경영자의 이익조정과 재량적연구개발비 투자 간의 비대칭적 관계에 대한 실증연구

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An Empirical Study on the Asymmetric Relationship Between Managerial Earnings Management and Discretionary R&D Investment

Kim Su Kyung
Advisor : Prof. Gyung-soon Kim, Ph.D.
Major in Business Information Education
Graduate School of Education, Chosun University

This study verified whether the managers at the high-technology company use the expense of discretionary research cost for the purpose of providing signals to provide complementary evidences related to the preceding research. According to Qian et al.(2012), Kim et al.(2017), there is a possibility that investment in discretionary research cost could be a signal of the managers or mean an optimistic investment caused by the managers self-assurance. They say that the possibility of it being a signal is more supported. Based on the preceding research, it researched whether increase in discretionary research cost is a sincere signal of the managers or it is mixed with the result of the managers opportunistic adjustment in benefit, and it focused the possibility of discretionary research cost becoming a useful measured value to pick up the managers signal.
According to the analysis result, the sample of downward adjustment of benefit didn’t show any statistical relation between discretionary research cost and discretionary accruals while there was a statistically minus(-) relation between discretionary research cost and discretionary accruals in the sample of upward adjustment of benefit. These results were especially shown in the sample belonging to the high-tech industry where research and development cost is sensitive to company value. So, increase in discretionary research and development cost forms relationship with the managers signal hypothesis rather than with the managers opportunism or immoderate optimism. In other words, it supports the study result by Qian et al.(2012), Kim et al.(2017), who say that the expense of discretionary research cost is the managers signal, and provides complementary result related to their study result. Provision of such a complementary study result can be interpreted to make a contribution academically and operationally since it provided a strong evidence that discretionary research and development cost can be a useful measured value picking up the managers signal in information asymmetric situation in the high-tech industry.

keyword: discretionary accruals, adjustment in benefit, discretionary research and development, signal effect, immoderate optimism
Alternative Title
An Empirical Study on the Asymmetric Relationship Between Managerial Earnings Management and Discretionary R&D Investment
Alternative Author(s)
Kim SuKyung
교육대학원 상업정보교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차


Ⅰ. 서론 1

Ⅱ. 선행연구 5
2.1 이익조정과 관련된 연구동향 5
2.1.1 이익조정의 개념 및 회계선택과 관련된 연구 5
2.1.2 이익조정에 대한 해외연구동향 6
2.1.3 이익조정에 대한 최근 국내연구동향 15
2.2 기술혁신기업의 자금조달과 관련된 논점 19
2.3 선행연구와의 차별성 25

Ⅲ. 연구가설 및 연구모형 28
3.1 연구가설 28
3.2 주요변수설명 33
3.2.1 종속변수 33
3.2.2 독립변수 : 재량적발생액의 측정 35
3.3 연구모형 36

Ⅳ. 실증분석결과 41
4.1 표본선정방법 41
4.2 기술통계 및 상관관계분석 42
4.3 회귀분석결과 48
4.3.1 경영자의 이익조정행태가 초과연구개발비 투자 의도에 미치는 효과 48
4.3.2 재량적발생액과 재량적연구개발비 간의 비대칭적 관계 (상향 이익조정 표본 vs 하향 이익조정 표본) 52
4.3.3 경영자의 상향 및 하향이익조정이 연구개발비 투자의도에 미치는 차별적 효과: 산업유형별 비교 55

Ⅴ. 결론 60

【참고문헌】 62
김수경. (2017). 경영자의 이익조정과 재량적연구개발비 투자 간의 비대칭적 관계에 대한 실증연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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