교회학교 통합프로그램 사례연구

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Recently, special education has tried to place children with disabilities in a general educational environment by pursuing complete integration. Also, a christian educational, which is one of the areas (communities) of society, needs to try to realize an integrative environment, both for children with disabilities and children without disabilities, applied to life through the truth of the Bible.
Currently, in Protestant churches, the educational department for students with disabilities is being run in only 194 churches out of 53,000 churches nationwide. Moreover, an integrative program in which students with disabilities and students without disabilities has been operated only in a handful of churches. The Bible says all of us are one community in Christ, but this paper is based on a reality in which church schools are assuming a passive attitude in the operation of an integrative program.
The purpose of this paper is to understand the trend in integrative education by era, look into the reality of an integrative program for
students with disabilities and students without disabilities based on the purpose of the education and the contents of the education for the disability in a church school, and further, to seek a professional, systematic integrative program.
As a result of the research in this paper, first, along with the change of era, students with disabilities who have been educated in a separated environment are receiving an education in an integrative environment, and this trend is also being made evident in christian educational. The christian educational is proposing the need for an integrative education from the biblical, ethical, and social perspective as well as from the view of parents, believers in the church, and pastors. Also, the christian educationall is offering diverse programs for an integrative education. Among others, an integrative church service is becoming centric.
Second, the educational department for students with disabilities from among Protestant churches nationwide numbered 200, and merely one or two churches have run an integrative program by region. Some regions had no church operating an educational department for students with disabilities, and even if there were, those churches did not operate an integrative program in other regions. More importantly, an integrative program has been run in the form of partial integration in which students with disabilities temporarily participate in a church service of students without disabilities, rather than experiencing complete integration.
Therefore, this paper proposed the following for a systematic, active integrative environment in a christian educational: first, the modification of textbooks in order to enable students with disabilities and students without disabilities to be active together, second, the offering of ongoing
education instead of one-time education aimed at general teachers and special education teachers in a church school, third, the performance of an education of understanding disabilities aimed at students and their parents in a christian educational, and fourth, the preparation of a department supporting an integrative education within a church.
Now is the time not only for schools but also for churches to try to create an integrative environment which goes beyond an education sensitive to disabilities. In addition, an integrative environment should not be satisfied with being an integrative church service, but it should be a foundation for students with disabilities and students without disabilities to live as a community of society without discrimination through the development of various integrative programs such as field trips, afterschool programs, and camps.
Alternative Title
The Case Study about Inclusive Program in Christian Educational
Alternative Author(s)
Kim Eun Young
교육대학원 특수교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차

Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 목적 1
2. 연구내용 2
3. 연구범위 2

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 3
1. 통합교육의 이론적 배경 3
2. 기독교교육에서의 장애인 교육 10
3. 교회학교의 통합프로그램 필요성 15
4. 교회학교 통합교육에 대한 선행연구 17

Ⅲ. 연구 방법 19
1. 연구 대상 19
2. 연구 도구 20
3. 연구 절차 20

Ⅳ. 연구 결과 21
1. 장애인부서 실태 21
2. 교회학교 통합프로그램 사례 24
3. 교회학교 통합프로그램 사례 분석 37

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언 42
1. 결론 42
2. 제언 43

참고문헌 45
부록 49
조선대학교 대학원
김은영. (2009). 교회학교 통합프로그램 사례연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2009-08-04
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