高等學校 社會科 法敎育 改善에 관한 硏究

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A Study on the Improvement of Law- Related Education in
Social Subject of the Senior High School
-Centered on Teaching Method of Law- Related Education-

Park, Kyung Jong

Advisor : Prof. Young- Gon Kim Ph. D.
Major in General Social Education
The Graduate School of Education, Chosun University

Individual people´s every social life is associated with law directly or indirectly, no matter whether they want it or not. Modern Society strongly demands that human being`s lives keep a solving ability about legal conflict compared with that of the past. Law is a national device to protect all the people´s rights, and it´s mandatory to know about law in modern life. Accordingly, The citizens of modern society must learn the spirit of law-obedienc and the legal knowledge. Therefore, People required to be taught Law-Related Education, which is about the rules of law, so that they could understand diverse and complex social phenomena and cope with countless legal disputes. On the other hand, The main purposes of the general social education studies are to develop the advanced thinking power for inquiry, originality, criticism, the faculty of solving problem, and cultivating democratic people. Especially, Student are qualified making a decision and settling lawful problem related social phenomenon by learning legal mind. Therefore Law-related education is very important subject in high school general social education. Law and Society is principal subject which is to understand regulation, think logically, be responsible, settle lawful problem, and arise legal mind, participate actively. Moreover, As the importance of law is increasingly accentuated in modern society, high school should direct its energy into actualizing principle the rule of law and teaching students to make rational judgement of legal phenomena. there are many law related teaching methods. They are case method, problem method, legal clinics, simulation, role play, adversary method, concept learning and team teaching and so on. Especially The law can be practicably taught by instructor which is teaching Jurisprudential learning model, Concept learning model, value conflict learning model, Value Clarification Model, Value Sheet and Value analysis model. There are many Instructional strategies which are Lecture, Recitation, Discussion, Movie Learning, Newspaper in education, Field Trip and Expert Invitation Learning in the concrete. Especially The most effectively and widely used way for Lew-Related Education is Case Study Method among these methods,. To apply Case Study Method to practical instruction. it is required to select appropriate examples. Case Study, role-play and mock trail are good to arouse students curiosity and make them participate in the class. Moreover, Students are interested in development of multi-media materials. Law can be effectively taught by newspaper in education and movies program.
There are several aspects which have to be improved for Law related education. Solutions are follows. First of all, for effective Law- Related Education should apply various sorts of teaching and learning systems in the concrete. Second, it is indispensable to expand the number of teachers who specialize in law or Law-Related Education to make teaching materials and Law- Related Education program. Third, High school students should be considered to be used to arise curiosities in the law-related education. Last, The law related education and the politics related education is organized as an effective subject for those who are in the 11th and 12th grade at present. The law related education is concerned about social law reality. It is additionally required to come up with better teaching/learning and evaluation methods and take other necessary actions in order to enhance the overall education system.
Alternative Author(s)
Park Kyung Jong
朝鮮大學校 敎育大學院
교육대학원 일반사회교육
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Table Of Contents
目 次

第 1 章 서 론1
第 1 節 연구의 목적1
第 2 節 연구의 범위와 방법4
第 2 章 사회과 법교육의 일반적 이해5
第 1 節 법교육의 의의5
1. 법교육의 의미5
2. 법교육의 필요성6
3. 법교육의 일반적인 목표8
第 2 節 법교육의 내용 구성10
1. 사회과의 주요 교육목표10
2. 법교육의 내용구성 방향11
第 3 節 실용적 법지식 중심의 내용선정12
1. 내용배열방법12
2. 콜버그의 도덕성 발달이론14
3. 새로운 도덕성 이론18
第 4 節 법교육의 구체적인 내용19
1. 법교육의 지식영역20
2. 법교육의 기능영역21
3. 법교육의 태도․가치21
第 3 章 고등학교 법과사회 과목의 내용22
第 1 節 「법과 사회」과목의 성격과 목표22
1.「법과 사회」과목의 성격22
2.「법과 사회」과목의 목표22
第 2 節 「법과 사회」과목의 내용23
1.「법과 사회」내용 체계23
2.「법과 사회」영역별 내용24
3.「법과 사회」교과서의 내용 체계26
第 4 章 법과 사회과목의 교수-학습 방법30
第 1 節 사회과 과목의 교수-학습 실천방향30
1. 자기주도적 교수․학습30
2. 문제해결중심의 교수․학습31
3. 협동적 상호작용의 교수-학습32
第 2 節 법과 사회 수업의 방향33
1. 구성주의 교수33
2. 법교육에 권장되는 교수법35
第 3 節 법교육 교수-학습 모형35
1. 시뮬레이션35
2. 역할극38
3. 협동학습모형39
4. 개념학습모형43
5. 법률학적 모형48
6. 가치갈등 수업모형51
7. 가치명료화 모형53
8. 가치분석적 접근모형57
第 5 章 고등학교 법교육 쇄신방안59
第 1 節 좋은 수업59
第 2 節 효율적인 교사의 특성60
1. 교사의 교과지식62
2. 조직화63
3. 명료성63
4. 태도64
5. 피드백65
6. 효과적인 교실관리66
第 3 節 교수전략67
1. 강의법67
2. 강의 중에 질문하기68
3. Gagne의 9가지 교수사태(Events of instruction)71
4. 토의식 수업75
第 6 章 법교육 구체적 개선방안77
第 1 節 법교육 교수-학습 방법의 구체적 개선방안77
1. 사례연구법77
2. NIE(Newspaper in education, 신문활용 교육)82
3. 영화를 이용한 학습86
4. 현장학습(Field Trip)88
5. 법조인 초빙 및 법조인 선배와의 대화의 장 마련88
第 2 節 고등학교 법교육 실천방안89
1. 법과 사회과목의 필수과목지정89
2. 법교육과 정치교육의 연계89
3. 법교육과 법현실의 연계90
4. 법학전공교원의 확보91
第 7 章 결론92
조선대학교 교육대학원
박경종. (2007). 高等學校 社會科 法敎育 改善에 관한 硏究.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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