박생광 작품에 나타난 한국 전통 색채 연구

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It is well known that the Color of the traditional Korean Paintings has been effected by feelings and emotions. However in this paper, I would like to testify the Color was also influenced by the conception of Yin and Yang Theory, analyzing Park Saeng-Kwang's painting.
The way Korean people express themselves has been influenced by Five-Colors and their peculiar geology, character and their long history have developed the feelings for the Colors.
It is easy to find the color expression in our traditional paintings; the colors of calm and courtesy in the ancienttomb well paintings, the splendid and delicate Buddhist paintings, the candid feeling of Soldier's paintings and the unlimited and brave Chosun folk paintings. As we all can see, our colors created their own beauty.
Considering Korean's feelings for colors, the harmonyof Five-Colors has been well used in our current paintings focusing subtle harmony and change. In Park Saeng-Kwang's paintings, the Five-Colors have been successfully expressed using traditional colors and feelings.
The conception of the traditional colors means Five Colors became the basic colors of Korean people and it influenced life style of Korean as well as its our culture.
As to colors, our Korean used symbolic meanings of color rather than their own beauty, and religion as well.
Park saeng kwang was an artist who expressed on artistic mood peculuiar to korea in his works. His painting based the subjects and colors which based on the national sentiment after his longartistic roam. Especially I'd like to analyze the colors which appear frequent in his paintings. It's what we call O bang saek which means five basic colors white, blue, red, black, yellow dan that is based on Um yang O hang sul. Each of these colors has special symbolic meaning.
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the O bang saek in his works and is to let a lot of Korean painters realize the necessary what do we have to do for the Korean painting
Alternative Title
The study of originality in Park Saeng-Kwang’s Painting
Alternative Author(s)
Song, Keun-mi
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 미술교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
도판목차 = ⅱ
Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
Ⅱ. 전통 색채 관과 한국적 특징인 오방색 = 3
1. 한국인의 전통 색채 관; 동양사상과 색채 = 4
1) 음양설 = 8
2) 오행설 = 9
2. 한국 고대미술에 나타난 오방색 = 12
1) 고분벽화 = 14
2) 불화 = 16
3) 민화 = 17
4) 무신도 = 19
Ⅲ. 박생광 회화에 나타난 현대 조형적 오방색 = 22
1. 작품에서 색의 회화사적 의의 = 22
1) 색채 표현의 특징 = 22
2) 그의 작품과 전통회화의 연관 = 25
2. 무속신앙과의 연관성 = 29
3. 민속적인 연관성 = 31
Ⅳ. 결론 = 34
* 참고문헌 = 36
* 참고도판 = 38
조선대학교 교육대학원
송근미. (2006). 박생광 작품에 나타난 한국 전통 색채 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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