특수학교 기간제 교사의 운영 실태

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This study aims to develop informative guideline which would help implementing effective policies upon administration and management of temporary teachers in special schools.
According to the purpose presented above, we set the following questions:
1. How is the working condition and hiring practice of temporary teachers in special schools?
2. How is the current status of teaching and learning performed by temporary teachers in special schools?
3. What are the difficulties that temporary teachers in special schools experience and supporting plans for them?
4. Where does job satisfaction of temporary teachers in special schools stands?
For the purpose of gathering data for the study, a survey was conducted targeting 92 temporary teachers working at 26 special schools located in Gyeonggi-do region. Questionnaire was prepared with 46 questions in 5 different categories, and the answers were analyzed by descriptive statistics.
The results of the study are as follows:
First, temporary teachers were hired for the purpose of supplementing vacancies and replacing unassigned teachers as well as assigning certain subject for a limited period of time, except for the positions where significant responsibilities are required, such as home-room teachers.
Second, temporary teachers were experiencing difficulties due to a complicated classroom environment where groups of students required different types of cares, such as students with different level of learning disabilities, were gathered all together in one classroom, including overcrowdedness. Thus, the teachers were trying to provide individual instruction to each student based on individual differences. At the same time, they were in desperate need of various teaching strategies and evaluation schemes.
Third, temporary teachers were longing for the training program designed to help their official affairs as they struggled with the official affairs other than teaching. In order to resolve such difficulties, temporary teachers want the office of education to improve their social position as well as pay, and want the fellow teachers at the same school to pay more attention and supports to them.
Fourth, temporary teachers appeared satisfied with their works in general, especially with their personal relationships, however, they exhibited the least satisfaction on school administration process, which suggests that it would help temporary teachers to improve their performance if they were given opportunities to be involved in school administration process.
Based on the results above, this study presents suggestions as follows:
First, on-going employment practice upon temporary teachers for the purpose of supplementing vacancies and replacing unassigned teachers as well as assigning certain subject during a limited period of time for unspecified reasons should be eliminated; thus, long-term and future-oriented hiring policy upon teachers should be developed for the sake of education for our children.
Second, the office of education should improve social position and pay of temporary teachers to encourage their morale, and provide training programs for temporary teachers to advance their performance at work.
Third, each school should encourage other fellow teachers to better cooperate with temporary teachers as co-workers while paying more attention to and supporting them.
Fourth, various support system should be developed, such as providing them case-study references as well as scholarship programs.
Fifth, temporary teachers should also dedicate themselves to improve their performances by investing efforts into learning and experiencing to elevate their teaching qualities.
Alternative Title
Operation Status of Temporary Teachers in Special Schools
Alternative Author(s)
Ban, Hyun Hee
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 특수교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
표목차 ⅴ
그림목차 ⅶ

Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구문제 4
3. 용어의 정의 4
4. 연구의 제한점 5

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 6
1. 기간제 교사의 도입 배경 6
2. 기간제 교사의 운영 7
1) 개념 7
2) 신분 10
3) 임용권 11
4) 근무조건 12
5) 보수 및 퇴직금 13
6) 복지후생 13
7) 해임 14
3. 특수학교 기간제 교사의 운영 15
1) 특수학교 기간제 교사의 현황 15
2) 특수학교 기간제 교사의 자격기준 18
4. 관련 선행연구 19

Ⅲ. 연구방법 24
1. 연구설계 24
2. 연구대상 24
3. 연구도구 27
1) 특수학교 기간제 교사의 임용 및 근무조건 영역 27
2) 특수학교 기간제 교사의 교수-학습지도 실태 영역 28
3) 특수학교 기간제 교사의 애로점과 지원방안 영역 28
4) 특수학교 기간제 교사의 직무만족도 영역 29
4. 연구절차 32
1) 예비조사 32
2) 본 조사 32
5. 자료분석 33

Ⅳ. 연구결과 34
1. 특수학교 기간제 교사의 임용 및 근무조건 34
1) 계약기간 34
2) 임용사유 35
3) 계약방식 35
4) 학급실태 및 학교교육에 관한 오리엔테이션 36
5) 담임 여부 37
6) 업무분장 형태 37
7) 업무분장 종류 38
8) 지도 교과목 및 주당 시수 38
2. 특수학교 기간제 교사의 교수-학습지도 실태 42
1) 지도 시 가장 중점을 두는 영역 42
2) 개별화교육계획(IEP) 활용 여부 42
3) 개별화교육계획(IEP) 활용지도 시 가장 어려운 점 43
4) 개별화교육계획(IEP) 활용하지 않는 이유 44
5) 학생 지도 시 어려운 점 44
6) 교수-학습 방법 45
7) 교재 연구 시간 46
8) 교수-학습 자료 47
9) 교재 연구 시 참고 자료 47
10) 지도 시 가장 필요성을 느끼는 영역 48
3. 특수학교 기간제 교사의 애로점과 지원방안 49
1) 가장 어려움을 느끼는 분야 49
2) 어려움을 느끼는 원인 49
3) 어려움 발생 시 대처 방식 50
4) 도움을 가장 많이 받는 사람 51
5) 기간제 교사를 위한 학교측 지원 52
6) 기간제 교사를 위한 교육청측 지원 52
7) 재직기간 중 기간제 교사를 위한 연수 여부 53
8) 기간제 교사를 위한 연수 필요 여부 53
9) 필요한 연수 영역 54
4. 특수학교 기간제 교사의 직무만족도 55

Ⅴ. 논의 59
1. 특수학교 기간제 교사의 임용 및 근무조건 59
2. 특수학교 기간제 교사의 교수-학습지도 실태 61
3. 특수학교 기간제 교사의 애로점과 지원방안 64
4. 특수학교 기간제 교사의 직무만족도 66

Ⅵ. 결론 및 제언 68
1. 결론 68
2. 제언 70

참고문헌 72
부 록 74
설문지 75
특수학교 기간제 교사의 운영 실태에 대한 기타 의견 84
조선대학교 대학원
반현희. (2009). 특수학교 기간제 교사의 운영 실태.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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