고등학교사회과교육에서정치교육의 발전방향에 관한연구

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The current appetite for political participation of citizens in our society is moving steadily rising the day. For the various political participation shown interest in modern society.
Beyond the lower voter turnout is typical of traditional political participation, development and lead to a more independent and active participation.
First, the current 2009 the revised curriculum and textbook to high school social law and politics.
Textbook way of the various political participation only emphasizes the importance of political participation do not have the technology.
In addition, presented by means of political participation, much of there is no difference. Gyeseong on deepening legal, political, social studies classes are subsidiary did not have independent learning, too, connectivity has a problem because it difficult.

Second, by type, political participation of different ways both subjects do not have given by dividing them into. Conventional political participation and bigwanseup political participation methods do not distinguish the conventional political participation, as well as way to type, community activist, campaign, voters, too.Official contact, communications provider type simple and not divided into parallel learning in rather than to facilitate an understanding of the students in lists only adding to exist Categorized by type of social studies textbooks, political participation methods and bigwanseup law and politics, and the mundaneness of political participation should be highlighted by type textbook.How divided political activist, taught by classifying them as conventional method and bigwanseup bigwanseup a content between the subject by referring to the importance of political participation.Should a position that will allow connectivity.
More than 2015 through the revised curriculum to be published through the integrated society in textbook and legal political and legal textbooks series and political participation and content according to the hierarchy. Curriculum revision of 2009 in order to secure connectivity in respect of social and political law and what needed to upward or downward adjustments as follows : in textbooks.Jesse.
First of all, social type of participation in politics voters voting in the textbooks is the most universal and democratic rights and obligations the campaign, emphasizing that round.The approach of political participation of NGOs in political participation, community activist type and increase also that the Citizen Participation, as well as contact-type participation in political officials. Communicator of political participation also has negative aspects and shortcomings about the ‘cyber political participation’, conventional political participation and publicize its way and biinseup means of political participation.Differences and biinseup, the importance of political participation. ‘rally’, ‘demonstrations’, ‘strike’, ‘civil disobedience’, ‘Right of revolution event’ and a variety of ways such as shall be adjusted upward to offer more. 2009 and social curriculum revision of the current what political participation in political and legal textbooks to ensure the connectivity between upward or downward adjustment reflected what it might be.The curriculum revision of integrated society and political and legal textbooks , participatory democracy if there has been a learning process was published map by which students ' age .Further background be to be political awareness, active political participation demonstrates thought to help grow as the desirable democratic citizens.
Alternative Title
A Study on the development direction of political education in social studies education of high school
Alternative Author(s)
Choi Jin hyoung
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 교육학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제 1 장 서론

제1절 연구목적 ---------------------------------- 1
제2절 연구범위 및 방법 ---------------------------- 4

제 2 장 이론적 배경

제1절 사회과 교육과 정치교육 -----------------------6
1. 사회과 교육 ----------------------------------6
2. 정치 교육 ------------------------------------9

제2절 전자민주주의의 이해
1. 전자민주주의의 등장과 전개 --------------------10
2. 전자민주주의의 개념---------------------------12
3. 전자민주주의에 대한 관점---------------------- 14
4. 전자민주주의의 기능---------------------------17

제3절 「법과 정치」교과서와 전자민주주의
1. 교과서 내용으로서 전자민주주의-----------------24
2.「법과 정치」교과서 전자민주주의 논의의 함의------26

제4절 분석틀의 설정
1. 「법과 정치」 교과서의 주요 내용요소 -----------27
2. 전자민주주의 관련 구성체계의 분석기준-----------31
1) 내용위치
2) 내용분량
3) 제시형식
3. 전자민주주의 관련 내용의 분석기준---------------32

제 3 장 「법과 정치」교과서의 전자민주주의 교육의 현황과 문제점

제1절 「법과 정치」교과서의 분석방법
1. 분석대상 교과서의 선정 -------------------------34
2. 교과서 분석방법 -------------------------------34

제2절 「법과 정치교과서의 전자민주주의 구성체계 분석
1. 전자민주주의 내용의 위치------------------------35
2. 전자민주주의 내용의 분량------------------------35
3. 전자민주주의 제시형식---------------------------38

제3절 「법과 정치」교과서의 전자민주주의 내용 분석
1. 갑교과서의 전자민주주의 내용분석-----------------43
2. 을교과서의 전자민주주의 내용분석-----------------46
3. 병교과서의 전자민주주의 내용분석-----------------48

제4절 「법과 정치」교과서의 전자민주주의 교육의 문제점
1. 단원의 구성과 목표 -----------------------------50
2. 본문 내용 -------------------------------------52

제 4 장 「법과 정치」교과서의 정치교육 발전방향
제1절 단원의 개요 및 구성 ---------------------------56
제2절 단원목표의 계획 -------------------------------57
제3절 본문내용의 설명 -------------------------------59

제 5 장 결론
제1절 연구결과의 요약 -------------------------------62
제2절 본 연구의 시사점-------------------------------63
제3절 향후 연구방향----------------------------------64

최진형. (2016). 고등학교사회과교육에서정치교육의 발전방향에 관한연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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