연조(燕趙) 전통 무술 문화에 대한 연구

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Local culture, traditional martial arts, Yanzhao, 地域文化, 传统武术, 燕赵
燕赵文明具有历史悠久、内容多样、特有的地域特征和高文化价值的开拓性。从燕赵文明发展的地理环境方面来看,北吸取“游牧”,南吸取“中原”,东借鉴“齐鲁”文化、西接受“三晋”文化,受四方文化的影响逐渐形成了自己独特的地域性,燕赵传统武术文化是中华民族武术文化不可或缺的一部分。(王家忠,2015).燕赵自古以来就有无数慷慨的斗士,荆轲、太子丹、 高渐离别于易水河畔, 留下刺杀秦始皇的千古绝句。“勇武任侠”的赵国文化源于三晋文化,燕赵是中国传统武术文化崛起的中心,随着发展的步伐逐渐形成具有标志性、象征性的缩影.
但是,除了太极拳以外,按照门派分类的拳种很多,可见尽快形成规范性的统一拳种,在教育和训练中实现标准化,规范教育和训练是当务之急. 将分类的拳种进行科学训练,在全世界范围内参与市场经济,将燕赵传统武术的文化推广到全世界。
为了更好的培养学生对武术的兴趣, 完善武术学生的商业能力和企业素养,增强学生的就业能力,这样学生学习热情才会提高,从而带动学校武术的快速发展。
从研究结论来看,燕赵传统武术漫长的历史发展过程,为适应社会发展,具有强大的包容力,具备了摒弃陈腐和吸取精华的能力。使燕赵传统武术长期置于肥沃的文化土壤中适应不同阶段的社会发展变化,在继承和发展中,秉着自信的理念和执着的态度历经历代王朝变迁的洗礼,克服了武术商业市场的困难。摒弃“学不好” “学不会” “学不精”的心理障碍, 形成了当今的深厚底蕴的燕赵武术文化。在文化建设上,也同样需要自信的理念和执着的态度汲取武术文化建设中的养分,不畏艰辛,勇敢地与时俱进。
燕赵的广阔地域可以提供稳定舒适的居住场所,为广大国内外人士提供展示的空间和交流机会.人文要素是燕赵传统武术文化发展的主观因素。人是所有活动的主体,如果没有人的参与,文化就不会形成,更不可能有文化的传承与发展.燕赵历代统治者的取向主导了武术文化的发展,经济是文化发展的基础,时代的急剧发展加快了燕赵武术文化的发展,武术文化的发展为活跃产业经济和人们的文化需求指明了前进的方向。|The civilization of Yeonjo (燕趙) has a long history and diverse contents, and has unique regional characteristics including pioneering characteristics of high cultural value. Yeonjo civilization has been affected by the geographical environments such as the 'nomadic culture' from the north, the 'Jungwon (中原) culture' from the south, the 'Xeno (齊魯) culture' from the east, and the 'Samjin (三晉) culture’ from the west culture and gradually formed its own special locality. Yeonjo traditional martial arts is an indispensable part of the Chinese culture of martial arts. In Yeonjo, there have been numerous brave and devoted warriors from the ancient. Especially Hingga (荊軻), Taejadan (太子丹), and Gojeomli (高漸離) left the riverside of Yeoksui (易水) and tried to assassinate Qin Shi Huang. left a The Zhao dynasty culture called ‘Yongwu Linhyeop (勇武任俠)’ has its origins in the Samjin culture. Yeonjo can be considered to be the center of the growth of Chinese traditional martial arts culture, and it is gradually becoming a symbolic and representative feature of the Chinese culture of martial arts.
In accordance with this traditional social flow in Yeonjo region, this study investigated the development process of Yeonjo regional martial arts from the time of introduction to the current status in order to understand the history of traditional martial arts in Yeonjo. The researcher presented a basic ideas of the social backgrounds and ideology transfers related to Yeonjo traditional martial arts in order to investigate the whole process of birth, dissemination, and development of Yeonjo traditional martial arts culture. Therefore, this study included the oral testament of martial artists, literature reviews, and field investigation and gave conclusions as following.
In the Yeonjo region for a long time there were small and large disagreements between sects of martial arts under the paradigm shift toward market economy system. As a results, this situation induced decentralized culture of the Chinese traditional martial arts. As of December 17, 2020, Tai-Chi was officially registered as an intangible heritage of mankind and Tai-Chi is expanding as a traditional Chinese martial art. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the functions of the Tai-Chi in large scale according to social demand, with centering them on Tai-Chi, so that it can create social wealth naturally along with the times.
However, it is necessary for dissected martial sects to be unified toward a unified discipline as soon as possible, including the centralization and standardization of education and training. Through this process with the help of scientific training, Yeonjo martial arts would be involved in the global market economy and the glorious culture of Yeonjo martial arts would be distributed to the world.
Traditional martial arts in Yeonjo region were introduced to schools for educational sports under the concepts of 'One Belt, One Road(一帶一路)' and this approach could be an effective step to ensure the transfer and development of martial arts culture to next Chinese generation.
Conducting martial art classes with fun and interests would induce students enthusiastic interests. This will complementing the commercial and corporate skills of martial arts-related students and enhance the employment skills of students.
Judging from this conclusion, Yanzhao's traditional martial arts gained the ability to find good things and abandon cliches with strong tolerance to adapt to social development during the long history development. This allows Yanzhao's traditional martial arts culture to adapt to changes in other stages of history in the long-term fertile culture. Despite the unrelenting succession and development of traditional culture and the transformation of previous dynasties, the Chinese people's ideology and tenacity overcame difficulties in the martial arts commercial market. It has created a martial arts culture of the present day by allowing learners to boldly overcome psychological obstacles such as "not being able to learn properly" or "not learning." In cultural construction, the same confident ideology and persistent attitude absorbed the nourishment of martial arts culture, showing that it developed bravely with the times without fear of difficulties.
Yanzhao's vast area provides a stable and comfortable living place, providing exhibition space and exchange opportunities for many domestic and foreign figures. The humanities element is the main component of the development of Yanzhao's traditional martial arts culture. Without human participation as a subject of all activities, culture is not formed, but there can be no transmission and development of culture. The tastes of Yanzhao's previous rulers led to the development of martial arts culture. The economy was the basis of cultural development, and rapid development of the times accelerated the development of soft martial arts culture, stimulating the prosperity of Chinese martial arts culture. In line with the rapid progress of the social economy, the active industrial economy and the cultural demand of people suggested a way forward for prosperity.
Alternative Title
Study on Yanzhao Traditional Martial Arts
Alternative Author(s)
조선대학교 일반대학원
일반대학원 체육학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents

I. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구 목적 6
3. 연구 문제 6
4. 연구의 한계점 7
5. 용어의 정의 7
1) 연조 7
2) 전통 무술 8
3) 문화 8

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 9
1. 무술의 개념 9
2. 무술 문화 9
1) 무술 문화의 유래 9
2) 무술 문화의 정의 11
3) 지역성 무술 문화에 관한 연구 15
3. 연조 전통 무술 문화의 지역적 현황 17
1) 연조 전통 무술 문화연구의 정의 17
2) 연조 지역문화의 형성 22
3) 연조 무술 문화의 개념 정의 24
4. 연조 전통적 무술 문화의 역사적 특징 25
1) 연조 고대 무술 문화의 역사적 특징 25
2) 근대 연조 전통 무술 문화의 역사적 특징 35
3) 현대 연조 무술 문화의 현황, 가치 및 정신적 내용 40
4) 태극권 45

Ⅲ. 연구 방법 52
1. 연구 방법 52
1) 구술사 52
2) 구술자 선정 53
3) 구술 면담 방법 55
4) 자료수집 및 선행연구 57
2. 연구 기간 및 절차 57

Ⅳ. 연조 지역 전통 무술의 발전사 59
1. 연조 전통 무술 문화의 계승과 발전 59
2. 연조 전통 무술의 발전 법칙 및 동인 59
1) 연조 전통 무술 문화의 발전 법칙 59
2) 연조 전통 무술 문화의 발전 동인 61
3. 연조 전통 무술 문화의 발전에 관한 분석 62
1) 민족 전통 스포츠문화 아노미상태의 반발적 출현 62
2) 연조 전통 무술 문화의 전승에 불리한 수련자의 연령구조 63
3) 무형문화 유산으로서의 전통 무술의 현실 64
4) 헬스, 격투기의 유행이 연조 전통 무술 문화의 보급에 미친 영향 65
4. 연조 전통 무술과 경기무술의 통합 발전 66
5. 학교체육 중 무술의 전개에 관한 분석 68
1) 학교체육 중 무술의 전개 현황에 관한 분석 68
2) 학교체육 중 무술의 전개 중 나타나는 문제에 관한 분석 69
3) 학교체육 중 무술의 전개에서 나타나는 문제에 대한 해 결방법 70
6. 학교체육에서의 전통 무술 문화 계승의 창구 72
7. 중국 문화에서 무술의 지위 및 작용 73

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언 75
1. 결론 75
1) 경기무술의 향후 발전전략 75
2) 사회무술의 향후 발전전략 76
3) 학교 무술의 향후 발전전략 77
4) 연조 전통 무술 문화가 문화건설에 주는 계발 78
5) 연조 전통 무술과 중국무술의 발전 79
2. 제언 79

Ⅵ. 참고문헌 80
조선대학교 대학원
변영강. (2021). 연조(燕趙) 전통 무술 문화에 대한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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