대학 태권도 경기겨루기 선수들의 자기관리 전략과 스포츠 심리기술이 경기수행력에 미치는 영향

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The purpose of this study was to disclose the influences of collegian Taekwondo competition sparring players' self-management strategies and sports psychological skills on their match performance ability. To achieve the purpose, the study found a population in Taekwondo players in male and female college teams whose organizations were registered at the Korea Taekwondo Association in 2015. The subjects of sampling were selected by using convenience random sampling. For the questionnaire survey of the study, answer papers were collected from a total of 379 players. The questionnaire survey excluded unfaithful answer papers like what same answers were written in items more than 5 or there was no answer in items more than 5. Those unfaithful answer papers written by 37 players were excluded, and a total of 342 players' answer papers were finally analyzed. Statistical program SPSS 18.0 was utilized to analyze data concretely. Frequency analysis, t-test, and one-way ANOVA were applied to analyze data according to sociodemographic characteristics. EFA (exploratory factor analysis) was carried out to analyze inter-item consistency (Cronbach's α), which was the construct validity and reliability of questionnaire. Reliability coefficient was used to grasp the correlation between variables. Multiple regression analysis was performed to investigate the influences between variables. Those methodologies and findings led to the following conclusions:

1) The results of analyzing the differences of self-management strategies according to sociodemographic characteristics were summarized as follows:

First, self-management strategies according to gender showed significant differences in body, mental, and interpersonal management.
Second, self-management strategies according to college year showed significant differences in body management.
Third, self-management strategies according to exercise career showed significant differences in body and training management.
Fourth, self-management strategies according to prize-winning career showed significant differences in body, training, and mental management.

2) The results of analyzing the differences of sports psychological skills according to sociodemographic characteristics were summarized as follows:

First, sports psychological skills according to college year showed significant differences in teamwork, goal-setting, and concentration.
Second, sports psychological skills according to exercise career showed significant differences in teamwork, willpower, goal-setting, and self-confidence.
Third, sports psychological skills according to prize-winning career showed significant differences in willpower, goal-setting, and self-confidence.

3) The results of analyzing the differences of match performance ability according to sociodemographic characteristics were summarized as follows:

First, match performance ability according to gender showed significant differences in match performance success and psychological maturity.
Second, match performance ability according to college year showed significant differences in match performance success.
Third, match performance ability according to exercise career showed significant differences in match performance success, match performance maturity, and psychological maturity.
Fourth, match performance ability according to prize-winning career showed significant differences in match performance success and psychological maturity.

4) The influences of collegian Taekwondo competition sparring players' self-management strategies on their sports psychological skills were summarized as follows:

First, body and training management, as the sub-factors of self-management strategies, had significant influences on teamwork.
Second, body, training, and interpersonal management, as the sub-factors of self-management strategies, had significant influences on willpower.
Third, body, training, mental, and interpersonal management, as the sub-factors of self-management strategies, had significant influences on goal-setting.
Fourth, body, training, and interpersonal management, as the sub-factors of self-management strategies, had significant influences on goal-setting.
Fifth, body management, as the sub-factor of self-management strategies, had significant influences on concentration.
Sixth, mental management, as the sub-factor of self-management strategies, had significant influences on anxiety control.

5) The influences of collegian Taekwondo competition sparring players' self- management strategies on their match performance ability were summarized as follows:

First, body, training, and interpersonal management, as the sub-factors of self-management strategies, had significant influences on match performance success.
Second, body, training, mental, and interpersonal management, as the sub-factors of self-management strategies, had significant influences on match performance maturity.
Third, body, training, and mental management, as the sub-factors of self-management strategies, had significant influences on psychological maturity.

6) The influences of collegian Taekwondo competition sparring players' sports psychological skills on their match performance ability were summarized as follows:
First, teamwork, goal-setting, and self-confidence, as the sub-factors of sports psychological skills, had significant influences on match performance success.
Second, teamwork and willpower, as the sub-factors of sports psychological skills, had significant influences on match performance maturity.
Third, teamwork, willpower, and anxiety control as the sub-factors of sports psychological skills, had significant influences on psychological maturity.
Alternative Title
Effect of the self-management strategies on Psychological SkillsandPerceived Match Performance Ability among College Taekwondo Competition Players
Alternative Author(s)
park, jong chan
교육대학원 체육교육
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Table Of Contents
목 차 ⅰ
표목차 ⅲ
그림목차 ⅳ

Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구의 목적 3
3. 연구모형 및 가설 4
4. 용어의 정의 6

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 7

1. 자기관리 7
1) 자기관리의 정의 7
2) 자기관리 전략의 구성요인 8
2. 스포츠 심리기술 9
1) 심리기술의 정의 9
2) 스포츠 심리기술의 구성요인 9
(1) 자신감 10
(2) 집중력 11
(3) 목표설정 12
(4) 팀조화 13
(5) 심상 14
(6) 의지력 15
(7) 불안조절 15
3. 경기수행능력 17

Ⅲ. 연구방법 19
1. 연구대상 20
2. 조사도구 25
3. 설문지의 타당도 및 신뢰도 23
4. 자료분석방법 30

Ⅳ. 결과 및 논의 31
1. 결과 31
2. 논의 58

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언 69
1. 결론 69
2. 제언 71

참고문헌 72
조선대학교 교육대학원
박종찬. (2016). 대학 태권도 경기겨루기 선수들의 자기관리 전략과 스포츠 심리기술이 경기수행력에 미치는 영향.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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