중등 미술수업의 참여도 증진을 위한 실생활 활용 방안 연구

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중등 미술수업|스텐실 판화
This study is focused on searching for a plenty of methods and practical living-related materials that engage more students in expressing themselves and in participating in class activities by applying stencil printmaking in the junior-high to high school arts education.
In Chapter one of the paper, the printmaking was classified to relief printing, intaglio, planographic prints, and stencil in accordance with its conception and making process for the better understanding of overall printmaking based on the various literature research. Especially out of this research, the specific concept and history for stencil was focused and then based on the research, the educational values in applying stencil to the class was described.
In Chapter two, the class model where student can utilize the stencil techniques and produce some art works in the real lives after acquiring knowledge and skills through self-search of their surroundings and materials. And the study will present step-by step skill-learning model by introducing materials and skills for each step and by classifying coaching ways into individual vs group learning, short term vs long term, natural vs artificial materials, and single-color vs multi-color array.
In conclusion, it is expected that the living-art utilization through stencil skills would be activated and more study on the educational application for that will be initiated. Also it would be very promising that this study would help students enhance their expression skills and creativity, expand their spectrums of experiences through arts, and actively embrace the artistic activities in their lives.
Alternative Title
A study on utilization in real life for improving participation in secondary art class
Alternative Author(s)
Han Yea Hyung
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 미술교육
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Table Of Contents
목 차


제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 목적 및 필요성 1
제2절 연구의 내용 및 방법 3

제2장 본 론 5
제1절 스텐실 판화의 이론적 배경 5
1. 판화의 개념 및 종류 5
가. 판화의 개념 5
나. 판화의 종류 7
2. 스텐실 판화의 개념 및 역사 12
가. 스텐실 판화의 개념 12
나. 스텐실 판화의 역사 13
3. 스텐실 판화의 교육적 가치 14

제2절 스텐실 기법을 활용한 수업방안 연구 17
1. 스텐실 판화 수업의 목표 17
2. 스텐실 제작 방법 18
가. 도구와 준비 18
나. 제작 과정 19
3. 수업 모형 21
가. 개별 학습 vs 협동 학습 23
나. 단기 학습 vs 장기 학습 35
다. 자연 재료 vs 인공 재료 45
라. 단색 배열 또는 다색 배열 56

제3장 결론 61

참고문헌 64
조선대학교 교육대학원
한예형. (2010). 중등 미술수업의 참여도 증진을 위한 실생활 활용 방안 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2011-03-03
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