Japan in the Chinese market through three trade indexes (MS, EBI and IE), and derives China's corresponding solutions based on the analysis results.
From the analysis results of market share index (MS), although the market share of five categories in both countries is larger than that of each other, the competitiveness of South Korea is stronger than that of Japan from the numerical point of view. South Korea is more competitive with a relatively high market share in the following three categories: machines and accessories for the manufacture of flat panel displays (848630), memories (854232), other devices, appliances and instruments (901380), while that of Japan is relatively high in the following two categories: machines and accessories for the manufacture of flat panel displays (848630), and other devices, appliances and instruments (901380).
According to the analysis results of the export bias index (EBI), among the 10 research objects, there are 6 in South Korea and 5 in Japan with the research year above 1. There are 4 in both South Korea and Japan with the research year below 1, and all the research years of Japan in the category of storage units (847170) are lower than 1. On the whole, therefore, the concentration degree of South Korea to China market is higher than that of Japan to China market.
As to the analysis results of export dependence index (IE), among the 10 research objects, there are 5 categories in South Korea and Japan with the research year above 1; there are 3 categories in South Korea and 2 categories in Japan with some research years below 1; and there are 2 categories in South Korea and 3 categories in Japan with all the research years below 1. But from the numerical point of view, the export dependence of South Korea and China is higher than that of Japan and China. The categories of South Korea's high dependence on Chinese market are Machines and apparatus for the manufacture of flat panel displays (848630), Memories (854232), Other devices, appliances and instruments (901380). The categories that Japan highly depends on China's market are Machines and apparatus for the manufacture of flat panel displays (848630).
Based on the analysis results, we can draw two conclusions as follows. Firstly, the government needs to adjust the domestic semiconductor industry structure, and increase the policy and capital investment in semiconductor manufacturing machinery and storage semiconductor. Secondly, the relatively large-scale domestic semiconductor enterprises should make full use of the preferential policies and funds given by the state to make unremitting technological development. At the same time, the government and enterprises should also study the successful experience of South Korea and Japan, and strive to develop the domestic semiconductor industry through the mode of "government + production + learning".
- Alternative Title
- An Analysis of the Export Competitiveness of Korea and Japan Semiconductor Industry to China
- Alternative Author(s)
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 일반대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 무역학과
- Advisor
- 이제홍
- Awarded Date
- 2021-08
- Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 1
제2절 연구의 방법과 구성 3
제2장 반도체 관련 이론적 고찰 4
제1절 세계반도체 현황 4
1. 반도체의 개념 4
2. 세계반도체의 현황 4
3. 반도체의 분류 6
4. 반도체산업의 특징 10
제2절 한국반도체산업 12
1. 한국반도체의 발전역사 12
2. 한국반도체의 현황 및 문제점 16
제3절 일본반도체산업 19
1. 일본반도체의 발전역사 19
2. 일본반도체의 현황 및 문제점 22
제4절 중국반도체산업 23
1. 중국반도체의 발전역사 23
2. 중국반도체의 현황 및 문제점 25
제3장 수출경쟁력의 정의 및 측정방법 27
제1절 수출경쟁력의 정의 27
제2절 경쟁력 상관 이론 29
1. 절대우위 및 비교우위에 관한 이론 29
2. 경쟁우위에 관한 이론 31
3. 비교우위와 경쟁우위의 통합적 접근 31
제3절 선행연구 33
1. 반도체산업의 수출경쟁력에 대한 연구 33
2. 기타산업별 수출경쟁력에 관련 연구 34
제4절 측정방법 36
제4장 경쟁력 분석 37
제1절 MS(시장점유율) 38
제2절 EBI(수출편향지수) 42
제3절 IE(수출결합도) 46
제5장 결론 및 시사점 50
참고 문헌 53
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 이암기. (2021). 한국과 일본 반도체 산업의 대중국 수출경쟁력 분석.
- Type
- Dissertation
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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- Embargo2021-08-27
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