日韓 兩言語 授受表現의 意味·用法에 관한 對照硏究

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The Korean studying Japanese language (JL) has mastered more easily than other foreign language because it has a grammar system similar with Korean language (KL). However, the usage of some verbs in JL must reflect the complicated human relationship between the individuals in a daily life, superior-inferior interaction and the restriction as a grammatical person between talkers, viewpoint of talker and so on. Therefore, Korean sometimes has used wrong expression to talk JL.
In this study, the meaning and features of giving and receiving expression in Japanese literary writings was analyzed and the differences in usage was compared to KL grammar, anticipating that Koreans studying and educating JL understand the correct usage against frequently occurred misuse and design an efficient JL education plan. Based on examples in Japanese original works and books in translation, the meaning verbal usage in the giving and receiving expression and the expression actually used in KL translation were analyzed.
In Japanese literary writings, the literary and colloquial style were used together but the correct sentence structure was not constructed even in literary-styled expression. In many cases, both style expressions omitted the subject received as well as giving an action so that we should understand the verbal usage depending upon the situation and context in the sentence.
In many cases, verbs in giving and receiving expression were accompanied by 「て」 in Japanese literary writings. The expressions such as 「(て)やる」, 「(て)あげる」 and 「(て)くれる」were translated as 「해주다」in KL. However, 「(て)もらう」 was literally translated to 「해받다」 but the meaning and interpretation could be different depending on the situation and context in the sentence. 「(て)やる」 was an verb used in both literary and colloquial style of sentences. This expression was mainly used in the sentence that the subject give an action to counterpart and the subject of an action was omitted occasionally. 「(て)くれる」 was the expression used most frequently in Japanese writings and used in the sentences meaning gratitude, hope, wish and favor as well as inconvenience to a person receiving talks. 「~(て)くれ」 was used as a meaning of a order or command. 「(て)くださる」 was an order expression carrying honor and respect and mainly used as 「(て)ください」in the sentences of polite request and solicitation. 「(て)もらう」 was many used in the expression that talker received some action. For examples, this expression was used in the cases that talker asked and received a benefit, favor or permission from a counterpart. This expression was literally translated as 「받다 」 in KL but freely and variously translated through the context depending on the meaning of a verb preceding「て」. 「(て)いただく」 was a modest expression of 「(て)もらう」 and used as honor and respect to subject receiving an action.
Alternative Title
A Contrastive Study of Benefactive Construction in Japanese and Korean
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Sung Jin
교육대학원 일어교육
교육대학원 일어교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
目 次
ABSTRACT ························································································· ⅳ
弟 1 章 序論 ························································································· 1
1.1 硏究目的 ······················································································· 1
1.2 硏究方法 및 內容 ············································································ 2
1.3 先行硏究 ······················································································· 3
1.3.1 手授動詞의 意味와 分類 ································································ 3
1.3.2 視點과 人稱 ·············································································· 5
1.3.3 韓國語와 比較·對照 ····································································· 6
1.3.4 誤用 ······················································································· 8
弟 2 章 兩言語의 授受表現의 意味·用法 ························································ 10
2.1 日本語의 「(て)あげる」類「(て)くれる」類「(て)もらう」類 ·························· 10
2.1.1 「(て)あげる」類 ··········································································· 10
2.1.2 「(て)くれる」類 ··········································································· 15
2.1.3 「(て)もらう」類 ············································································ 19
2.1.4 待遇形式 「(て)さしあげる」「(て)くださる」「(て)いただく」 ···················· 25
2.2 韓国語의 「(해)주다」「(해)받다」 ························································· 28
2.3 兩言語 授受表現의 視點과 人稱制約 ······················································ 31
2.3.1 「あげる」「くれる」와 「주다」 ······················································· 33 주는 이가 1인칭이고 받는 이가 2·3인칭일때 ······································ 33 주는 이가 2인칭이고 받는 이가 1·3인칭일때 ······································ 34 주는 이가 3인칭이고 받는 이가 1·2·3인칭일때 ···································· 34
2.3.2 「もらう」와 「받다」 ···································································· 36 받는 이가 1인칭이고 주는 이가 2·3인칭일때 ······································ 36 받는 이가 1인칭이고 주는 이가 2·3인칭일때 ····································· 36 받는 이가 3인칭이고 주는 이가 1·2·3인칭일때 ··································· 37
第 3 章 兩言語 授受表現의 比較分析 ························································ 39
3.1 「(て)あげる」類 와 대응하는 우리말 수수표현의 比較分析····························· 39
3.2 「(て)くれる」類 와 대응하는 우리말 수수표현의 比較分析····························· 42
3.3 「(て)もらう」類 와 대응하는 우리말 수수표현의 比較分析 ························· 50
弟 4 章 結論 ························································································ 57
參考文獻 ······························································································ 60
이성진. (2009). 日韓 兩言語 授受表現의 意味·用法에 관한 對照硏究.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2009-02-04
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