중학교 1학년 음악교과서 분석연구

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An analysis and study of first grade in middle school Music textbook.
- Focusing on the domain of Music appreciation -
Ji Hye Ryu
Advisor: Prof. Young Hwa Seo.
Major in music Education
Graduate School of Education, Chosun University.

The purpose of this research is to analyze the appreciation of music of the 7th revision of 16 different kinds of music text books of the first year of middle school, and is to find out whether the appreciation of music is balanced equally on 16 different kinds of music text books. Furthermore, the definition of appreciation, the necessity of appreciation, the purpose, nurturing of the ability of appreciation, different ways of appreciation, and the manner of a performer are included in this research. The range of this research is the analysis of the 7th revision of 16 different kinds of music text books. The appreciation is what is indicated as ‘appreciation’ on a table of contents of the music text book. There are four different ways in this research.
Firstly, it is to examine thoroughly the 7th revise education of music.
Secondly, it is to inquire into the center of the 7th revised education of music and to find out the ‘appreciation’ in the content and the ability of appreciation of music in the objective of a lesson.
Thirdly, it is to look into the definition and different ways of appreciation of music.
Fourthly, it is to examine the appreciation of the 7th revised 16 different kinds of music text books of the first year of middle school.
Fifthly, it is to look into the analysis of different kinds of music text books, different composers of Western music, Korean classical music, and World music based on 16 different kinds of appreciation according to the 7th revision of music textbook of first year of middle school.

The following is the analysis of the result of this research.

First of all, it contains several of both Western music and Korean classical music. In addition, Western music contains 118, and Korean classical music contains 111. Since the quality of Korean classical music based on the revision of the 7th revised education course improved, the ratio of Korean classical music and Western music is similar to each other. The World music is also included in the 7th revised music text book.
Second of all, it contains analysis of composers from Classic music to contemporary music of Western are Covered. Korean classical music has both a composer and a person who transcribed; the World music is analyzed by different country, genre, and era.
Third of all, it seemed that numerous appreciations are included in the 7th revised music text book, but there was a repetition of the same appreciation on different textbooks. However, an appreciation of music is the most important. As a result, the range of the appreciation of music should be enlarged.
Fourth of all, we as cultural citizens have to know the ways and the necessity of an appreciation of music, and we have to learn and practice the courtesy in a concert.
Alternative Title
An analysis and study of first grade in middle school Music textbook.
Alternative Author(s)
Ryu, ji hye
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 음악교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차

Ⅰ. 서 론
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구의 범위 및 방법 3

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
1. 2007 개정음악과 교육과정 고찰 5
2. 음악 감상의 정의와 유형 21

Ⅲ. 2007 개정 교육과정에 의한 중1 음악교과서의 감상영역 분석
1. 현행 16종 중1 음악교과서의 감상영역 현황 34
2. 나라별 감상영역 분석 36
3. 작곡가별 감상영역 분석 42
4. 장르별 감상영역 분석 47

Ⅳ. 결론 55

조선대학교 교육대학원
유지혜. (2010). 중학교 1학년 음악교과서 분석연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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