교육용 기초한자의 선정 개선 방향 연구

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A Study on Directions on Selection of
Basic Chinese Characters for Education
― Centering on Selection Criteria of Basic Chinese Characters
in Hunmongjahoi ―

Han Kyu-Jin
Adviser : Kwon Soon-yoel Litt.D.
Major : Sino-Korean Literature
Graduate School of Education, Chosun

This study aims to identify problems of basic Chinese characters for education in an old manner and to present countermeasures for effective education. For the purpose, the study critically examines problems revealed in selection of basic Chinese characters for education, focusing on 「Hunmongjahoiin」 and 「Paradigm」 of Hunmongjahoi to suggest new standards for re-selection of the basic Chinese characters for education.
Chapter Ⅱ speculated the background and transitional process of their selection. It was suggested that the language and literature policy of Korea has not been settled for a few decades, which was the fundamental problem of the basic Chinese characters. In addition, many problems have not been solved although they had four transitional processes.
It was discussed that Choi Se-jin made Hunmongjahoi so that students could read books on Chinese ethics and history and some writings extensively with awareness of problems of the Thousand-ms of the Text and Yuhap. Choi Se-jin gave a priority to nouns over verbs and arrangement of characters which was based on certain principles. To look at the 「Paradigm」, it was discovered that the standards to select Chinese characters were simple and clear, Chinese characters with various meanings were selected, the number of character was not considered, and a focus was given on what was written for compilation.
As a result of the study, it was discovered that Hunmongjahoi was produced and modified four times, an important key to reconsider and solve lots of problems, and an important base to select Chinese characters to be revised.
Chapter Ⅲ mentioned four conditions of re-selection of the basic Chinese characters based on the previous discussion: First, a clear educational objective of ‘exact use of language ’ should be developed. Second, primary, secondary and middle school textbooks should be considered as a population. Third, the degree of difficulty should be decided according to ranks of subjects. Finally, the number of characters should be decided according to needs.
Chapter Ⅳ mentioned three meanings which can be obtained through re-selection of the basic Chinese characters: First, the educational directions of Chinese characters should be developed in that they are important in Korean language education. Second, there may be a possibility that sino-Korean is included in university entrance examinations in respect to the first meanings and its dropped status can be restored. Finally, students can understand what they learn at school better and the effect students can have will be obvious.
Finally, chapter Ⅴ concluded the entire discussion and mentioned the reason studies on selection of main vocabulary and conceptual words were absent. Of course, for the study to have meanings, selection of Chinese characters should be followed by their arrangement. However, it is beyond the range of the study. If the study was completed in a short time for better results, it could not have identified problems of previous Tables of Chinese characters. Therefore, it is suggested that further studies should discuss it more intensively.
Alternative Title
A Study on Directions on Selection of Basic Chinese Characters for Education : Centering on Selection Criteria of Basic Chinese Characters in Hunmongjahoi
Alternative Author(s)
Han Kyu-Jin
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 한문교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
朝鮮大學校 敎育大學院
目 次


Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구 목적 및 연구 방법 1
2. 연구사 검토 4

Ⅱ. 교육용 기초한자의 선정 배경 및 변천 과정 8
1. 교육용 기초한자의 선정 배경 8
2. 교육용 기초한자의 변천 과정 10

Ⅲ. 󰡔훈몽자회󰡕의 저술 배경 및 편찬 특징 28
1. 󰡔훈몽자회󰡕의 저술 배경 28
2. 󰡔훈몽자회󰡕의 편찬 특징 33

Ⅳ. 󰡔훈몽자회󰡕를 기초로 한 교육용 기초한자 재선정의 조건 42
1. 교육 목표의 명료화 42
2. 모집단 재선정 47
3. 난이도 기준 재설정 51
4. 字數 제한 탈피 55

Ⅴ. 교육용 기초한자 재선정의 의의 60
1. 한자 교육의 방향 60
2. 교과로서 󰡔한문󰡕의 위상 62
3. 학습자가 얻을 수 있는 효과 64

Ⅵ. 결론 67

참 고 문 헌 70
한규진. (2011). 교육용 기초한자의 선정 개선 방향 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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