스마트기기를 활용한 미술교과방법론에 관한 연구

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This study is aimed to survey the development of the Smart-Education-System, which could be possible due to the development of IT, and to work out how properly the Smart-devices can be used as teaching-learning materials in art education.
In teaching-learning situation, the variety of the teaching and learning materials can give students the possibilities to do the more creative learning activities.
For an approach to these possibilities, the use of the Smart-devices in Art education is positively considered. In other words, it is very helpful to apply the Smart-devices to teaching-learning situation for students' creative activities in art education.
In the main part of this study, the types and frames of the teaching-learning with the smart-devices were compared to survey the concept and methode of the teaching-learning with the smart-devices. In addition, the present political condition and the teacher's practical use of smart-devices were included in the study for the encouragement to apply smart-devices in the teaching-learning situation. The third chapter was focussed on the activating and promoting methode of the teaching-learning with the smart-devices in art education. After taking a look at how useful the smart-devices are in art education, the contents of smart-devices and the function of the Application in the smart-devices for the art education were analyzed. Moreover, the weak-point of the smart-devices referred to as Internet and online game addiction and its solution were also considered.
The possibilities to teach and learn with smart-devices in practical situation were given to the fourth chapter. the teaching and learning process with smart-devices can be based on the syllabus designed for making Application programs. The learning purpose presented in the syllabus is to encourage students to make an animation, which leads to increase the interest of the students.
Although we could meet many limitations of disseminating as spreading the devices and making Applications to aggressively apply the smart-devices to the classes, we can make better teaching-learning situation in which students can learn not theoretically but more creatively if we reduce the limitations.
Alternative Title
A Study on the application of a new art teaching in smart machine
Alternative Author(s)
kim su min
교육대학원 미술교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents

제1장 서론
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
제2절 연구내용 및 방법 2

제2장 스마트기기를 활용한 미술교육
제1절 스마트기기와 교육의 개념 4
1. 스마트기기의 개념 4
2. 스마트교육의 개념 5
3. 현재 스마트교육의 환경 7
제2절 스마트교육의 정책 추진현황 8
1. 스마트 교육 전략개요 8
2. 교원의 스마트 역량강화 12
제3절 외국의 스마트교육 현황 14

제3장 스마트기기 활성화 방안
제1절 스마트교육 추진전략 방안 16
제2절 교육용 컨텐츠 활용 방안 18
1. 국내외 스마트 컨텐츠 현황 18
2. 전시관련 컨텐츠 21
3. E교과서 24
4. 스마트 러닝 28
5. 그 밖의 스마트 컨텐츠 32
제3절 스마트 미술교육의 한계성과 대응방안 34

제4장 스마트미술교육 방법론
제1절 스마트폰 카메라를 활용한 미술수업 지도안 36
제2절 QR코드를 이용한 스마트 미술수업 41

제5장 결 론 45

참고문헌 49
조선대학교 대학원
김수민. (2013). 스마트기기를 활용한 미술교과방법론에 관한 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2014-02-26
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