광주지역 일부 여자노인에서 보건소 영양중재사업에 따른 영양개선 효과 비교

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This study was conducted to evaluate nutritional improvement after 3-month nutrition intervention program with females aged over 65 years utilizing a free meal service center in Dong-gu, Gwangju city. Nutrition intervention program consisted of stretching, muscular power excercise, nutrition education and food between meals. It took 60 minutes at once and totally 35 times were conducted. Nutrition education focused on enhancement of the nutritional condition through improvement of dietary life and food between meals to supplement nutrients, which could be insufficient in the elderly such as energy, potassium, calcium, riboflavin and vitamin A, was provided. General environment factors, nutritional risk factors, dietary habit factors and dietary intakes of nutrients were investigated before and after the nutrition intervention program.
The mean age of the subjects was 77±6.3 years and the elderly living along accounted for the largest part, 45.5%. In addition, 82.1% of the subjects suffered from problems of teeth and the economic and educational levels of the elderly were observed to be low. Moreover, before the nutrition intervention program they showed poor dietary habits, high nutritional risks and poor nutritional intakes.
The average of total scores of dietary habits of the subjects aged 65-74 years increased significantly from 3.54±2.41 points before the program to 5.89±2.88 points after it, and that of the elderly aged over 75 years also grew significantly from 2.88±2.17 points before the program to 5.48±2.58 points after it. In short, their dietary habits were improved after the nutrition intervention program.
Dietary intakes of nutrients became higher overall after the program. In particular, in the subjects aged 65-74 years dietary fiber, potassium, thiamin, sodium(p<0.05, respectively) and niacin(p<0.01) intakes increased significantly and in the elderly aged over 75 years cholesterol, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B6, vitamin C(p<0.05, respectively), protein, lipids(p<0.01, respectively), carbohydrate, dietary fiber, potassium, zinc, thiamin, niacin, folic acid and vitamin E(p<0.001, respectively) intakes grew significantly. In addition, Nutrient Adequacy Ratio(NAR) of all nutrients became higher after the nutrition intervention program. In the subjects aged 65-74 years, particularly, niacin and thiamin showed a significantly increased NAR(p<0.05) and in the elderly aged over 75 years protein, phosphorus, vitamin C (p<0.01, respectively), iron, zinc, thiamin, vitamin B6, niacin and folic acid (p<0.001, respectively) were observed to have a significantly higher NAR. Mean Adequacy Ratio(MAR) was increased from 0.59±0.16 before the program to 0.68±0.14 after it in the elderly aged 65-74 years and it grew significantly from 0.50±0.20 before the program to 0.62±0.20 after it in the subjects aged over 75 years(p<0.001). In other words, the dietary intakes of nutrients and the overall quality of meals were improved after the program compared to those before it.
Therefore, the nutrition intervention program used in this study was turned to be effective in changing dietary life properly and in improving nutritional condition. However, the amount of dietary intake of nutrients of the subjects was lower than that is recommended by Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans. Moreover, excess sodium intake and macronutrients distribution should be improved for better nutrition intervention program as well. All of these results of this study will be provided as basic data for strategies to activate the nutrition intervention program of a local society.
Alternative Title
A Comparative study on the effects of the nutrition intervention program of public health center for the female elderly in Gwangju city
Alternative Author(s)
Ji-suk Yang
조선대학교 교육대학원 영양교육
교육대학원 영양교육
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Table Of Contents
목 차
제 1 장 서 론 1
제 2 장 연구내용 및 방법 3
제 1 절 연구대상 및 조사기간 3
제 2 절 연구내용 및 방법 3
1. 일반 환경 요인 조사 4
2. 영양위험도 조사 4
3. 식습관 조사 5
4. 영양소 섭취조사와 평가 5
가. 영양소 섭취량과 영양섭취기준 대비 비율 6
나. NAR과 MAR 6
5. 영양중재 사업 내용 및 시행 6
가. 영양교육 6
나. 간식제공 8
6. 통계처리 9
제 3 장 결과 및 고찰 10
제 1 절 조사대상자의 제요인 특성 분석 10
1. 일반 환경 요인 10
2. 영양위험도 요인 15
3. 식습관 요인 19
4. 영양소 섭취 상태 21
가. 영양소 섭취량과 영양섭취기준 대비 비율 21
나. 열량 영양소 섭취 비율 25
다. NAR과 MAR 26
제 2 절 영양중재 사업 시행 후 제 요인의 특성 비교 28
1. 식습관 형태 변화 28
2. 영양소 섭취 상태 변화 32
가. 영양소 섭취량과 영양섭취기준 대비 비율 변화 32
나. 열량 영양소 섭취 비율 변화 43
다. 단백질, 철분, 칼슘의 급원식품 변화 44
라. 영양소별영양섭취기준미만및과잉섭취대상자비율변화 46
마. NAR과 MAR 변화 48
제 4 장 요약 및 결론 52
참 고 문 헌 56
설 문 지 59
양지숙. (2009). 광주지역 일부 여자노인에서 보건소 영양중재사업에 따른 영양개선 효과 비교.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2010-01-25
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