중국 대학 농구선수들이 지각하는 공정성이 팀 태도에 미치는 영향
- Author(s)
- 우설도
- Issued Date
- 2021
- Keyword
- team impartiality, satisfaction degree, trust degree, engagement degree, attitude, 团队公正性, 指导者公正性, 团队满足度, 团队信任度, 团队投入度, 团队态度。
- Abstract
- The purpose of this study is to investigate the causal relationship between perception of team justice and coach justice and team attitude(satisfaction, trust, and commitment) in university basketball players in China. In particular, based on a research model from the view of organizational behavior in the sport management field, this study analyzed the causal relationship between justice and organizational attitude that has not been fully conducted in China to establish a theoretical basis in the Chinese sport administration field. Moreover, this study focused on the analysis of potential risk by analyzing the relationship between team justice and team attitude perceived by university basketball players in China and on the presentation of a theoretical ground for making positive organizational attitude from the view of organizational behavior using a sport management model.
The participants of this study were basketball players who were registered for Chinese universities and participated in the 14th Chinese Students Basketball League 2020. A total of 250 questionnaires were distributed in the field and finally 207 were used for statistical processing. This study was built in nine hypotheses and a structured questionnaire consisted of 38 items: personal characteristics(n=3), justice(n=16), team satisfaction(n=5), team trust(n=5), and team commitment(n=9). SPSS 23.0 and Amos 23.0 were applied for statistical processing for the analysis of results and a structural equation model was used. The results of this study were as follows.
First, the team justice and team satisfaction of Hypothesis 1-1(path coefficient=.452, t=5.085, p<.001) and coach justice and team satisfaction of Hypothesis 1-2(path coefficient=.309, t=4.268, p<.001) were statistically significant and they were accepted. Second, the team justice and team trust of Hypothesis 2-1(path coefficient=.233, t=5.240, p<.001) and the coach justice and team trust of Hypothesis 2-2(path coefficient=.207, t=3.062, p<.001) were statistically significant and they were accepted. Third, the coach justice and team commitment of Hypothesis 3-2(path coefficient=.311, t=2.067, p<.001) was statistically significant and it was accepted. Fourth, the team satisfaction and team trust of Hypothesis 4-1(path coefficient=1.02, t=4.283, p<.001) and the team satisfaction and team commitment of Hypothesis 4-2(path coefficient=0.517, t=3.816, p<.05) were statistically significant and they were accepted. However, the coach justice and team trust of Hypothesis 3-1 and the team trust and team satisfaction of Hypothesis 5 were not statistically significant and they were rejected.
Justice is a very important element from the view of organizational behavior for the excellent performance of university basketball players in China. The result of this study that high perception of justice was associated with high team satisfaction, team trust, and team commitment sufficiently supports this research theory. Furthermore, the positive causal relationship of team satisfaction, team trust, and team commitment suggests a statistical view that team satisfaction occupies a very important mediating position to derive team outcome and justice plays a decisive role in making the organizational attitude of a relevant team via team satisfaction. Therefore, to improve the excellent performance of university basketball in China, it is necessary to standardize a team management form and make a scientific training plan. Moreover, team culture should be strongly built up to enhance player’s belonging and pertinent encouragement should be given to stimulate player’s commitment.|本研究是以中国大学篮球选手为研究对象,以运动选手们感知到的团队公正性和指导者公正性对团队态度的满足,信任,投入以及相互间带有什么样的因果关系为研究目的进行分析。本研究是以体育经营学领域的组织行为学观点为基础建立的研究模型,针对中国国内尚有不足的研究领域,从而对公正性和组织态度的因果关系进行比较性的分析,为中国体育经营学领域提供理论性的基础作为本研究的目标。同时,本研究以体育经营学模型为基础,通过对中国大学篮球选手们感知到的公正性和团队态度的相关性分析,导出的潜在风险分析,为组织行动论观点中积极组织态度的形成提供理论性依据作为本研究的重点。
因此,为达成此次研究目的,本研究是选定在2020年参加中华人民共和国第14届学生运动会的大学生篮球选手为调查对象,现场发放调查问卷250份,最终统计处理有效问卷209份。本研究设立研究假设共9个,调查问卷中问项结构包括个人特性3项,公正性16项,团队满足度5项,团队信任度5项,团队投入度9项,共计38项组成。为了结果分析,运用了SPSS 23.0和 Amos 23.0,此外还运用结构方程模型验证(structural equation model)对研究模型配适度进行了分析。其主要研究结果如下:
第一,假设 1-1 中的团队公正性和满足度(路径系数 .452, t=5.085, p<.001), 假设1-2 中的指导员公正性和团队满足度(路径系数 .309, t=4.268, p<.001)统计上呈显著影响,研究假设被采用。
第二,假设 2-1 中的团队公正性和信任度(路径系数 .233, t=5.24, p<.001), 假设 2-2 中的指导员公正性和团队信任度(路径系数 .207, t=3.062, p<.001)统计上呈显著影响,研究假设被采用。
第三,假设 3-2 中的指导员公正性和团队投入度(路径系数 .311, t=2.067, p<.001)统计上呈显著影响,研究假设被采用。
第四,假设 4-2 中的团队满足度和团队投入度(路径系数 .517, t=3.816, p=.039<.05)统计上呈显著影响,研究假设被采用。除此之外,假设 3-1中指导员公正性和团队信任度,假设 5 团队信任度和团队满足度统计上没有出现显著性影响,研究假设被驳回。
- Alternative Title
- The Effects of the Perception of Justice on Team Attitude in University Basketball Players in China
- Alternative Author(s)
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 일반대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 체육학과
- Advisor
- 김민철
- Awarded Date
- 2021-08
- Table Of Contents
- Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구의 목적 4
3. 용어의 정의 4
1) 공정성 4
2) 만족도 4
3) 신뢰도 5
4) 몰입도 5
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 6
1. 중국 대학생 농구리그의 발전 6
2. 공정성의 개념 및 관련 선행연구 8
1) 분배적 공정성(Distributive justice) 10
2) 절차적 공정성(Procedural justice) 11
3) 상호작용 공정성(Interactional justice) 12
3. 지도자 공정성의 개념 및 관련 선행연구 13
4. 팀 만족도의 개념 및 관련 선행연구 16
5. 팀 신뢰도의 개념 및 관련 선행연구 18
6. 팀 몰입도의 개념 및 관련 선행연구 21
Ⅲ. 연구가설 및 연구모형 23
1. 연구가설의 설정 23
1) 팀-지도자 공정성과 팀 만족도의 관계 23
2) 팀-지도자 공정성과 팀 신뢰도의 관계 24
3) 팀-지도자 공정성과 팀 몰입도의 관계 25
4) 팀 만족도와 팀 신뢰도, 팀 몰입도의 관계 26
5) 팀 신뢰도와 팀 몰입도의 관계 26
2. 연구모형 27
Ⅳ. 연구방법 29
1. 연구대상 29
2. 조사도구 30
1) 설문지의 구성 30
(1) 팀 공정성 30
(2) 지도자 공정성 31
(3) 팀 만족도 32
(4) 팀 신뢰도 33
(5) 팀 몰입도 33
2) 조사도구의 타당성과 신뢰도 34
(1) 탐색적 요인분석 및 신뢰도 분석 35
(2) 확인적 요인분석 및 판별타당도 검증 37
(3) 판별타당도 분석 39
3. 자료처리방법 40
Ⅴ. 연구결과 41
1. 연구모형의 적합도 41
2. 연구가설의 검증결과 41
1) 팀-지도자 공정성과 팀 민족도의 관계분석결과 41
2)팀-지도자 공정성과 팀 신뢰도의 관계분석결과 42
3) 팀-지도자 공정성과 팀 몰입도의 관계분석결과 43
4) 팀 만족도와 팀 신뢰도, 팀 몰입도의 관계분석결과 43
5) 팀 신뢰도와 팀 몰입도의 관계분석결과 44
Ⅵ. 논의 46
1. 팀-지도자 공정성과 팀 만족도의 관계 46
2. 팀-지도자 공정성과 팀 신뢰도의 관계 47
3. 팀-지도자 공정성과 팀 몰입도의 관계 48
4. 팀 만족도와 팀 신뢰도, 팀 몰입도의 관계 49
5. 팀 신뢰도와 팀 몰입도의 관계 50
Ⅶ. 결론 및 제언 52
1. 결론 52
2. 제언 54
참고문헌 56
부록 1. 설문지 69
부록 2. 설문지 73
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 우설도. (2021). 중국 대학 농구선수들이 지각하는 공정성이 팀 태도에 미치는 영향.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/17030
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- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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