서정주의 후기 시에 나타난 회귀의식

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서정주|시|회귀의식|Seo Jeong-ju|Poet
When Seo Jeong-ju got old, he was interested in his past and the hometown, which he spent his childhood. That is common for all human being.
In his sixties, he tried to reenact the community image and ethnic origin to the Korean tradition by recollecting his childhood. Seo Jeong-ju's poetry comes from our culture and is tried to reconstruct the community order by presenting the original form of our hometown, which is disappearing because of the industrialization and urbanization. In his seventies, he accepts his own fate calmly and seeks the world of harmony and reconciliation. He seems to surrender himself to fate in some way. However, it is not the avoidance or giving up the reality at all. At the age of 70, he is old enough to transcend the greed and challenge in the world and appears to take everything in stride.
This is related to the oriental traditional world of view and it shows the relaxation and transcendency in life. This idea helps our mind calm to live in a harsh and selfish society and give us a chance to look back our lives.
For a while, there were some tendency to ignore his late works. However, his late works is as important as his early or middle-aged works. His late works means a lot because it shows another field of poem as well as his willing to continue his career.
The field of his poem is enormous if we consider his late works in "Hwasajib". It is not too much to say that his poem includes human and world. Just to consider his late works in this report, his poem represents one's life and universal sentiment. Besides, this sentiment arouses sympathy because it comes from his personal experience. Although Seo Jeong-ju is underestimated because of his lack of historical view, he is one of the greatest poet in Korea.
Alternative Title
Recurred Awareness in Latter Term Seo Jeong-ju's Poetry
Alternative Author(s)
Roh, Eun-jee
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 국어교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
1. 연구 목적 = 1
2. 연구사의 검토 = 3
3. 연구 범위 = 6
Ⅱ. 전통으로의 회귀 = 9
1. 토속어를 통한 질마재의 복원 = 9
2. 무격 사상을 통한 민족 고유의 정서 환기 = 11
3. 설화의 수용으로 한국적 이미지의 재현 = 18
Ⅲ. 유년으로의 회귀 = 20
1. 감각을 통해 환기되는 유년 = 20
2. 상실감의 극복과 조화의 정신 = 24
Ⅳ. 고향으로의 회귀 = 32
1. 편안함과 안전함의 추구 = 34
2. 곡선의 처세관과 순응론적 세계관 = 38
Ⅴ. 결론 = 43
참고 문헌 = 48
조선대학교 교육대학원
노은지. (2007). 서정주의 후기 시에 나타난 회귀의식.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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