청년실업에 관한 연구

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A study regarding young man unemployment

Song Song yi
Adviser: Chi, Kwang Soo, Ph.D.
Major: General Social Science Education
Graduate School of Education, Chosun university

In recent days, the younger generations have difficulties in finding a job, because the education system fails to properly respond to demand for workforce in which there has been a structural change since the national financial crisis. The problems with the youth labor market are no longer personal matters, and the younger generations should urgently be assisted to entrench themselves in the labor market as key members of society. The cause of the unemployment of the younger generations and possible countermeasures could be explained as follows:
First, it takes a long time for the younger generations to get a job after graduation, which results in lowering their employment rate. Young people are tardier at entering into the labor market in our country than in advanced countries.
Second, young people's unemployment is not a matter of the labor market only. They contribute to an increase in the economically inactive population, which is a matter that should be taken more seriously.
Third, the largest number of young people are temporary workers, which indicates that even employed young people encounter another matter, job insecurity. Being an irregular employee at the previous workplace doesn't have a great impact on whether to be hired as a regular or irregular worker at a new workplace, but those who have continued to be irregular workers are more likely to be hired as irregular employees at a new workplace as well, and they are less likely to be employed as regular workers. It cannot definitely be said that young people who lost their job get to be irregular employees as a last resort, but it's not actually easy for them to become regular employees if they have changed their employment frequently.
Fourth, the transition from school to the labor market should be taken into consideration. School curriculums should provide more internship programs and intensive vocational and career guidance in light of the demand for workforce, and collaboration between elementary and secondary schools, educational-industrial cooperation and information sharing are required.
Fifth, the rapid globalization trend and accelerated technological innovation are expected to change the demand for workforce and skilled human resources and to bring fast changes to existing jobs. Some jobs may disappear, and new jobs will be created. Moreover, the employment rate is expected to drop in entire industries due to the slow national growth rate. The change in the demand for youth workforce isn't likely to make a contribution to getting rid of their employment difficulties.
Sixth, a shift of economic and industrial policies is required to bolster the dynamicity of companies to create new jobs to relieve the difficulties of the younger generations in getting a job. The added value of existing industries should be heightened to create new jobs in the private sector, and the development of knowledge-based industries should be expedited at the same time to lay the solid foundation for employment creation. As the importance of quality service is increasingly stressed, various industries should be allowed to benefit from tax favors and financial aid that are currently provided mostly to manufacturing businesses, and more medium- and small-sized companies that are in a better position to create new jobs should be established.
Seventh, the public sector also should try to build the foundation for job creation in a flexible manner to cope with economic depression. Especially, disadvantaged young people who lag behind in terms of employment should be helped to find a job in the field of social welfare or public service.
Eighth, the work experiences of those who have just taken care of simple work regardless of their major don't make any contribution to their career. The internship system should be introduced to offer more opportunities for would-be graduates to acquire hands-on work experiences. This system allows students to gain work experiences to make a better career choice and develop their abilities, and that also provides an opportunity for cooperating companies to improve their image, to make use of excellent manpower, to hire qualified students and ultimately to cut down on their hiring and training costs. At the same time, the system enables each school to operate their curriculum in collaboration with industries, which is expected to serve to satisfy the demand for workforce.
Alternative Title
A study regarding young man unemployment
Alternative Author(s)
Song, Song Yi
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 일반사회교육
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Table Of Contents
제 1 장. 서 론 1
제 1 절. 연구배경 및 연구목적 1
제 2 절. 연구방법 및 내용 2

제 2 장. 청년층의 경제활동과 실업률 현황 3
제 1 절. 청년층의 경제활동 현황 3
1. 경제활동 3
2. 학교급별 졸업자의 취업자 현황 4
3. 학력별 청년층 취업자 증가율 요인별 변화 5
4. 청년층 취업자의 첫 취업 시 소요기간 8
5. 고등교육 투자 11
6. 청년층 근로자의 임금수준 12
제 2 절. 청년층의 실업 17
1. 청년층 실업의 정의 17
2. 청년층 실업의 현황 18
3. 청년실업으로 인해 나타난 현상 19
4. 청년 미취업의 원인 23
제 3 절. 청년 취업준비생의 교육정도별 실태 28
1. 청년층 취업준비생의 교육정도별 특징 28
2. 대졸 청년층 취업준비생의 특징 30

제 3 장. 청년층 노동시장의 문제점 33
제 1 절. 직무 및 교육 불일치 33
1. 직무 및 전공불일치 33
제 2 절. 직업 교육 및 훈련경험 미비 35
제 3 절. 대학 중심의 획일적 진로 38
1. 대학진학률 급증 38
2. 교육과 고용문제 38
3. 과잉교육 40
4. 고학력화 하향취업 41
제 4 절. 일자리의 질 저하 43
1. 비정규직의 증가 44
2. 비정규직 고용의 확산 원인 45
제 5 절. 괜찮은 일자리의 감소 49
1. 괜찮은 일자리의 정의 49
2. 괜찮은 일자리의 감소 51
제 6 절. 중소기업 인력난 52
1. 중소제조업의 인력실태 52
2. 중소기업에 대한 인식 54

제 4 장. 주요국의 청년 실업 대책 56
제 1 절. 미국 56
1. 청년실업의 현황 56
2. 청년실업의 정책 57
3. 청년층 고용정책의 성과와 문제점 60
제 2 절. 프랑스 61
1. 청년실업의 현황 61
2. 청년실업의 정책 63
제 3 절. 영국 67
1. 청년실업의 현황 67
2. 청년실업의 정책 68
제 4 절. 독일 70
1. 청년실업의 현황 70
2. 청년실업의 정책 72
제 5 절. 일본 75
1. 청년실업의 현황 75
2. 청년실업의 정책 76

제 5 장. 개선방안 81
제 1 절. 일자리 창출 81
1. 성장잠재력의 확충 81
2. 서비스산업의 구조조정 82
3. 지역의 일자리 창출 82
4. 인턴제도의 효과적 정착을 위한 대책 강구 83
5. 해외인력송출사업 확대 84
제 2 절. 직업훈련 및 취업알선 프로그램 강화 85
제 3 절. 학교와 산업계사이의 연계 강화 87
1. 사내대학 설립 확대 유도 87
2. 산업체 위탁교육 등의 제도개선 88
제 4 절. 적극적인 교육개혁 89
제 5 절. 청년층의 노동시장 경험 강화 91
1. 재학생의 인턴쉽 기회 확충 91
2. 교육채제의 유연화 92
제 6 절. 정부의 청년실업 대책 현황 93
제 6 장. 결 론 95

참 고 문 헌 98
조선대학교 교육대학원
송송이. (2010). 청년실업에 관한 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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