IPA와 구조방정식 모형분석을 통한 2008베이징 올림픽 개최의 장기적 영향력 분석

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2008베이징올림픽, 장기영향력, IPA, 구조방정식 모형
第一, 重要度的优先顺序是①提升城市认知度, 知名度 ②宣传城市旅游胜地 ③地域社会文化发展 ④增加游客数量 ⑤美化城市景观。成就度的优先是①提升城市认知度, 知名度 ②宣传城市旅游胜地 ③扩大业余生活及娱乐机会 ④增加游客数量 ⑤美化城市景观。
第二, 对于2008年北京奥运会赛后产生的效果进行重要度和成就度的差异分析,经济因素方面:增加就业机会(t=-2.705,p<.001),改善生活环境,如道路,通讯等基础设施(t=4.027,p<.001);文化因素方面:扩大业余生活及娱乐机会(t=-2.647, p<.001), 帮助发展文化庆典业(t=-2.318,p<.001),在以上指标中,重要度和成就度呈现显著性差异。
第三, IPA Matrix的分析结果:在持续保持区第 I 象限中,发展地域社会文化, 扩大业余生活及娱乐机会, 旅游城市形象, 增加游客数量, 开发旅游资源, 美化城市景观,城市认知度与知名度的提升,共计7个指标。在优先改善区的第Ⅱ象限中,仅出现改善生活环境1个指标。在低度重视区的第Ⅲ象限中,促进经济,增加就业机会,收入增加及提高生活水平,扩大业余生活及娱乐机会,增加旅游服务业收入,共计5个指标出现。
第四,2008年北京奥运会赛后产生的效果对城市满足(t=7.917,p<.001)和城市评价(t=5.226,p<.001)在统计上呈现显著的正向因果关系,城市满足对城市评价(t=8.983, p<.001)在统计上呈现显著的正向因果关系。
综上所述,2008年北京奥运会赛后产生的效果在文化,旅游,环境领域存在长期的持续性影响,增加就业机会,扩大业余生活及娱乐机会,帮助发展文化庆典业等指标中,城市居民的期待相比较奥运会赛前,在赛后产生了更高的成就度。另外, 2008年北京奥运会所建设的公共体育设施是城市的重要的组成要素,确保城市竞争力发展战略的同时在奥运结束至今10年多仍然具有很大的影响力,在本研究中得以充分的证明。
然而,经济效果没有达到预期的成就度,原因在于奥运会开展以后,相比其他城市,以北京为中心的物价和房价的暴增,使2008年北京奥运会的举办效果在经济方面则会呈现较短暂的影响,因此,即将举办的2022年北京冬季奥林匹克运动会,发展冰雪运动建设的大型体育设施,在制定交通,旅游,文化,城市品牌等有形·无形的发展战略,以及城市居民通过举办大型体育赛事得到的经济上的实惠政策等方面,应有更深层次的思考。|The purpose of this study is to investigate the long-term effects of the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics held in China. This study analyzed the effects of holding the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics in the areas of economics, culture, tourism, and environment by the comparison of importance and performance through IPA. Moreover, the causal relationship between effects of holding the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics and city satisfaction and city reputation through the structural equation modeling(SEM). This study focused on the presentation of basic data for the successful holding of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and basic information for the causal relationship between effects of holding sports events and city evaluation.
This study developed a structured questionnaire. It consisted of four areas of the holding effects in the areas of economics, culture, tourism, and environment, city satisfaction, city reputation, and demographic characteristics. The survey was conducted on-line and off-line with residents over twenty years old residing in Beijing from September 1 to December 31, 2020. A total of 700 questionnaires were distributed and 464(66.29%) were returned. Finally, 379(54.1%) questionnaires were used for statistical processing. The results were as follows.
First, the priority of importance was ①the improvement of city awareness and fame, ②the publicity of city tourist spots, ③the development of community culture, ④the increase in tourists, and ⑤the improvement of city beauty. The priority of performance was ①the improvement of city awareness and fame, ②the publicity of city tourist spots, ③the extension of leisure and recreation opportunities, ④the increase in tourists, and ⑤the improvement of city beauty.
Second, the difference in importance and performance for the effects of holding the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics was analyzed. As a result, there was a statistically significant difference in the increased jobs of economic factors(t=-2.705, p<.001), the improved living environment such as a road, waterworks, and a telephone(t=4.027, p<.001), the extension of leisure and recreation opportunities of cultural factors(t=-2.647, p<.001), and helping the development of cultural festivals(t=-2.318, p<.001).
Third, as a result of the analysis of IPA matrix, Quadrant I(Keep Up the Good Work) included seven items such as the development of community culture, the extension of leisure and recreation opportunities, the image of a tourist city, increased tourists, the development of tourism resources, the improvement of city beauty, and the improvement of city awareness and fame. Quadrant II(Concentrate Here) included one item such as improved living environment. Quadrant III(Low Priority) included five items such as economic activation, increased jobs, increased income and improved living standards, the extension of leisure and recreation opportunities, and increased income of the tourism and service industry.
Fourth, the effects of holding the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics had a statistically positive(+) effect on city satisfaction(t=7.917, p<.001) and city reputation(t=5.226, p<.001). City satisfaction(t=8.983, p<.001) had a statistically positive(+) effect on city reputation.
In conclusion, this study found that the effects of holding the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics has been continued in the areas of culture, tourism, and environment for long time. Moreover, the performance after the Olympics was higher than residents expected before the Olympics in increased jobs, extended opportunities for leisure and recreation, helping the development of cultural festivals. Public sports facilities created for the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics are the important elements of city. This study proves that holding olympic games is an effective strategy for city competitiveness and its influence has been continued even now for more than 10 years after the Olympics ended.
However, this study suggests that the performance of economic effects was not as high as the expectation because of a sudden rise in prices and housing price, and a higher rise in prices than other cities around Beijing after the Olympics. In other words, the effects of holding the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics were short-term in the economic area. Therefore, it is necessary to build up infrastructure for the development of ice sports, establish tangible and intangible development strategies such as transportation, tourism, culture, and city brand, and make an in-depth study of residents’ economic benefits received by holding mega-sports events.
Alternative Title
An Analysis of the Long-Term Effects of Holding the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics Using IPA and Structural Equation Modeling
Alternative Author(s)
조선대학교 일반대학원
일반대학원 체육학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents

Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구의 목적 4
3. 용어의 정의 4
1) IPA기법 4
2) 2008년 베이징 올림픽 시설 5
3) 도시만족 5
4) 도시평판 5
4. 연구의 제한점 6

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 7
1. 베이징 올림픽 7
1) 베이징 하계·동계올림픽 7
2) 베이징 올림픽의 유형유산 10
3) 베이징 올림픽 사후 이용현황 12
4) 베이징 하계·동계 올림픽 스포츠시설 15
2. 공공 스포츠시설 운영의 선행연구 16
1) 공공 스포츠시설의 개요 16
2) 공공 스포츠시설 운영성과 평가 연구 18
3) 공공 체육시설 서비스 평가 및 측정 연구 19
4) 공공 체육시설 서비스 만족 연구 21
3. 스포츠와 도시의 관계 연구 22
1) 스포츠가 도시에 미치는 영향 23
2) 도시가 스포츠에 미치는 영향 24
3) 국제스포츠 중심도시로 베이징을 구축하는데 관한 평가 25
4. 스포츠시설과 도시의 관계 연구 26
1) 해외 스포츠시설과 도시와의 관계 연구 26
2) 공공 스포츠시설과 도시와의 관계 연구 28
5. 주민이 지각하는 스포츠시설이 도시평가에 관한 연구 32
1) 주민의 지각 32
2) 도시평가에 관한 연구 33

Ⅲ. 연구가설 및 연구모형 36
1. 연구가설의 설정 36
1) 2008베이징 올림픽에 대한 개최효과의 중요도-성취도 차이 및 IPA매트릭스 분석 36
2) 2008베이징 올림픽 개최효과가 도시평가에 미치는 영향 38
2. 연구모형 39

Ⅳ. 연구방법 41
1. 연구대상 41
2. 조사도구 42
1) 설문지의 구성 42
2) 조사도구의 타당도와 신뢰도 44
3. 자료처리 방법 49

Ⅴ. 연구결과 51
1. 2008베이징 올림픽 기대효과의 중요도-성취도 차이 및 IPA매트릭스 분석결과 51
1) 2008베이징 올림픽 개최효과의 중요도-성취도차이분석결과 분석결과 51
2) 2008베이징 올림픽 개최효과의 중요도-성취도IPA Matrix 분석결과 53
2. 2008베이징 올림픽 개최효과가 도시평가에 미치는 영향 분석결과 57
1) 연구모형의 적합도 57
2)연구가설의 검증결과 57
3)추가분석을 통한 매개효과 검증 59

Ⅵ. 논의 61
1. 2008베이징 올림픽 기대효과의 중요도-성취도 차이 및 IPA매트릭스 61
2. 2008베이징 올림픽 개최효과가 도시평가에 미치는 영향 65

Ⅶ. 결론 및 제언 68
1. 결론 68
2. 제언 70

참고문헌 71

부록 1. 설문지(국문) 81

부록 2. 설문지(중문) 84
조선대학교 대학원
최영하. (2021). IPA와 구조방정식 모형분석을 통한 2008베이징 올림픽 개최의 장기적 영향력 분석.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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