영어 동명사 구문연구

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The purpose of this study is to find out the gerund used as objects of transitive verbs and to propose effective ways to teach and learn the semantic differences the gerunds form through examining some examples in current senior high school English textbooks. In transformational grammar the gerund used as an object of transitive verbs is dealt with as complementation. When we study how to use the gerund form after transitive verbs, we can notice that there exist definite semantic differences in the gerund form. Many linguists have studied that the gerund can be used as objects of transitive verbs.
To study this, first we investigate the linguists' general opinions about the semantic differences of gerunds. And then, through examining some examples of gerunds taken from current high school pedagogical suggestions.
In chapter two, we investigate the linguists' general opinions about the semantic differences of gerunds. In traditional grammar, the explanation of the semantic differences of gerunds is limited to emotive verbs and verbs which can be used in only one form: the gerund. It is said that the gerund form used after emotive verbs is used as an expression of general statement and past happening. Zandvoort(1996) said that the gerund may have something of a durative character proper to the particle in 󰡐ing󰡑. When Freed(1979) studied aspectualizers, she maintained that the aspect of embedded sentences determined the use of the gerund. She characterized -Ving form after as a durative aspect process of a single verb, understood as a single ongoing action.
In chapter three, some examples of gerunds used as objects of transitive verbs have been taken from the current English textbooks of senior high schools for some pedagogical suggestions. Through the review and analysis of the English textbooks, effective ways to learn how to use gerunds in studying English are proposed. Especially, this contributes to helping English teachers instruct their students about gerunds.
In conclusion, it is important to understand gerunds used as objects of transitive verbs for successful learning of English. Therefore, the English teachers themselves should be well informed of the gerund form and expose their students to various example sentences so that they can correctly recognize the gerund form found after transitive verbs.
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A Study on English Gerund Constructions
조선대학교 교육대학원 영어교육과
교육대학원 영어교육
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Table Of Contents
표목차 ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ ⅱ
ABSTRACT ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ ⅲ

Ⅰ. 서론 ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 1

Ⅱ. 동명사의 통사적 특성 ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 3
2.1 동명사의 통사적 특징 ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 3
2.2명사적성질을지니고있는동명사구 ․․․․․․․․․․․․ 6
2.3 동사적 성질을 지니고 있는 동명사구 ․․․․․․․․․․․․ 9
2.4 동사구의 유형들 ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 12
2.4.1 등위 접속 ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 13
2.4.2 양화사의 범위 ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 16
2.4.3 추출 ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 18
2.4.4 Pied piping ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 21
2.4.5 생략현상 ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 24
2.5 동명사의 의미적 특징․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․27
2.5.1 기존학자들의 견해․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․27
2.5.2 감정동사(like, love, prefer, hate)와 쓰이는 동명사의 의미․․34

Ⅲ. 고등학교 교재에 나온 동명사 구문의 특징․․․․․․․․․․․․ 38
3.1 동명사의 사용비율 ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 39
3.2 교과서에 나타난 동명사 구문 ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 40

Ⅳ. 결론 ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 46

참고 문헌 ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 48

․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 51

표 목 차

〈표 1〉 동명사의 의미적 속성․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 34
〈표 2〉 전체 교과서에 나타난 동명사의 개수 ․․․․․․․․․․ 38
〈표 3〉 교과서 별 동명사의 개수 ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 39
〈표 4〉 교과서에 나타난 학년별 동명사의 개수 ․․․․․․․․․ 39
양지훈. (2007). 영어 동명사 구문연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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