음악활동의 중재가 지적장애아의 문제행동에 미치는 영향

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In case of children, they are likely to feel alienated from peers because of the strange behavior and the lack of social skills when they interact with their peers. Especially low intelligence and achievement level of learning and decreased attention result in learning failure and then have low self-concept. However, we should not exclude them because of disability and give them abundant musical experiment in appropriate time and environment.
How can the music teacher specifically teach the students to provide the right musical experiment at the music class? The extensive and well-balanced development of musical ability and mind is ideal musical growth. The extensive and well-balanced development of musical ability and mind is ideal musical growth. The ideal musical growth can be achieved by the right musical experiment.
We can not expect students to have the right musical instrument themselves and this is the responsibility of the teacher.
The lack of attention behavior is common among the intellectual disability children, but we can not consider them disabled only by the result of the behavior. The causes of lack attention can be various so the teacher should analyze the behavior and provide appropriate support through in-depth study and careful observation.
Look into the prior study, there's some effort to mediate between the social, emotional, problematic behavior of disabled students and musical activity. However, we only approach the music activity in terms of average child and infant and is insufficient for the intellectual disability children. For the musical activity for intellectual disability children, musical cognition should be preceded and present them various musical world based on individuecety and potentials.
These are the detailed problems for the aim of the study. First, How can affect musical expression activity on lack attention behavior in intellectual disability children? What is the influence of positive interaction from others through musical expression activity?
The subject of this study is the retarded middle school students at retarded special classes in Daegu. The subject students are able to have training of daily life and ability to attend on, but they are lack of attention.
The place of study is performed at retarded special music class in s school. The design of study is single aimed study and aims at 3 students by numerous base design method. The condition of study is giving them time to act freely between base and the maintaining for 10 minutes and records their behaviors.
The teacher gave them the environment of playing musical activity freely without any instruction before the observation. During the experiment treatment, I prepare and clear the teaching materials and record and observe students' behavior. Especially I record the center of activity of 10 minutes among 20 minutes. The detailed musical expression activity during the experiment treatment is more reliable because it was referenced by the special curriculum scope.
The details are that the first stage is expressing instrument and body by music, the second stage is expressing feelings by body, pictures and lines while listening, the third stage is playing instruments by making the recycled items themselves, the fourth stage is expressing the feeling by instruments on their minds.
The measuring method of observation and reliability is recording the aimed subject every 10 minutes and observe their behavior deeply and analyze. And then I measure the frequency of problem behavior and write down the narration.
To improve observation of reliability, researcher, homeroom teacher and another teacher will measure the figures. The reliability equals the number of united observation / total number multiply 100 and the result was 75%. Each frequency of observation was averaged by the 2 observers's frequency, the description was adopted by common things.
The measure of behavior is using the sampling the total interval time method. This is measuring the behavior occurred between the beginning and the end and recording it. The behavior is occurred by one interval, it is not occurred during that interval.
I can see the potential of ideal behavior through the music expression activity of 3 students. The participation was low in maintaining period than the treatment of experiment. However, the little improvement in musical expression activity from the base line gives us implication.
The result of reduction of lack attention can be interpreted in this way. First, this is the contrast between the music expression activity and the problem behavior. Problematic behavior includes the behavior related with hands or inclparts and these two can not be occurred and relation of contrast. The ior re, ionse reinforcement theory curch various stimulation provides better reinforcement with quality and quantity than the following stimulation. The f con, the problem behavior can be improvedy andmitation which students can watch and ior and various promotion behaviors. They can become close with each other a positive interaction, we can see the opportunity of eye-contact of the subject.
Through the study, the improvement of problematic behavior can be done continually not by one off thing. For this, we try to generalize the various situation as weticas the school. The conclusions savior cse by as weticas and the discussion. The first, the music expression activity of intellectual disability children gives them positive influrste on the lack of attention and the interaction with others.
The second, as the music expression increases, the problematic behavior decreased and we can check the functional relationship. The third, we can see the positive effect of music activity program after the increased music expression activity and the decreased the problematic behavior after the mediating.
This study is aimed at observing the effect of music expression activity on lack attention behavior. I would make these suggestions based on the study of music expression activity program for intellectual disability children.
The first, various, systematic and specific music expression activity program is urgently needed to foster the adaptation behavior ability based on level, characteristics for intellectual disability children. The second, the education system of music teachers who have specialty and ability in the intellectual disability children at school. It is necessary to teach them by glitping the type of disablThecharacteristics and levels. It is important for teachers to educate in the course of gliduate school for more systematic and detailed instruction. The third, it is necessary to have cooperative connection between hre sand the related expety bto getsan improvement of behavior in diffetent situations as well as schools. The fourth, the continual music education should be done to influence positively on the stud lev' psychological, eo educal and behavior growth not one-off thing. But, music ievelf is worth for stud lev. The fifth, in case of the stud le who has problem, teacher should have ad,ropriat is eatment ability one-ofthe result but by the cause of this behavior. For this, much field experiment and careful observation for students are needed.
Alternative Title
The influence the mediation of music activity on problematic behavior of intellectual disability children
Alternative Author(s)
Jung, in hye
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 특수교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
Abstract iii

I. 서론

1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구 문제 3
3. 용어 정의 3

II. 이론적 배경

1. 지적장애의 개념 5
1) 지적장애아의 정의 5
2) 지적장애아의 학습 특성 7
2. 음악활동과 문제행동과의 관계 8
3 특수학교 음악과 교육과정 11
4. 선행연구 고찰 16

III. 연구 방법

1. 연구 대상 및 연구 기간 18
1) 연구 대상 18
2) 연구 기간 19
2. 연구 장소 및 연구 도구 19
1) 연구 장소 19
2) 연구 도구 22
3. 자료수집 및 분석 20
1) 행동 관찰 20
2) 행동측정 방법 및 신뢰도 측정도구 21
3) 촉진행동 21
4. 실험 설계 및 실험 조건 22
1) 실험 설계 22
2) 실험 조건 22
IV. 연구 결과

1. A, B, C학생의 음악활동 수업태도 24
2. A, B, C학생의 주의력결핍행동 40

V. 논의 56

VI. 결론 72

VII. 제언 78

참고문헌 79

부록 84
정인혜. (2011). 음악활동의 중재가 지적장애아의 문제행동에 미치는 영향.
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