중학생의 헤어스타일에 대한 관심정도와 두발자율화 인식 연구

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The purpose of this study is to analyze data on the hair styling of middle school students in order to make propositions for the desirable hair regulation methods.
Data were collected by conducting a questionnaire survey from male & female students in 3 middle schools of Daejeon. These schools consists of male only, female only, and co-education each.
A total of 620 questionnaire were collected and 614 were used in the analysis after removing incomplete ones. The statics methods used for data analysis wewe frequency analysis, cross tabulation analysis, and regression analysis using SPSS(Statical package for the Social Science) 18.0 program.
Summarizing the results of this study, they are as follows.
First, female students generally had a higher interest on hair style. The female only school students had the highest interest and male only school students had lowest. They had higher pin money, had higher interest. Also, a highest interest was shown in the students had a opposite sex friends.
Second, most of students wanted hair liberalization.
The degree of preference was more higher in female students precisely. The female only school students wanted the entire liberalization the most, but co-education students wanted the partial liberalization the most.
In liberalization details, male only school students wanted to let their hair color, female only school students wanted to let their hair accessory, and co-education school students wanted to let their hair length and the perm styling without restriction.
Third, higher interest of hair style was correlated with higher desire of hair liberalization.
The group of high interest in hair style assented to hair liberalization because of spending much time to follow regulation, and not fitted to each own style. The group of low interest denied hair liberalization owing to activeness of regulated hair.
Fourth, a total of 70 percent of the surveyee responded that they had experience undergoing hair procedures and using hair styling apparatus. The degree of interest in hair style had positive correlation with the experience.
In purchasing behavior subject, the group of higher interest were buying hair styling products with parents or by themselves. The group purchased products through internet, home shopping, and at low-price cosmetics brand. And, the group collected information from the celebrities and internet reviews frequently.
Fifth, most respondents wanted the partial liberalization as the hair regulation which established in each school student conference. In liberalization details, students wanted to ease their hair length, perm styling, color in consecutive order. As the reason of the opposite, they expressed 'unlike a student', 'damage to the class atmosphere' consequently. It seemed that the students were concerned about changes following the entire hair liberalization.

According to the above results, the interest about hair and preference for the hair liberalization increased higher gradually. So it is necessary to discuss about the proper hair styling products and hair regulations for middle school students.
In the educational environment, we should make an effort to understand the current interest for hair style and modulate the hair regulation without compulsive measure. The council that consists of students, parents, and teachers seems to help the rational conclusion. Some lessens about proper hair styling and using the styling apparatus could have positive influences to the interested students.
It is expected that this study could provide primary data of the concern about hair styling and hair liberalization to develop the strategies and guideline programs.
Alternative Title
A Study on Interest Liberalization hair Awareness according to Middle School Students’ hair style
Alternative Author(s)
Lee Moon Young
교육대학원 기술가정교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents

제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 필요성 1
제2절 연구의 목적 3

제2장 이론적 배경 4
제1절 청소년기의 특성 4
제2절 두발자율화의 개념 및 선행연구 6
제3절 헤어스타일의 정의와 구성요소 및 관련 연구 8

제3장 연구 방법 10
제1절 연구대상 10
제2절 분석도구 10
제3절 연구절차 10
제4절 자료분석 11
제5절 연구의 제한점 11

제4장 연구 결과 및 해석 12
제1절 조사대상자의 일반적 특성 12
제2절 헤어스타일에 대한 관심 정도, 소비행동, 두발자율화
인식의 일반적 경향 13
제3절 인구통계적 특성에 따른 헤어스타일 관심 정도, 두발자 율화 인식의 차이 18
제4절 헤어스타일 관심 정도에 따른 소비행동, 두발자율화
인식의 차이 36

제5장 결론 및 제언 52
제1절 요약 및 결론 52
제2절 연구의 시사점 54

참고 문헌 56
부록1 설문지 58
조선대학교 교육대학원
이문영. (2016). 중학생의 헤어스타일에 대한 관심정도와 두발자율화 인식 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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