적시성 향상을 위한 Push방식 AMI시스템 성능비교

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전력산업의 선진화 요구와 스마트그리드 확산으로 최근 AMI(Advanced Metering Infrastructure, 지능형검침인프라)구축사업이 활발히 추진 중에 있으며, 정부는 향후 2020년까지 전국 2,250만호의 저압수용가를 대상으로 AMI 구축완료를 목표로 사업추진에 박차를 가하고 있다. 또한, 이런 대규모 AMI 인프라를 활용한 IoT 서비스 연계 검토가 지속되는 등 DCU를 중심으로 한 AMI 통신망의 데이터양 증가가 예상되는 환경 속에서, 고도화 된 요금제 도입 준비를 위해 실시간 검침 요구 등 검침데이터 적시성의 중요성 및 적시 성공률을 높이고자 하는 요구가 날로 증가하고 있다. 이에, 본 논문은 기존 AMI시스템의 적시성 문제 개선을 위한 아이디어의 구현 및 성능 비교실험을 통해 그 실효성을 검증한 연구 결과를 설명하고자 한다.
계량데이터 수집의 주체를 기존 DCU에서 하위 모뎀으로 내려줌으로써 데이터 수집을 위한 대기시간을 최소화 하고 데이터 전송을 위한 준비단계의 불필요한 데이터 Packet들을 줄임으로써 통신망의 전체적인 부하를 경감시켜 데이터 전송효율을 높이 고자 Push방식 검침알고리즘을 적용한 신규 AMI시스템을 구현, 제작하여 기존 Polling방식 시스템과 검침성능 비교 실험을 진행하였다. 그 결과 신규 Push방식 AMI시스템의 적시성이 기존 Polling방식에 비해 30% 이상 향상된 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 이는 단순 검침진행 순서 및 절차를 간소화 하는 Push방식의 검침알고리즘 적용만으로도 검침데이터 취득 적시성 개선에 실효성이 있음을 검증한 것이다. 향후 Push방식 시스템의 최적화 및 추가적인 성능개발 및 연구를 지속한다면 더욱 개선된 효과를 얻어 AMI 활용성을 더욱 높일 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.|Due to the Needs for advancement of Power Industry and expansion of Smart Grid, construction of AMI (Advanced meter Infrastructure) business is currently underway. The government is pushing ahead with the projects aimed at completing the construction of AMI facilities for low-voltage users (houses) by 2020. In an environment where growth is highly expected, with the on-going data analysis of loT service connections utilizing these large AMI facilities, and the amount of data in DCU centered AMI grid as well, we are facing an imminent introduction of an advanced rating plans, which sets higher than ever on the demands’ ladder: the real-time data metering, the importance of timely data metering and the improvement of timely metering results. Therefore, this paper provides the results that prove the validity of the new PUSH WAY algorithm compared to the collecting ways of existing AMI systems through implementation of an idea and experiment in the performance.
By transferring the measured data acquisition agent from the existing DCU to the sub modem, the waiting time for collecting metered data is minimized and the preparatory work to make unnecessary data packet for transmitting the metered data is considerably reduced. The way of transmitting data is improved by mitigating the overall load on the network. These provide an effective way of collecting metered data on time. And it is named PUSH WAY algorithm.
In this paper, new AMI system which is adopted with PUSH WAY algorithm is compared with existing AMI system with polling way algorithm. Consequently, the result of collecting metered data on time is improved by more than 30% compared to traditional pooling methods. This result demonstrates PUSH WAY algorithm which can minimize the sequence and procedures of collecting data significantly improves the way of collecting metered data on time. In the near future, when enhancing the optimization and additional experiments of the system adopted with PUSH WAY algorithm, the availability of AMI system is expected to increase.
Alternative Title
The push-type AMI system performance comparison for improving timeliness
Alternative Author(s)
SungYoon Oh
산업기술융합대학원 소프트웨어융합공학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 ·····················································································1
A. 연구 배경 및 목적 ································································1
B. 연구 내용 및 구성 ·······························································3
Ⅱ. 관련 연구 ··················································································4
A. AMI시스템 개요 ········································································4
1. AMI시스템의 등장 및 발전 ···················································4
2. AMI시스템의 구성 및 기능 ···················································5
3. AMI시스템의 특징 및 활용분야 ··············································7
4. AMI시스템의 주요 설비 ·······················································8
5. AMI시스템의 구축 현황 ·······················································14
6. AMI시스템의 주요 이슈 ·······················································15
B. PLC방식을 이용한 AMI 전송시스템 구현 연구·······························17
1. 시스템의 개요 ···································································17
2. 시스템의 설계 ···································································18
3. 시스템의 통신성공률 및 경제성 분석 ········································22
Ⅲ. Push방식 AMI시스템 구현 ···························································25
A. Push방식 시스템 설계 개념 ·····················································25
B. 검침모뎀 설계 및 제작 ···························································27
1. 검침모뎀 설계 고려사항 및 동작원리 ·······································27
2. 검침모뎀 구조 및 기능 ························································27
C. DCU 설계 및 제작 ································································33
1. DCU 설계 고려사항 및 동작원리 ············································33
2. DCU 구조 및 기능 ·····························································35
Ⅳ. 실험 및 결과 ···········································································37
A. 실험 절차별 항목 및 방법 ·······················································37
1. Push설비 성능실험(1단계) ····················································38
2. 비교 성능실험(2단계) ··························································38
B. 실험구성 및 측정 ··································································39
1. PLC통신 성능 실험 구성 및 측정 ···········································39
2. 검침/NMS 성능 실험 구성 및 측정 ·········································40
C. 측정 결과 및 분석 ································································44
1. 실험 측정결과 ··································································44
2. 결과 분석 및 시사점 ··························································46
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언 ············································································48
참고문헌 ·····················································································49
조선대학교 산업기술융합대학원
오성윤. (2017). 적시성 향상을 위한 Push방식 AMI시스템 성능비교.
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Engineering > 3. Theses(Master)
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