日本語動詞의 アスペクト에 대한 考察 :「補助動詞」을 中心으로

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When it comes to the aspect we say that it is a morphologic category of the verb and It can express where it is on the process. While we use it as a expression of the time, aspect is recognized as a important of grammatical category. A system of aspect has a relation with the meaning of the vocabulary and it is not suitable for all verbs.
So investigate the category of the meaning of aspect on a form of 「Auxiliary Verbs」which is one of the many kinds of the form of aspect.
First, for your comprehension, we considered a concept, preceding investigation and form of aspect, category of the verb as a characteristic of aspect. Moreover we investigated the meaning of aspect on the form of 「Auxiliary Verbs」.
We come to the conclusion like the below,
"シテイル"(siteiru) represents the continuance of the motion and 2 basic meanings of the continuance. 2 basic meanings are 1 as the meaning of the continuance but it is a kind of confrontation.Deference between 2 facts is that verb is based on the meaning of vocabulary, "スル"(suru) and "シテイル"(siteiru) which are the coordinate concept are divided into 2 facts.
But it doesn't depend on the continuation and stillness, it depends on the subject of a movement and the subject of a change. And these are confronted as the movement, the change and unified.
And"シテイル"(siteiru)means「repetition」,「effectively previous movement」, 「simple condition」as a 3 meanings of the aspect. 「repetition」, 「effectively previous movement」are not suitable for the confrontation of"スル"(suru), 「simple condition」is not confronted with "スル"(suru).
When it comes to the meaning of a derived form, confrontation with "スル"(suru)will be not effective or becoming extinct and verb for the movement will not be the problem with the verb for the change.
"シテアル"(sitearu) is changed by a transitive verb which express the movement for the intention. And the transitive verb which can't express the condition of the present time is not suitable for the form of "シテアル"(sitearu).
"シテクル"(sitekuru) "シテイク" (siteiku) is on the time of progress of the movement and these express. "シテクル"(sitekuru) is used, when there is the access to the speaker or the process of the appearance. But "シテイク" (siteiku) is started from the speaker and it's meaning of the disappearance.
"シテクル"(sitekuru) "シテイク" (siteiku) do not depend on the present place. Once the subject of movement is in accord with a protagonist, these can be altered.
"シテオク" (siteoku) is used for the voluntary movement. Because it is considered as a previous movement.
"シテアル" (sitearu) is used for the results of the movement of the subject. But "シテオク" (siteoku) is the preparation of the movement for "シテアル" (sitearu).
"シテシマウ" (sitesimau) expresses the movement finished. it is used, when there is a continuous use of verb.
When it expresses the passive movement, it disobeys the subject's will. Because it needs the meaning of the completion.
It needs the adverb for the degree to use the form of "シテシマウ" (sitesimau).
This paper investigates "シテイル" "シテアル" "シテクル" "シテイク"
"シテオク" "シテシマウ" on the category of the meaning of aspect.
At last, we come to conclusion that aspect has a relevance with tense which is the expression for the time. We will take into investigation that the one can become independent from another among aspect, tense and which category will be related to their category to concentrate on the correlation between aspect and tense.
Alternative Title
A Study on the meaning of aspect in Japanese Verbs : on the 「Auxiliary Verbs」
Alternative Author(s)
Yoon, Hee Wol
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 일어교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 序論 = 1
Ⅱ. 本論 = 4
1.アスペクト의 槪念과 先行硏究 = 4
1.1. アスペクト와テンス의 槪念 = 4
1.2. 先行硏究 = 5
2. アスペクト에 의한 動詞分類 = 11
2.1 외적운동 동사 = 12
2.2 내적 정태(靜態)동사 = 14
2.3 정태(靜態)동사 = 15
3.「補助動詞」アスペクト形式의意味構造 = 17
3.1.「ている」와「てある」 = 17
3.1.1. 「ている」의 意味構造 = 17
3.1.2. 「てある」의 意味構造 = 26
3.2. 「てくる」와「ていく」 = 31
3.2.1. 「てくる」의 意味構造 = 31
3.2.2. 「ていく」의 意味構造 = 33
3.2.3. 「てくる」와「ていく」의 意味比較 = 34
3.3.「ておく」 = 39
3.3.1. 「ておく」의 意味構造 = 39
3.3.2. 「ておく」와「てある」의 關聯性 = 43
3.4. 「てしまう」의 意味構造 = 44
Ⅲ. 結論 = 48
參考文獻 = 50
조선대학교 교육대학원
윤희월. (2006). 日本語動詞의 アスペクト에 대한 考察 :「補助動詞」을 中心으로.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2008-09-01
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