테러 의심상황 발생 시 현장대응에 관한 정책방안 연구

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The purpose of this study is to review the appropriateness of Uranira's 「Anti-Terrorism laws」 and manuals used by terrorist response agencies in 2016 in consideration of changes in global terrorism cases and terrorist aspects.
More than five years have passed since the enactment of the 「Anti-Terrorism laws」, but the development is weak based on changes in terrorist aspects and cases, and the manual prepared by domestic terrorist organizations and response agencies is also revised every two to three years. In addition, similar terrorist crimes using terrorist means are continuously occurring in Korea, but there is no system to respond to suspected terrorist situations on the spot. The absence of such a response system is one of the biggest problems in Korea's terrorist response system, and it is time to review the overall terrorist response system to compensate for it.
To this end, the scope of this paper was limited to reviewing the revision of the 「Anti-Terrorism laws」 and the Counter-Terrorism Manual and analyzing the stage of initial action when receiving a report on suspected goods. In addition to the domestic literature, the U.S. FM and OPCW data were analyzed, and problems derived in the event of similar terrorist attacks in Korea were further investigated, drawing up four major problems and suggesting countermeasures.
First, the concept of low-tech and self-sustaining terrorists is included in the "Definitions" of the 「Anti-Terrorism laws」, and a classification of related regulations and terrorist use measures to ensure that actual safety activities are carried out.
Second, the government proposed the need to establish an information sharing system among counterterrorism agencies to promote terrorism-related information sharing, and proposed an operator of the initial action team of airport and port facilities.
Third, the situation propagation system was supplemented to spread to all institutions related to terrorism in the event of an unknown terrorist incident, and the entry procedure was specified to enable all detection of explosives, chemicals, living organisms, and radioactive
Fourth, the National Police Agency, the nation's general terrorist organization, proposed to integrate the manual of chemical defense counterterrorism agencies and apply the unified sample collection procedure in the chemical defense situation.
Based on these findings, we hope that practical preventive activities and systematic response procedures will be established at the site of suspected terrorism, rather than establishing a formal terrorism prevention and response system.
Alternative Title
A Study on The Policy Plqn for On-site Response in The Event of Suspected Terrorism
Alternative Author(s)
Park Jeong Jae
조선대학교 일반대학원
일반대학원 소방안전방재학과
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Table Of Contents

제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구목적 1
제2절 연구범위 및 방법 2
1. 연구범위 2
2. 연구방법 3

제2장 이론적 논의 4
제1절 테러리즘 개념 4
제2절 테러 대응체계 및 테러 예방 안전관리 대책 6
1. 관련 법령 6
2. 국가 대테러 활동 7
3. 국내 일반 테러 대응체계 8
4. 테러 대응절차 14
5. 테러 대상시설 및 이용수단에 관한 안전활동 지침 14

제3장 국내·외 테러사례 분석 16
제1절 테러 양상의 변화 16
제2절 연도별 테러 발생 현황 20
제3절 외국 테러 주요사례 21
1. 폭발물 테러 21
2. 화생방테러 23
3. 드론 테러 25
4. 기 타 27
제4절 국내 유사테러 발생 사례 29
1. 드론 테러 위협 30
2. 연세대 텀블러 폭발사건 32
3. 대전 신천지 청산가리 우편물 배달 사건 33
4. 전주 사제폭발물 폭발사건 34
5. 해운대 생물테러 의심 신고 사건 35
6. 기 타 35

제4장 실태분석 및 대응방안 37
제1절 실태 및 문제점 37
1. 현 실태 37
2. 대테러 법령 및 관련규정 등의 문제점 38
3. 대테러 관계기관(부서) 간 헙업 체계 문제점 39
4. 테러 의심상황 시 상황전파·초동조치 간 문제점 42
5. 대테러 관계기관 테러 대응매뉴얼 상 문제점 44
제2절 대응방안(정책제안 및 발전방향) 47
1. 대테러 법령 및 관련 규정 보완 47
2. 대테러 관계기관(부서) 간 협업체계 강화 52
3. 테러 의심상황 시 상황전파·초동조치절차 정립 54
4. 대테러 관계기관 테러 대응 매뉴얼 보완 65

제5장 결 론 69

참 고 문 헌 71
조선대학교 대학원
박정재. (2021). 테러 의심상황 발생 시 현장대응에 관한 정책방안 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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