중·고등학교 영어교과서에 나타난 의사소통기능 분석과 효율적인 지도방안

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The purpose of this study is to analyze the communicative functions in current middle and high school English textbooks which are in the 7th national curriculum. And the subject of this study is the explicit communicative functions in each textbook from the 1st grade of middle school to the 1st year of high school.
The analysis is based on the criteria prescribed in the 7th national curriculum. Therefore, the communicative function is divided into seven categories- social activity, the exchange of factual information, the expression of intellectual attitude, emotional expression, the expression of moral attitude, persuasion and request and problem-solving. And the seven categories are subdivided into 47 items including some useful example sentences.
The research findings are as follows.
First, the communicative functions of high frequency in each grade from 1st grade of middle school to 1st year of high school were ‘intellectual attitude’, ‘information exchange’ and ‘emotional expression’ but ‘the expression of moral attitude’ and ‘persuasion and request’ were the lowest frequency communicative functions.
Second, the 5 kinds of English textbooks in each grade were not focused on only one communicative function. For instance, the 1st grade textbooks of middle school through all the 5 kinds of English textbooks show that ‘the exchange of factual information’ and ‘the expression of intellectual attitude’ among the seven categories have the highest total percentage 128.7%, 119% individually as presented in page 20. The 2nd grade textbooks of middle school through all the 5 kinds of English textbooks show that ‘the expression of intellectual attitude’ and ‘emotional expression’ among the seven categories have the highest total percentage 123.9%, 118.3% individually as presented in page 21. The 3rd grade textbooks of middle school through all the 5 kinds of English textbooks show that ‘the expression of intellectual attitude’ has the highest total percentage 161% as presented in page 23. And the 1st year textbooks of high school through all the 5 kinds of English textbooks show that ‘the expression of intellectual attitude’ has the highest total percentage 165.3% as presented in page 24.
Third, each grade’s textbook deals with 18~34 of 47 items except overlapping items, showing 38~72%. Especially, the 1st year textbook A of high school gives 34 items which shows the highest percentage. On the other hand, the 1st grade textbook B and the 3rd grade textbook D of middle school give 18 items which shows the lowest percentage. And 40~45 of 47 items are dealt throughout all the grades, showing 85~95%.
In conclusion, although the majority of communicative functions are shown throughout the textbooks of the four grades, only about half of 47 items are shown in each grade’s textbook. It is not enough for the 47 items which the 7th national curriculum recommends. And the number of items in each grade’s textbook has an effect on the consistency of communicative functions. We can see this fact throughout the result that only about half of 47 items are repeated throughout the whole grades.
On the basis of these results, I would like to suggest to attain more efficient learning of communicative functions. First, the teacher should present a variety of meaningful expressions and situations to improve the English communication skills of our students in addition to considering various efficient activities such as role-plays, game, information gap, drama, story-telling etc. Second, it is essential that each textbook deals with almost all of the 47 items for the consistency of communicative functions. Last, the teacher must evaluate English textbooks and choose them carefully, considering the important role of textbooks in our classrooms
Alternative Author(s)
Park, In-Soo
조선대학교 교육대학원 영어교육전공
교육대학원 영어교육
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Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
A. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
1. 연구 필요성 1
2. 연구 목적 3
B. 연구의 범위와 방법 3
C. 연구의 제한점 4

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 5
A. 의사소통 능력의 개념 5
1. 시대별 의사소통 능력의 개념 정의 5
2. 의사소통 능력 중심의 교수요목 7
1) 개념-기능 중심의 교수요목 7
2) 과업중심의 교수요목 8
3) 의사소통적 교수요목 9
B. 제 7차 영어과 교육과정과 이론적 배경 10
1. 제 7차 영어과 교육과정의 특징 10
2. 제 7차 영어과 교육과정 ‘듣기-말하기’ 학년별, 단계별 성취기준 12

Ⅲ. 분석 자료 및 방법과 기준 16
A. 분석 자료 16
B. 분석 방법과 기준 17
1. 단계별 의사소통기능 제시비율 및 분포 분석 방법 17
2. 교과서별 의사소통기능 예시문 분석방법 및 기준 18

Ⅳ. 자료 분석 결과 20
A. 학년(단계)별 교과서 의사소통기능 제시 비율 및 순위 분석 20
B. 교과서 학년(단계)별 의사소통기능 분포 분석 25
1. A교과서 분석 25
2. B교과서 분석 28
3. C교과서 분석 31
4. D교과서 분석 34
5. E교과서 분석 37
C. 교과서별 의사소통기능 예시문의 학년 간 연계성 분석 41

Ⅴ. 의사소통기능의 효율적 지도방안 56
A. 의사소통기능 신장을 위한 효율적 지도방안 56
B. 의사소통기능 신장을 위한 교수기법 56
C. 의사소통기능 신장을 위한 학습 활동들 58

Ⅵ. 결론 및 제언 68

참고 문헌 71

부 록 73
조선대학교 교육대학원
박인수. (2007). 중·고등학교 영어교과서에 나타난 의사소통기능 분석과 효율적인 지도방안.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2008-02-19
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