재난안전교육 효과증대를 위한 안전체험관 운영 및 활성화 방안연구

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재난안전교육 효과증대를 위한 안전체험관 운영 및 활성화 방안연구
Korea has achieved economic rapid development and growth over the past 70 years, but comparing the nation's safety level with the economic level shows that the safety level is insufficient in many areas compared to the economic level.

Demand for hands-on disaster safety education has soared as the number of incidents has gradually increased through the social disaster occurrence status over the past decade, and the level of awareness of safety among the people has grown due to the large and small disasters, realizing the need for safety education. As the public's demand for safety increased due to the large-scale human life damage accident, the need to establish a citizen safety experience center for the early response of all accidents and safety education emerged. In 2003, the fire department built the Seoul Gwangnaru Safety Experience Center, the first disaster safety experience center located in Neung-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, and since 2003, eight places have been in operation since 2003 with a consistent policy of fire safety education projects, with six currently under construction, including Gyeonggi Province, South Gyeongsang Province, Jeju Island, Seoul, Incheon, Gwangju and North Chungcheong Province, with the goal of an annual one-time experience center.
In the 17-year history, 248 large and small experience centers of other institutions, including fire safety experience centers, were operated, but in terms of quality, such as the development of institutional devices and contents for operation, we could see that there were improvements in quantity for more people to receive disaster safety services.
Therefore, this study derived problems by analyzing the current status of the domestic safety experience center and the facility and operation effect of the fire safety experience center, and came up with a plan to operate and promote the safety experience center to increase the effectiveness of disaster safety education.
As a result of this study, the system for stable operation of fire safety experience is prepared, the expertise of operation instructors is secured, the long-term research of experience facility contents is continued, and the efficient operation of safety experience center is systematically carried out, and when safety education is expanded due to the mandatory disaster safety education of the entire nation, a social safety net that can protect my life in various large and small disaster environments will be established to contribute to the formation of a safer social culture.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Operation and Activation of the Safety Experience Center for Increasing the Effectiveness of Disaster Safety Education
Alternative Author(s)
Ju Sunm-mi
조선대학교 대학원 소방안전방재학과
일반대학원 소방안전방재학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구목적 1
제2절 연구방법 및 범위 3

제2장 이론적 논의 4
제1절 재난의 개념과 유형 4
1. 재난의 개념 4
2. 재난의 유형 5
제2절 재난안전교육의 개념과 필요성 7
1. 재난안전교육의 개념 7
2. 재난안전교육의 필요성 8
제3절 소방안전체험교육의 개념과 필요성 10
1. 소방안전체험교육의 개념 10
2. 소방안전체험교육의 필요성 12
제4절 소방안전체험관의 연혁과 법적 근거 16
1. 소방안전체험관의 연력 16
2. 소방안전체험관 법적 근거 16

제3장 국내 소방안전체험관 운영 효과분석 19
제1절 소방안전체험관 운영현황 19
1. 서울 광나루안전체험관 19
2. 서울 보라매안전체험관 21
3. 대구시민안전테마파크 23
4. 전라북도 119안전체험관 26
5. 충청남도 안전체험관 29
6. 부산119안전체험관 31
7. 울산안전체험관 33
제2절 소방안전체험관의 체험시설 콘텐츠 효과분석 35
1. 체험시설의 비교 35
2. 운영 체험프로그램 비교 37
3. 체험시설 운영에 따른 효과분석 38
제3절 소방안전체험관의 운영인력 비교·분석 39

제4장 소방안전체험관의 문제점 및 개선방안 40
제1절 문제점 40
1. 소방안전체험관 운영상 제반 여건 미흡 40
2. 체험시설 콘텐츠 연구‧개발 부족 43
3. 소방안전체험관 운영인력의 전문성 향상필요 45
제2절 개선방안 47
1. 안정적 운영을 위한 제도적 여건 마련 47
1) 소방안전체험관 설치 및 운영 위한 법 제정 47
2) 안정적 운영을 위한 재원확보 49
3) 안전교육 확대를 위한 소방안전교육 의무화제도 마련 50
2. 체험시설 콘텐츠 보강 51
3. 소방안전체험관 운영인력의 전문성 확보 52

제5장 결론 56
제1절 연구결과 요약 56
제2절 정책제언 57

참고문헌 59
조선대학교 대학원
주선미. (2020). 재난안전교육 효과증대를 위한 안전체험관 운영 및 활성화 방안연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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