수영장 인명구조요원의 처우실태 및 운영실태의 현상학적 접근

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As recognition of the significance of water safety rises, so do capabilities of and expectation on lifeguards. However, the working conditions of lifeguards who are responsible for safety in swimming pools, and the way they are operated fall short of our expectation. Most lifeguards in swimming pools are temporary or part-time workers. Therefore, to improve this current situation, the systems to guarantee enough payment and employment stability are needed.
This research aims at presenting alternative methods to solve these problems mentioned above by analyzing the current working conditions of lifeguards of swimming pools and current policies about swimming pool workers.
For this research, ten respondents were selected, who currently work for indoor swimming pools as life guards and they gave sincere answers on their working conditions and operation policies. To collect data, the in-depth interview that is generally used in quality case studies was performed based on precedent researches. The results are as follows:
First, three administratively supportive systems are suggested: to improve a frequency of safety inspection, to reinforce the certificate acquisition system and to prevent lifeguards to have double jobs.
Second, two improvement methods for education and working conditions are suggested: to educate the swimmers in order to act responsibly and capability of lifeguards to respond to the emergency, and to provide more permanent positions to lifeguards to improve their professionality.
Finally, two methods to improve infrastructure are suggested: to improve life guard’s working conditions in terms of their qualities and welfare.
Alternative Title
The Phenonmenological Approach to the Actual Conditions of the Treatment and Operation of Swimming Pool Lifeguards
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Sang Hyun
교육대학원 체육교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차

Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성과 목적 1
2. 연구 문제 5
3. 연구의 제한점 5
4. 용어의 정의 6

Ⅱ. 선행연구의 고찰 8
1. 인명구조요원 처우실태 및 운영실태 관련 연구 8
2. 수영강사 처우실태 및 운영실태 관련 연구 9
3. 인명구조요원 자격제도 관련 연구 9
4. 수영장 안전실태 관련 연구 11
5. 현상학적 연구(Phenomenological study) 13

Ⅲ. 연 구 방 법 16
1. 연 구 대 상 16
2. 자 료 수 집 17
3. 자 료 분 석 18
4. 연구의 진실성 및 윤리성 18

Ⅳ. 인명구조요원의 실태 및 분석 20
1. 인명구조요원의 근무 환경 20
2. 인명구조요원의 근무 여건 23

Ⅴ. 인명구조요원의 문제점 28
1. 인명구조요원의 자격에 대한 문제점 28
2. 인명구조요원의 직종에 대한 문제점 33
3. 인명구조요원의 제도에 대한 문제점 36
4. 인명구조요원의 포괄적인 문제점 40

Ⅵ. 인명구조요원의 개선방안 44
1. 행정 및 법적 강화 44
2. 교육 및 제도적 강화 45
3. 인프라 구축 45

Ⅶ. 결 론 및 제 언 47
1. 결 론 47
2. 제 언 48

참고문헌 49
조선대학교 교육대학원
김상현. (2019). 수영장 인명구조요원의 처우실태 및 운영실태의 현상학적 접근.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2019-08-23
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