자기점검법이 지적장애 아동의 문제행동에 미치는 효과

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This study examined the effects of self-monitoring on the problem behaviors of children with intellectual disability who manifest problem behaviors during classes. Two children with intellectual disability was selected as the study subjects. This study employed multiple baseline design across behaviors.
Intervention was divided into the recognition, discrimination, self-monitoring training(technique application phase), and independent self-monitoring phase. It was carried out five times a week for 6 weeks(total of 30 times). Training was promoted for 20 minutes without observation for the 1st intervention term, then it was promoted for 20 minutes after 20 minutes observation for the 2nd term. It was also assessed if the effect of the training is maintained when carried out for three terms of the maintenance test two weeks after the intervention is completed. The main results could be summarized as follows.
First, the incidence of the intellectual disability child's scribbling behavior was reduced by self-monitoring.
Second, the incidence of the intellectual disability child's be created from noisemaking behavior was reduced by self-monitoring.
Third, the incidence of the intellectual disability child's inappropriate position behavior was reduced by self-monitoring.
Fourth, the incidence of the intellectual disability child's three problem
behaviors mentioned above and reduced by self-monitoring continued to be lower than the baseline after the study was completed.
In conclusion, self-monitoring training is effective in reducing problem behavior of intellectual disability children who exhibit problem behavior during class and sustaining such effect.
Alternative Title
The Effect of Self-monitoring on the Problem Behaviors of Children With Intellectual Disability
Alternative Author(s)
Sundeok Lee
조선대학교 대학원
교육대학원 특수교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
표목차 ⅲ

Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구문제 5
3. 용어정의 5

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 7
1. 지적 장애 아동의 일반적 특성 7
2. 자기점검법 10
1) 자기점검법의 개념 10
2) 자기점검법의 특성 10
3) 자기점검법의 활용 12
4) 자기점검법의 효과 13
5) 자기점검법에 관한 선행연구 고찰 15

Ⅲ. 연구방법 19
1. 연구대상 19
2. 연구도구 24
1) Eyberg 아동행동 검사 24
2) 사회 성숙도 검사 25
3. 연구설계 26
4. 자기점검 훈련 프로그램 26
5. 연구 절차 및 연구조건 29
1) 연구 절차 29
(1) 관찰 장소 및 자료수집 30
(2) 연구 기간 30
2) 연구조건 30
(1) 기초선 30
(2) 중재 31
(3) 유지 단계 31

6. 자료처리 32
1) 아동 A의 관찰 및 측정 32
(1) 기초선 기간의 측정 32
(2) 중재 기간의 측정 32
(3) 유지 기간의 측정 33
2) 아동 B의 관찰 및 측정 33
(1) 기초선 기간의 측정 33
(2) 중재 기간의 측정 33
3) 관찰자간 신뢰도 34

Ⅳ. 연구 결과 36
1. 자기점검법을 통한 아동 A 문제행동의 감소 효과 36
2. 자기점검법을 통한 아동 B 문제행동의 감소 효과 37
3. 자기점검법을 통한 문제행동의 감소 유지 효과 39

Ⅴ. 논의 및 결론 42

참고문헌 46
부록 51
조선대학교 대학원
이순덕. (2011). 자기점검법이 지적장애 아동의 문제행동에 미치는 효과.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2012-02-02
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