고교평준화제도의 개선방향
- Author(s)
- 강성식
- Issued Date
- 2007
- Keyword
- 고교평준화제도|학교선택권|High School Equalization System|School selection|학교교육개혁
- Abstract
- Our society has gone through endless changes and competition for a long time, and if we do not seek after competitivity in this international environment so called globalization, we won't be able to become the new owner of the 21st Century. Therefore, new policies and values are needed to be pursued more than ever. Especially, the 21st Century bases on the informatization and tries to reform the society for creativity.
The study presents the improvement plans of school selection with the objective of pursuing diversity and creativity in the age of informatization. The analysis was done on the school section that needs to be improved first and is the most basic out of the different issued related to the high school equalization such as lower standard of education level, autonomy of private schools, school selection, and increase in the expense of private education. Especially, the academic excellence required by the education of the informatization society was looked into while relating to the improvement plans of the school selection. The study also tried to search for the plans that can unite the society and improve the international competitivity through the plans that can satisfy both equality and excellency.
Based on the analysis, the following improvement plans for the school selection that pursues the academic excellence of the informatization age were produced.
First, the system and law should be consolidated in order to make the responsible management possible by guaranteeing autonomy and diversity of the school management. Also, the school information should be open to the public.
Second, the schools should manage and improve a variety of educational programs suitable for the ability and demands of the demanders in order to extend the opportunity of selection.
Third, the objective of education should be clarified according to the establishment. so that both equality and excellency can be pursued. In other words, the national schools should focus on producing men that can promote the nation's competitivity and the public schools should be reform the system to equalization system to pursue the universality for the people's fundamental education. The private schools should pursue the foundation ideology and the realize different demands of the demanders so that they can perform diversity and excellency.
Fourth, a new type of school needs to be introduced. Instead of the government's management, they should let the local organization, individuals, or enterprises manage the school based on autonomy. Also through a special program of each school, it should provide opportunities to select and to be satisfied.
In conclusion, we have to understand such attempt to improve the high school equalization system is not just an ideological value known as improvement but we have to understand it as change and reform that pursue the competitivity of Korean education.
- Alternative Title
- Improvement Scheme for High School Equalization System : Focusing on School selection
- Alternative Author(s)
- Kang, Sung-sik
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 교육대학원
- Department
- 교육대학원 일반사회교육
- Advisor
- 홍금우
- Awarded Date
- 2007-08
- Table Of Contents
- 서론 = 1
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적 = 1
제2절 연구 내용 및 방법 = 2
제2장 고교평준화 제도의 의미와 평가 = 4
제1절 고교 평준화 제도의 의미 = 4
1. 고교평준화 제도의 정의 = 4
2. 평준화 제도의 도입 및 추진과정 = 4
제2절 고교 평준화 제도의 평가 = 8
제3절 교육의 수월성 = 11
1. 교육의 수월성의 의미 = 11
2. 지식정보사회에서의 수월성 = 13
제4절 평등성과 수월성의 현 수준 = 16
1. 평등성의 현 수준 = 16
2. 수월성의 현 수준 = 17
제3장 학교선택권의 쟁점과 개선방향 = 21
제1절 학교선택권의 쟁점 = 21
1. 학교선택권의 반대 논거 = 24
2. 학교선택권의 찬성 논거 = 29
제2절 학교선택권의 개선 방향 = 36
1. 학교선택권 실시의 전제 사항 = 36
2. 학교선택권의 개선 방향 = 40
3. 학교성격에 따른 개선 방안 = 42
4. 설립·재정부담·운영 주체에 따른 개선 방안 = 46
제4장 요약 및 결론 = 51
참고문헌 = 54
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 교육대학원
- Citation
- 강성식. (2007). 고교평준화제도의 개선방향.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/14767
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- Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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- Embargo2007-11-13
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