일본중학교 역사교과서 분석연구

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The issue of Japanese textbook has caused much conflict between Korea and Japan for such a long time. Since it became an international issue in 1980s, we has asked Japan to make re-adjustments because these educational materials have distorted and hid the facts, but no definite results have been achieved and rather the emergence of new edition of history textbooks published by Fusosha became an incentive to a new problem. A textbook is a mirror that speaks for one's country. That is, it is a book for education. Above all, a history textbook is an index to show the historical view of the people and their racial characteristics.
So, as history education for young people has a great influence on the historical consciousness of future generations who will lead the country, it is self-evident that pre-modern and anachronic description of the facts as in Japanese textbooks will have a harmful influence on the thoughts of future generation who should have future-oriented thoughts.
Therefore, this study is to identify the objectives of history education through Japanese teaching methods, focusing on history textbooks of secondary schools, analyze the relations between Korea and Japan centering on description of modern history, examine the views of Japanese people on history and Korea and Korean history. Based on the results collected, this study is to present suggestions on future description of history textbooks.
The results of the study are summarized as follows:
The objectives of Japanese history education focus on faithful ethic education and adjustment to globalism. The Japanese history education is oriented to development of identity as a Japanese and global disposition. It is assumed that the 『new edition of history textbooks』reflects the desire to raise patriotism of Japanese people in spite of its low circulation rate. It seems that new teaching methods reflect the current right-wing trends in Japan. Descriptions in modern and contemporary history are also being targeted under such objectives and movements which indicate a gradual regression to Japanese imperialism may occur. Second, this study identifies the background of recognition of Korean history in Japanese history textbooks. The background has a very long history. From the start, Japan has not recognized Korean history well, as it justified invasion of the Korean peninsula and colonization. Though many who insisted the emperor-oriented nationalism and benefits of colonization disappeared and such historical views changed, as far as recognition of Korea as a colony has not disappeared, we always have the origin of conflicts.
Third, this study analyzed the part of Korean modern history in Japanese textbooks. All the textbooks accepted that opening agreements such as the Jung-han-ron and Ganghwado Treaty were unequal, but the inaccurate description of the Jung-han-ron, that Korea was responsible for it, still remain. It seems that much of the Korean resistance such as the 1919 Independence is not mentioned in the 2001 edition. As the massacre of Korean people in the Great Gwanto earthquake was cut down and hidden, it was difficult to find true meaning as a history textbook Some textbooks do not even mention the use of comfort women by the Japanese army.
The textbook reflects the recognition of Korea as a colony as organized in this study, justifies the Japanese status completely and describes its invasion, brutality and atrocities vaguely, making only a minimum description of each.
It may be very difficult for Japanese textbooks to have correct directions on description of facts. Though it seems that the issue of textbooks improving in the 1990s, a 'gathering for new history textbooks' emerged, which made the situation worse. It reflects the Japanese position and its intention to describe history correctly is going in the opposite direction though there was a superficial reflection of the past.
Though Japan should be our partner in the global community like other countries, it is running counter to the current trend and its right-wing nationalism is threatening us. It is thought that it is a long way to go for Japan to have very honest and reasonable recognition of the past.
Alternative Title
A Study on the History Textbooks in Japanese Middle Schools
Alternative Author(s)
yoon su il
교육대학원 일어교육
교육대학원 일어교육
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Table Of Contents
-목 차-

Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1.1 연구의 필요성과 목적 1
1.2 연구의 방법 및 제한점 3
Ⅱ. 본 론 7
1. 일본 역사교육의 구성 체제 7
1.1 일본 역사교육의 목표 7
1.2 중학교 역사교육의 목표 8
2. 일본 역사교과서의 구성 체계 10
2.1 교과서 검정 제도 및 채택 10
2.2 일본 교과서에서의 한국사 인식의 배경 13
2.3 일본 중학교 교과서에서의 한국 관련 서술의 변화 15
3. 일본 중학교 역사교과서의 한국 근대사 관련 서술 분석 17
3.1 정한론 17
3.2 강화도 조약과 개항 25
3.3 동학농민운동과 청ㆍ일 전쟁 28
3.4 주권침탈과 저항운동 32
3.5 일본의 식민지 정책 38
3.6 3ㆍ1 운동 42
3.7 관동대지진과 조선인 학살 48
3.8 일제의 황민화 정책 53
3.9 강제징용ㆍ징병ㆍ종군위안부 56
4. 교과서 서술에서 나타난 알아본 한국 상 61
5. 한ㆍ일 교과서 논쟁 61
5.1 한국정부의 수정요구안과 일본 문부성 답변 분석 61
Ⅲ. 결론 72
참고문헌 77
윤수일. (2009). 일본중학교 역사교과서 분석연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2009-02-04
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