학습부진아의 이해와 지도방안에 관한 연구

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Comparing with other subjects, mathematics is a study to emphasize the concept of chronological learning steps.
The lack of previous learning makes students lose a link between a subordinate concept and a super ordinate concept in mathematics. Thus as they enter their senior, they finally keep from studying it by losing interest or confidence in it.
A school education aims at the education for the whole man but in actuality slow-learners have many difficulties in coming to the achievement of learning because teaching focuses on students at the middle level of learning.
Therefore, this study is for the purpose of enhancing the achievement of learning of slow-learners about mathematics and of increasing their normal school life by analyzing the cause why they are produced and studying the effective guidances for teaching.
First of all, in this study I defined the concept of slow-learners and examined their behavioral characteristics for mathematics. And then I selected slow-learners for mathematics and investigated the principle of guidance for learning disabilities. Finally, I verified the evaluation of this study by using questionnaires and tests.
Consequently, the previous learning without mathematics and the ability of elementary learning can be improved and slow-learners about mathematics are able to have interest and confidence in it and the aggressive attitude of learning and positive thinking through caused by the improved achievement of learning can be seen in them.
However, with the object of eliminating being of slow-learners effectively, it required the need of continual interest and cooperation between a school and parents. Also, it needed the guidance in connection with other subjects.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Understanding and the Teaching for underachieving students : focused on The Figures in 7th-B
Alternative Author(s)
Park, Ae Ran
교육대학원 일반사회교육
교육대학원 일반사회교육
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Table Of Contents
제 Ⅰ 장 서론 1

제1절 연구의 필요성 1
제2절 연구의 목적 2
제3절 연구의 제한점 3
제4절 연구의 방법 및 구성 3

제 Ⅱ 장 학습 부진아에 대한 연구 및 교수-학습 방법 5

제1절 구성주의 학습이론 5
제2절 학습 부진아에 대한 연구 7
제3절 학습 부진아의 요인에 따른 교수-학습 방법 17

제 Ⅲ 장 딘즈(Diense)의 교육관의 사례 23

제1절 연구 절차 27
제2절 연구 대상 28
제3절 교수-학습지도안과 자기 주도 학습지 적용의 실제 29

제 Ⅳ 장 학습 부진아에 대한 교사 및 학부모의 지도원리 방안 39

제1절 학습 부진아에 대한 교사 지도원리 39
제2절 학습 부진아에 대한 학부모 지도 원리 49

제 Ⅴ 장 결론 및 제언 51

참고 문헌 54

부록 1. 7-나 단계 특별보충과정 지도계획
2. 2008년도 특별보충 이수평가 문항지
박애란. (2008). 학습부진아의 이해와 지도방안에 관한 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2009-02-04
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