EFL 중학생들의 영어 읽기와 정의적 요인과의 상관관계

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English learners in Korea in an EFL environment where there is limited exposure to native English speakers. However proficient reading ability seems to be a fundamental step to become a fluent English speaker, especially in the EFL educational context. The important reading methods to play in helping the learner develop fluency are intensive and extensive reading approaches. The intensive reading helps students attain a greater understanding when reading passages. In contrast, extensive reading has been proven effects for developing L2 reading ability and benefits for various aspects of language learning. The purpose of this study is to examine affective factors of an extensive reading and intensive reading of middle school students. Major affective factors such as interest, confidence, attitude, and motivation of an extensive and intensive reading were included. The survey questionnaire was given to 166 boy and girl middle school students, who have been experienced extensive reading and/or intensive reading. It was prepared based on the previous research. The result of the survey was analyzed by descriptive statistics. The results of the study were as follow: Most middle school students responded that English reading is lower the burden than any other ability; writing, listening, speaking. In the affective factors of the students on English reading, confidence, attitude, motivation are statistically higher than 3.0 of a median score. However, interest is lower than 3.0 of a median score. The relationships among the affective factors were examined. All correlations were positive and statistically significant at the .05 level or better. At last, English reading interest and confidence of an extensive reading group were statistically higher than those of an intensive reading group and English reading attitude and motivation of an extensive reading group were lower than those of an intensive reading group. Both intensive and extensive reading are necessary preparation for students.
Alternative Title
The relationship between English reading and affective factors of Korean EFL middle school students
Alternative Author(s)
Sun ah, Moon
교육대학원 영어교육전공
교육대학원 영어교육
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Table Of Contents
목 차

감사의 글 ⅰ
목차 ⅱ
표목차 ⅴ
그림목차 ⅴ

Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1.1 연구 주제 및 연구 필요성 1
1.2 연구 목적 및 연구 문제 2
1.3 논문의 구성 3

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 4
2.1 읽기의 개념과 정의 4
2.2 확장형 읽기의 정의 및 특성 5
2.2.1 확장형 읽기의 효과 7
2.2.2 확장형 읽기의 효과적인 i- 1 읽기 자료 8
2.2.3. 영어 확장형 읽기와 정의적 요인의 관계 9 영어 읽기와 태도 10 영어 읽기와 동기 11
2.3 집중형 읽기의 정의 및 특성 13
2.4 우리나라 영어 읽기 교육의 현실 14
2.5 확장형 읽기와 집중형 읽기의 정의적 요인에 관한
선행 연구 15

Ⅲ. 연구방법 18
3.1 연구 대상 18
3.2 조사 도구 20
3.3 자료 수집 방법 23
3.4 자료 분석 방법 23

Ⅳ. 결과 분석 및 논의 25
4.1 영어 읽기에 대한 응답자의 흥미도 분석 25
4.2 영어 읽기에 대한 응답자의 자신감 분석 26
4.3 영어 읽기에 대한 응답자의 태도 분석 27
4.4 영어 읽기에 대한 응답자의 동기 분석 28
4.5 영어 읽기에 대한 정의적 요인의 상관관계 분석 30
4.6 확장형 읽기와 집중형 읽기에 대한 정의적 요인의 차이
분석 32

Ⅴ. 결론 34
5.1 연구 요약 30
5.2 교육적 시사점 35
5.3 연구의 제한점 35
5.4 후속 연구 제언 36
5.5 결 론 36

참고문헌 38
부 록 42
조선대학교 교육대학원
문선아. (2012). EFL 중학생들의 영어 읽기와 정의적 요인과의 상관관계.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2013-01-07
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