한국 물류기업의 대 중국진출 전략

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The Entering Strategy of Korean Logistics in China

Back Jong Dea
Advisor : Prof. Kim, Myung - Ho, Ph. D.
Major in Business & Information Education
Graduate School of Education
Chosun University

Since 1998, China has restructured state-owned enterprise in major industries. Smaller state-owned enterprises are privatized, closed or merged to bigger ones, and structure of China’s industry has changed into capital-intensive.
As a result, in 2010 the Chinese GDP increased by 16.7% compared to 2009 as 5,879 billion dollars (equivalent to the U.S. dollar) and it is the world's 2nd largest economy led after the United States.
And for the Chinese government’s aggressive foreign investment, China became one of the world’s top 3 foreign direct investment attract countries with the US and Britain in 2003. Due to steady invigoration of domestic market resulted from high-speed economic growth, China accounted for 9% of world's total consumption and holds the 3rd rank after the United States and Japan in 2010. In addition, it is expected for China to become world's 2nd largest market after the United States in 2015 when the 12th Economic Development plan for five years (Twelfth Five-Year Plan) announced in 2010 be completed.
Along with economic growth, the quantity of goods transported also has increased and logistics companies in the world have taken an active management policy to preoccupy market and increase market share in China.
From 1990, our logistics companies also have entered the China market and the amount of direct investment is gradually increasing too. However, it is a passive type of business like 1PL (First-Party Logistics) or 2PL (Second-Party Logistics) that do business for the shipper’s logistics operations, not for the globalization of logistics business or the expansion of the domestic logistics business expansion of China.
And the expansion of a professional logistics companies securing their own logistics and transportation, 3PL (3rd party logistics) companies, is uncommon.
For maximizing of our competitive advantage, our logistics companies should analysis Chinese logistics market first and then make the strategy. And the concrete strategies for our logistics are like below.
First, it must be focused on the 3rd party logistics of our logistics companies.
Second, reinforcement of competitiveness is needed through M&A, encouragement of complex logistics company by strategic alliances and joint ventures with the Chinese logistics companies to advance and access to Chinese market.
Thirdly, advanced logistics systems and know-how should be acquired by attraction of global companies to expand our domestic market.
Fourth, to ensure the early stable profitability, accompany with shipper’s company. Fifth, seek the association with the Korean manufacture or distribution companies for the stable advance.Sixth, strengthen the professional logistics services and make the policies for IT-based logistics service to meet the needs of market.Finally, to promote the advancement to China logistics market, the institutional and political support of government is required.
Alternative Title
The Entering Strategy of Korea Logistics In China
Alternative Author(s)
Back, Jong Dea
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 상업정보교육
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Table Of Contents
목 차
제1장 서론 = 1
제1절 연구의 배경과 목적 = 1
제2절 연구의 내용 및 구성 = 2

제2장 우리나라 물류산업의 환경 분석 = 3
제1절 우리나라 물류화경 = 3
1. 우리나라 국가물류비 = 3
2. 우리나라 물류산업 부가가치 = 6
제2절 우리나라 물류 부문별 현황 = 7
1. 해운물류 = 7
2. 항공물류 = 12
3. 내륙물류 = 15
제3절 우리나라 물류환경의 문제점 = 20
1. 과중한 기업물류비 부담 = 20
2. 낮은 제3자 물류 비중 = 20
3. 물류기업의 영세성 = 22
4. 비효율적인 수송체계 = 23

제3장 중국경제 및 물류산업의 환경 = 24
제1절 중국경제의 현황 = 24
제2절 중국 물류산업의 현황과 물류정책 = 27
1. 중국 물류시장의 동향 = 28
가. 중국의 국가물류비 = 29
나. 중국의 물류수송 현황 및 수송실적 = 30
다. 중국 물류부문별 현황 = 33
(1) 내륙물류 = 33
(2) 철도운송 = 36
(3) 해상운송 = 39
(4) 항공운송 = 43
제3절 중국의 물류산업 발전정책 기본방향 = 45
1. 중국의 물류정책 기본방향 = 45
2. 중국의 물류인프라 확장계획 = 45
제4절 중국의 물류산업의 문제점 = 47
1. 높은 국가물류비 = 47
2. 물류서비스 질적 향상의 어려움 = 48
3. 글로벌 물류전문가 양성 필요 = 49
4. 물류표준화 낙후 = 49
5. 물류산업 현행정책의 문제점 = 49
제5절 중국내 물류기업 현황 = 51
1. 중국 물류기업 유형과 특징 = 51
2. 중국계 물류기업 = 52
3. 중국 진출 외국계 물류기업 현황 = 54
4. 중국 진출 우리나라 물류기업 현황 = 55

제4장 중국 물류시장 진출의 문제점과 진출전략 = 61
제1절 중국 물류시장 진출기업의 당면 문제점 = 61
제2절 우리나라 물류기업의 중국 물류시장 진출 전략 = 61
1. 중국 물류시장의 철저한 조사와 분석 = 61
2. 국내물류기업의 대형화 추진 = 62
3. 유통정보 시스템의 구축을 통한 물류서비스 제공 = 62
4. 중국계 물류기업의 인수․합병 및 전략적 제휴를 통한 종합물류기업의 육성 = 63
5. 물류기업의 3PL 물류산업 육성 및 활성화와 4PL 도입 = 64
6. 국내물류기업의 현지 공동물류센터 운영 = 64
7. 글로벌 물류기업의 국내 유치확대 = 65

제5장 결 론 = 66
제1절 연구의 시사점 = 66
제2절 연구의 한계 및 앞으로 연구방향 = 67

백종대. (2011). 한국 물류기업의 대 중국진출 전략.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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