스마트 미디어 환경에서 새로운 미술교육의 가능성에 관한 연구

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The advent and rapid development of a new technology require changes across the social and culture. there fore, people should constantly change their way of thinking to go with the flow. In this rapid changes, many different ways of thinking form people live together, and this difference in the way of thinking come into conflicts, moreover it could raise a possibility to be on the rise as a social issue such as inequality of information. Our education also needs constant changes and goal setting which can grow up education ability. A life of knowledge is getting shorter. Many futurologists predict that 80% of the present occupational cluster will be disappeared as well. so education system which can be persued by people all around the world should be created. Considering only 20% of knowledge that can be earned from school, you could know that you need innovative changes of whole education.
Now our generation had named as "Post digital generation" that is classified as a new digital generation with population of SNS and digital natives. The present education gets left behind to meet the demands of the times, so you need a new education system and teaching method that fit in the times of a new digital generation who lives in the digital era and enjoys cyber culture is well contrasted with the analog generation. The digital generation is cited that it can not exceed the limit of cold technology and selfish individualism. The post digital generation is a generation that revives a value of analog and they makes technology for human , creating evolution of horizontal network between people, spreading community cultures and also passing the limit. The post digital generation has actively expressed its feelings and desires by using a digital equipment and media as it grews in digital environment and culture.
Although, their generation have grew in cold and mechanical environment, it has human analog emotion which can use digital culture efficiently to pursue the value of anthropocentricity. For them, digital culture is friendly and they differ in expressing the value of life and themselves from the older generation. Futhermore, a digital equipment isn't a thing that they should take times to learn but a daily necessaries. Actually they use digital instruments as a method to intensify and maintain their human relations surrounding them to fit in the times of a new generation, various potable and convenience equipments based on high-speed internetwork are being developed to use as a new teaching method. Notions of the world are trying to find a innovative way that fit in the field of teaching for the digital generation. Ministry of education and national information strategy community reported "strategy for smart education" to president and established action plans for smart education. Smart education would aim to train creative human resources by innovating existing educational contents, evaluation and teaching methods. In smart media environment, technology based on high-speed internet that has a advantage of speed and openess ;smart equipments using cloud computing such as smart phone, tablet PC etc can make us to get away form the existing spatial and time limits. Art education in the smart media environment is able to make following effects.
Firstly, art education based on the smart media environment is able to attract learner's interest and also improve their ability to communicate with them by connecting study to the real life in multi media environment. It's possible to exchange information such as photos or multi media information by using application that offers real time text messages and online chats without limits of place and time. We can use these social networking services as a social community method between learner and teacher. Additionally we can attract more learners attention in their daily life. The present learners can create a new knowledge any time, and any where by searching on the internet or sharing information with their digital tools. They carry out their homeworks with their colleagues or elaborate a new knowledge after collecting informations as using this experiential learning methods, You can get their interests and this learning by repetition could improve communication ability.
Secondly, art education can make effective integrations with other subjects and efficient teaching is possible. using digital text book makes it possible to da mutual study practically. You can produce materials for studying in person, plus learners can choose profer methods for them or for study. The information which needs study can connect with other subjects and this connection with other subjects makes effective integrations.
Thirdly, learners can take an interest in using a new equipment and can be expected to improve theirs ability to use it. In smart media environment, learners can watch new contents by using N-screen with a smart equipment any where in their daily life learners will be familiar with using a new equipment in their daily life without any limits and they will take an interest in a new media. In addition, learners can use information efficiently and easily you can check your current position by GPS, LBS that make you can share information based on GPS; also experience augmented reality is combination of imagine and reality. These new ways to get updated information and knowledge make them to use it to expressions.
Fourthly, a new smart art education can complement the old art education. With smart devices, teacher can get more attention and participation from learners. For example, learners can visit digital art gallery to appreciate work with out any space constraints reducing the time and cost like this, you can use it as a supplementation of the old art education that has space and time constraints using programs based on web and multiple tools of smart equipments are able to help learners to look at the value of art work in a new way and to express their feelings and thinking more creatively.
Alternative Title
A Study on the possibility of a new art teaching in smart media environment
Alternative Author(s)
Kim Gun il
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 미술교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론···········································································5
제1절 연구의 목적 및 필요성 ··········································5
제2절 연구의 내용 및 방법 ··············································7
제2장 스마트 미디어 환경·············································9
제1절 스마트 미디어 환경으로의 변화·····························9
1. 유비쿼터스 ···································································12
2. 웹 2.0 ···········································································15
3. 소셜 네트워크 서비스[Social Network Service]·········21
4. 클라우드 컴퓨팅····························································24
5. N-스크린·········································································30
제2절 스마트교육·······························································31
1. 스마트교육의 이해·························································31
2. 스마트교육의 온라인 수업·············································36
3. 스마트 교육과 클라우드 컴퓨팅····································39
4. 디지털 교과서································································40
제3절 스마트 미디어 환경에서의 미술교육····················45
1. 미술교육의 중요성························································45
2. 스마트 미디어 환경에서의 미술교육 ··························46
3. 스마트미디어 환경에서의 미술교육이 갖는 기대효과··57
제 3 장 결론·····································································64
참고문헌 ···············································································67

표 목 차

구글 아트프로젝트와 네이버 미술관의 차이점····························57
다양한 SNS의 주요한 특징 ····················································58
스마트 미디어 환경에서 다양한 교육자원을 미술교육에 활용할 경우의 장·단점 ·················································································62

도 목 차

[그림 1]새로운 기술과 사고방식의 변화와 순환구조······························10
[그림 2] s-EDSS 시스템 구성 참조도 ················································29
[그림 3] 스마트 교육의 개념도 (교과부, 2011)···································34
조선대학교 교육대학원
김건일. (2012). 스마트 미디어 환경에서 새로운 미술교육의 가능성에 관한 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2013-01-02
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