임진왜란기 국외 체험 소재 서사문학 비교연구

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Imjinweran was derived from two Japanese invasions from 1592 (the 25th reign year of king Seonjo) to 1598. It was an important event in East Asia at that time which affected China and Japan as well as Joseon. So there are diverse records on outbreak and process of Imjinweran. This study focused on overseas experiences of Korean people due to Imjinweran. As the overseas experiences were realistically delivered through epic literature such as authentic records, novels and narratives, this study analysed compositions of each literary works, general characteristics of genres and each literary work, and descriptive methods focusing on 󰡔Geumgye Diary󰡕, 「Choichukjeon」, and 「Jowanbyokjeon」 representing epic literature. As a result, the study discovered that the three literary works with different genres using similar overseas experiences as materials have distinctive characteristics beyond existing genres.
󰡔Geumgye Diary󰡕 records an escape to China from Japan, and experiences at China in detail. It describes customs and institutions of China, but it includes poems or essays on intention to return home, which gives literary sensation to readers. 「Choichukjeon」 describes situations of war through overseas experiences of a hero realistically and specifically. It shows suffering of the people at that time, suggesting that it was a war which brought pain to other peoples as well as our people. 「Jowanbyokjeon」 records Jo Wan-byok's journey to Vietnam with his Japanese landowner. Unlike existing narratives designed to praise and criticize others, 「Jowanbyokjeon」 was intended to describe interesting events in an epic view.
Based on discussion on the composition of each work, the study examined general characteristics of genres and each work. 󰡔Geumgye Diary󰡕 describes events with objective views as a true record with the author's feeling excluded. It shows a longing for home and intention to return home through poems. The author records his experiences without limitation to themes or length. So, contents which are not related to the epic flow sometimes appear. However, as the whole work has a longing for his home and intention to return home, it has a uniform base of a record of journey toward returning home.
The early part of the 「Choichukjeon」 is characterized by biography based on love. It is a biography focusing on love, but it has formed a distinctive literary world different from other biographies. Its space was expanded through overseas experiences and more weight was given to the entourage to represent diverse aspects of war. Through description of diverse characters, it describes influences of war on families and other peoples beyond heroes.
Narrative deals with life of heroes and praises and criticizes them by arranging special episodes involving them. 「Jowanbyokjeon」 is an organic epic narrative describing strange events Jo Wan-byok had when he was taken into Japan as a war prisoner and went to Vietnam with his Japanese owner for business. It describes new information ach as civilizJowanbyand customs of Vietnam, focusing on exciting episodes rather o Vn the character of Jo.
Finally, the study compared descriptive methods of the three works based on points of views and time. 󰡔Geumgye Diary󰡕 is a diary based on real episodes in the first person point of view. It used the first person point of view of observer to describe events or information with an objective view. It used the first person view point of hero to represent a longing for home through poems. 「Choichukjeon」 used the omniscient third person view point. The narrator knows what the characters think and the overall events. The author describes episodes through eyes of the hero indirectly and what the hero thought directly. It is the first person viewpoint with his feeling controlled in the maximum for objective representation, which is contrary to 󰡔Geumgye Diary󰡕 which represents feeling through poems. 「Jowanbyokjeon」 used the third person viewpoint. As a narrative records facts in historians' style, it can not use the omniscient third person view point. The author of 「Jowanbyokjeon」 intended to deal with new information on Vietnam. So, it did not give a focus on the hero's feeling. It is similar to 󰡔Geumgye Diary󰡕 which describes episodes in the observer's viewpoint.
󰡔Geumgye Diary󰡕 which is written in a diary style describes episodes in a sequential order. Such style has a weak point in that it is a comprehensive description of information. However, the sequential record of episodes accompanied by specific records of dates, places and weather brings familarity to experiences of the author. As the entourage of 󰡔Geumgye Diary󰡕 are just common people the author met during overseas experiences, they did not have any organic connection. However, such individual materials have uniformity as they are included in a single theme of recording overseas experiences. It is contrary to 「Choichukjeon」. The heroes of 「Choichukjeon」 are Choi Chuk and Ok Young, but the author records the entourage very specificis c. The description follows chronological order, but description of each character intermittently appears in a low in the middle of the record, which makes time reversed. The reason why 「Choichukjeon」 had reverse structure of time was that heroes were separated and had different overseas experiences. 「Jowanbyokjeon」 describes Jo's experiences in sequential order focusing on his journey to Vietnam for business with his Japanese owner, which is similar to 󰡔Geumgye Diary󰡕 which is written in a diary style.
Alternative Title
A Comparative Study on Epic Literature Using Overseas Experiences as Materials during the Period of Imjinweran
Alternative Author(s)
Chu Hyeong-Ju
교육대학원 한문교육
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Table Of Contents
目 次


Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구 목적 1
2. 연구 방법 6

Ⅱ. 작품 구성 10
1. 탈출에서 귀국까지의 여정 - 󰡔錦溪日記󰡕 10
2. 전쟁으로 인한 이별과 재회의 반복 - 「崔陟傳」 16
3. 安南으로의 여정 - 「趙完璧傳」 21

Ⅲ. 장르의 일반적 특징과 임진왜란기 국외 체험 소재 문학 26
1. 실기문학과 󰡔錦溪日記󰡕 26
1) 실기문학의 일반적 특징과 󰡔錦溪日記󰡕 26
2) 일기형식의 파편성과 국외 체험 서술의 통일성 30
2. 전기소설과 「崔陟傳」 39
1) 전기소설의 일반적 특징과 「崔陟傳」 39
2) 다채로운 국외 체험과 전기소설 형식의 변모 45
3. 傳과 「趙完璧傳」 52
1) 전의 일반적 특징과 「趙完璧傳」 52
2) 국외 체험으로 인한 사건 중심의 서술 54

Ⅳ. 서술방식 비교 58
1. 시점 58
1) 󰡔錦溪日記󰡕의 1인칭 주인공ㆍ관찰자 시점 58
2) 「崔陟傳」의 3인칭 전지적 작가 시점 67
3) 「趙完璧傳」의 3인칭 관찰자 시점 71
2. 시간 74
1) 󰡔錦溪日記󰡕의 시간 - 일상의 시간과 고국 귀환을 위한 여정 74
2) 「崔陟傳」의 시간 - 서사 병렬과 시간 역전 현상 78
3) 「趙完璧傳」의 시간 - 시간의 순서에 따른 서사 전개 81

Ⅴ. 결론 84

참 고 문 헌 90
조선대학교 교육대학원
추형주. (2010). 임진왜란기 국외 체험 소재 서사문학 비교연구.
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