동화책 읽어주기 접근법이 유아의 문해능력과 창의성에 미치는 영향

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The Effect of Reader Stance on Young Children's
Emergent Literacy and Creativity

Jung, Bok-Hee
Advisor: Prof. Park, Joosung, Ph. D.
Department of Education
Graduate School
Chosun University

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of reader stance(aesthetic, efferent) on young children's emergent literacy and creativity.
Three research questions were established for this study. First, will the aesthetic approach and efferent approach in reading fairy tales affect on young children's emergent literacy(comprehensive ability, writing ability, vocabulary ability)? Second, will the aesthetic approach and efferent approach in reading fairy tales affect on young children's creativity(fluency, flexibility, originality, imagination)? Third, will gender of young children in the method of aesthetic approach and efferent approach in reading fairy tales affect on young children's emergent literacy and creativity?
Participants of this study were 72 of 5-year-old young children(24 aesthetic approach group, 24 efferent approach group, 24 control group) who attend two kindergartens in Gwangju metropolitan city. While, for 13 weeks, the experimental group was engaged in reading fairy tales on reader stance, the control group was engaged in kindergarten curriculum linguistic activities.
Researchers read a group of aesthetic approach thirteen volume of books for thirteen weeks and had an opportunity of interaction between researchers and young children twice a week for 13 weeks. They made a literary experience through fairy tales by answering teacher's questionnaire form, which have young children focus on things in fairy tales on the basis of personal and aesthetic viewpoint. And researchers read a group of efferent approach thirteen volume of books for thirteen weeks and had an opportunity of interaction between researchers and young children twice a week for 13 weeks. They made a literary experience through fairy tales by answering teacher's questionnaire form, which have young children focus on checking and analyzing the element of fairy tale so that they can have an interest in the information in the fairy tale. The control group made extension activities after they reread the story twice a week for 13 weeks.
To achieve this goal four expert(a researcher, a kindergarten teacher, a vice principal of kindergarten, and a professor) were discussed and consulted the content of 15 fairy tales (13 fairy tales books for main treatment, one fairy tale book for preliminary and pre-test, and one fairy tale book for post-test).
Test of Sentence Comprehension Ability (1st study for standardization) published by General Center for the Disabled, Seoul Metropolitan City, which was based on TOLD-2 published by Phillips and Donald (1988) was used to evaluate the level of sentence comprehension ability which is a lower sphere of sentence comprehension ability. In addition to that, some step categorized by Sulzby(1985) and Sulzby, Barhnart, and Hieshima(1989) was used to inspect the writing ability, and vocabulary test through picture made by Kim(1995) which was adapted to Korean culture, was used to examine the vocabulary ability, which was based on Peadbody Picture Vocabulary Test Revised(L/M).
Creativity test was conducted on the basis of K-CCTYC developed by Jeon(2000). This test is composed of four small test to evaluate the creativity in the sphere of language, diagram, and body.
SPSS Win 10.1 program was used to analyze the collected material. One-way ANOVA and a post-test of Fisher's LSD was conducted to confirm the effect of aesthetic and efferent approach in reading fairy tales on young children's emergent literacy and creativity. Two-way ANOVA was conducted to confirm the effect of young children's sex in the aesthetic and efferent approach on young children's emergent literacy and creativity.
The summary of this research are as follows. First, the results of this study on the effect of reader stance in reading fairy tales on children's emergent literacy(comprehensive ability, writing ability, vocabulary ability) are as follows; comprehensive ability in the aesthetic group(97.33), the efferent group(91.13), and the control group (81.58). And there was a statistical significance among above three groups. The result of post-test showed that there was a statistical significance between aesthetic and efferent group. Accordingly, it can be inferred that aesthetic and efferent group can affect on the emergent literacy of young children.
In the case of a lower sphere, when analyzing the difference of sentence comprehension ability, the result showed that aesthetic and efferent group had more score than control group and there were no statistically significant difference between aesthetic and efferent group. This means aesthetic and efferent group can be effective in the development of comprehension ability.
When analyzing the difference of vocabulary ability, the result showed that there were statistically significant differences among three groups. The result of post-test showed that there was a statistically significant differences between aesthetic and efferent group, and it was evident that aesthetic approach was more effective than efferent approach. This means that method of aesthetic can be more effective than efferent approach in improving vocabulary ability.
When analyzing the difference of writing ability, the result showed that there were statistically significant differences among three groups. The result of post-test showed that aesthetic group and efferent group is more effective than efferent group and especially aesthetic group is more effective than efferent group in improving writing ability. It can be thought that aesthetic approach played an important role in interaction among indulging in fairy tale, recollecting experience, and emotion empathy.
Second, the results of this study on the effect of reader stance in reading fairy tales on children's development of creativity(fluency, flexibility, originality, imagination) are as follows. The group mean in the sphere of creativity showed that there was a statistically significant difference among three groups; aesthetic group (35.08), efferent group (26.83), and control group (26.13). The result of post-test showed that aesthetic group had more statistically significant differences than efferent group and there wasn't any statistically significant difference between efferent group and control group. Thus, it can be thought that aesthetic approach is more effective in improving creativity.
In the lower sphere of creativity, when analyzing the group difference of originality, the result showed that there was a statistically significant differences among three groups. The result of post-test showed that aesthetic group had more statistically significant difference than control group and there was no statistical difference between aesthetic group and efferent group. Thus, it can be concluded that aesthetic approach is more effective in improving originality.
When analyzing the group difference of imagination, the result showed that there was a statistically significant difference among three groups. The result of post-test showed that aesthetic group had more statistically significant difference than control group and there was no statistical differences between efferent group and control group. Thus, it can be thought that aesthetic approach is more effective than control group in improving imagination.
When analyzing the group difference of fluency, the result showed that there was statistically significant differences among three groups. The result of post-test showed that aesthetic group had more statistically significant difference than efferent group and there wasn't any statistically significant difference between information-acquisition group and control group. Thus, it can be thought that aesthetic approach is more effective than control group in improving fluency.
When analyzing the group difference of flexibility, the result showed that there was a statistically significant difference among three groups. The result of post-test showed that aesthetic group had more statistically significant difference than efferent group and there was no statistical differences between efferent group and control group. Thus, it can be thought that aesthetic approach is more effective than control group in improving flexibility.
Third, the results of this study to check the effect of method of reading fairy tales on children's comprehension ability (vocabulary, comprehension ability, writing ability) in relation with sex are as follows. The result of one-way ANOVA in relation with group and sex showed that there was no statistical differences between reader stance in reading fairy tales and sex. It means that the effect of teaching methodology does not affect on young children's sex.
After two-way ANOVA in the sphere of comprehension ability, vocabulary ability, and writing ability to know that the sentence comprehension ability, vocabulary ability and writing ability, which is a lower sphere comprehension ability of young children, can affect sex, it was thought that there was no statistical differences between teaching method and young children's sex. It means that the effect of teaching method have nothing to do with young children's sex.
In summary, aesthetic and information-acquisition approach have nothing to do with total score and sentence comprehension ability, vocabulary ability, and writing ability, which is a lower sphere of comprehension ability in relation with young children's sex.
Forth, the results of this study on the effect of reader stance in reading fairy tales on young children's creativity(fluency, flexibility, originality, imagination) in relation with sex are as follows. After two-way ANOVA in the post-test of creativity according to group and children's sex, there was no statistical differences between teaching method and children's sex. That is, young children's sex is not related with the effect of teaching methodology in creativity.
After two-way ANOVA in the post-test of creativity showed that fluency, flexibility, originality, imagination were no statistical differences between teaching methodology and children's sex. It means that the effect of teaching method have nothing to do with young children's sex.
In summary, aesthetic and efferent approach have nothing to do with total score and fluency, flexibility, originality, imagination, which is a lower sphere of creativity, in relation with children's sex.
Alternative Author(s)
jung bok hee
교육대학원 교육학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차


I. 서 론 1
A. 연구 필요성 및 목적 1
B. 연구문제 6
C. 연구의 범위 및 제한점 7
D. 용어의 정의 8

II. 이론적 배경 11
A. 문해능력 11
1. 문해능력의 특성 및 구성요소 11
2. 유아의 문해능력 증진 20
B. 창의성 23
1. 창의성의 개념 및 구성요소 23
2. 유아의 창의성 증진 29
C. 동화책 읽어주기 접근법 33
1. 동화책 읽어주기 의의 및 가치 33
2. 동화책 읽어주기 접근법 35
3. 동화책 읽어주기 접근법과 유아의 문해능력에 관한 선행연구 49
4. 동화책 읽어주기 접근법과 창의성에 관한 선행연구 52

III. 연구방법 56
A. 연구대상 56
B. 연구설계 57
C. 연구도구 58
1. 동화책 59
2. 문해능력검사 62
3. 유아의 창의성 65
D. 연구절차 67
1. 예비실험 67
2. 교사 및 평가자 훈련 68
3. 사전검사 70
4. 본실험 71
5. 사후검사 82
E. 자료처리 83

Ⅳ. 연구결과 및 해석 84
A. 동화책 읽어주기 접근법이 유아의 문해능력에 미치는 영향 84
1. 어휘능력에 대한 공변량 분석결과 86
2. 문장이해 능력에 대한 공변량 분석결과 87
3. 쓰기능력에 대한 공변량 분석결과 88
B. 동화책 읽어주기 접근법이 유아의 창의성발달에 미치는 영향 89
1. 유창성에 대한 공변량 분석결과 91
2. 융통성에 대한 공변량 분석결과 92
3. 독창성에 대한 공변량 분석결과 93
4. 상상력에 대한 공변량 분석결과 94
C. 동화책 읽어주기 접근법이 유아의 문해능력에 미치는 영향 : 유아의 성별 효과 96
1. 어휘력에서의 성별과 집단간 상호작용효과 97
2. 문장이해 능력에서의 성별과 집단간 상호작용효과 98
3. 쓰기능력에서의 성별과 집단간 상호작용효과 99
D. 동화책 읽어주기 접근법이 유아의 창의성에 미치는 영향 : 유아의 성별 효과 101
1. 유창성에서의 성별과 집단간 상호작용효과 102
2. 융통성에서의 성별과 집단간 상호작용효과 103
3. 독창성에서의 성별과 집단간 상호작용효과 105
4. 상상력에서의 성별과 집단간 상호작용효과 106

V. 논의 및 결론 107
A. 요약 107
B. 논의 및 결론 111
C. 제언 115

참고문헌 117
부록 134

표 목 차

집단별 유아의 특성 57
집단별 교사의 특성 57
연구의 실험설계 58
그림책의 목록 및 문해능력ㆍ창의성 범주 60
창의성 각 소검사의 내용 및 측정요인 65
각 영역별 창의성 신뢰도 계수 66
연구절차 및 내용 67
교사 훈련 내용 69
실험 처치 일정 72
실험 집단 및 통제 집단의 일과운영 73
각 집단의 단계별 교수활동 내용 74
심미적 그림책 읽기 상호작용 요소 75
심미적 그림책 읽기 상호작용 절차 76
심미적 그림책 읽기 상호작용 계획안 77
정보추출적 읽기 상호작용 요소 78
정보추출적 읽기 상호작용 절차 79
정보추출적 읽기 상호작용 계획안 80
통제집단 교육활동 내용 81
통제집단 관련활동 계획안 81
문해능력 사전검사에서의 동질성 검증 84
문해능력 전체의 평균점수 85
집단에 따른 문해능력에서의 ANCOVA 85
어휘능력의 평균점수 86
집단에 따른 어휘능력에서의 ANCOVA 86
문장이해 능력의 평균점수 87
집단에 따른 문장 이해능력에서의 ANCOVA 87
쓰기능력의 평균점수 88
집단에따른 문장 쓰기능력에서의 ANCOVA 89
창의성 사전검사에서의 동질성 검증 90
창의성 전체 평균점수 91
집단에 따른 창의성에서의 ANCOVA 91
유창성의 평균점수 92
집단에 따른 유창성에서의 ANCOVA 92
융통성의 평균점수 93
집단에 따른 융통성에서의 ANCOVA 93
독창성 평균점수 분석 94
집단에 따른 독창성에서의 ANCOVA분석 94
상상력의 평균점수 95
집단에 따른 상상력에서의 ANCOVA분석 95
집단과 성별에 따른 문해능력에서의 기술치 96
집단과 성별에 따른 문해능력 Two-way ANCOVA 97
집단과 성별에 따른 어휘능력의 기술 통계치 97
집단과 성별에 따른 어휘력의 Two-way ANCOVA 98
집단과 성별에 따른 문장이해 능력의 기술 통계치 99
집단과 성별에 따른 문장이해 능력의 Two-way ANCOVA 99
집단과 성별에 따른 쓰기능력에서의 기술 통계치 100
집단과 성별에 따른 쓰기능력의 Two-way ANCOVA분석 100
집단과 성별에 따른 창의성에서의 기술 통계치 101
집단과 성별에 따른 창의성 Two-way ANCOVA 102
집단과 성별에 따른 유창성에서의 기술 통계치 103
집단과 성별에 따른 유창성의 Two-way ANCOVA 103
집단과 성별에 따른 융통성에서의 기술 통계치 104
집단과 성별에 따른 융통성의 Two-way ANCOVA 104
집단과 성별에 따른 독창성에서의 기술 통계치 105
집단과 성별에 따른 독창성의 Two-way ANCOVA 105
집단과 성별에 따른 상상력에서의 기술 통계치 106
집단과 성별에 따른 상상력의 Two-way ANCOVA 분석 106

그림 목차

[그림 Ⅱ-1] 정보추출적 읽기와 심미적 읽기의 연속선 47
정복희. (2007). 동화책 읽어주기 접근법이 유아의 문해능력과 창의성에 미치는 영향.
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