국내 방사성폐기물 통합적 관리를 위한 폐기물 추적관리 시스템 시나리오 연구

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Currently, domestic agencies that are generating radioactive wastes, such as nuclear power plants, KAERI and KNFC, implemented their own WTS system and have been operating them. They have difficulty with integrated management of wastes from their generation to transportation to disposal site. Also, as different agencies have different waste classification criteria, it is difficult state to easily track and manage wastes from the viewpoint of acceptance and regulation.
As for the Waste Tracking System of each waste generating agency, KHNP (Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.) has DREAMS (Digital Realtime Enterprise Management System). And KINS has WACID (WAste Comprehensive Information Management), and KAERI has RAWMIS (Radioactive Wastes Management Integration System). Furthermore, KNFC has MES (Manufacturing Execution System).
As for the waste classification criteria, KHNP and KAERI separately classifies cotton and paper as combustible, and steel and aluminum as non-combustible, and KNFC separately classifies dry active wastes, compounds, lime sediments, etc.
Also, the entire process of managing the various low and intermediate level radioactive wastes, generated by KHNP, KAERI and KNFC (solid, liquid, gas, sludge, etc.), is incomplete, and the management of information on transportation and movement is inadequate. Also, an entire process scenario from generation of radioactive wastes during the decommissioning of nuclear power plants to treatment and disposal of radioactive wastes is required.
Accordingly, this paper examined the current status of the Waste Tracking Systems (WTS) in domestic and overseas, and analyzed the criteria for classifying low and intermediate level radioactive wastes of individual agencies in domestic. To build an integrated WTS, the radioactive wastes classification criteria of different agencies were integrated. Codes were assigned to each generating agency, location and transportation. The “low and intermediate level radioactive waste transportation inspection result” was referenced, and the scenario for moving radioactive wastes from the waste generator, Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant, to the acceptor, Korea Radioactive Waste Agency in Gyeongju, was prepared.
Additionally, this paper presented the location of wastes in the repository and the management form of the code values resulting from the preparation of the scenario, which are the shortcomings, by preparing the WTS scenario.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Scenario of Waste Tracking for Integrated Radioactive Waste Management of Domestic
Alternative Author(s)
Yang, Ki Tae
조선대학교 일반대학원
일반대학원 원자력공학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents

제1장 서론 1

제2장 국내 Waste Tracking System 2
제1절 DREAMS(Digital Realtime Enterprise Management System) 2
제2절 WACID(WAste Comprehensive Information Database) 6
제3절 RAWMIS(Radioactive Wastes Management Integration System) 8
제4절 MES(Manaufacturing Execution System) 11

제3장 국외 Waste Tracking System 13
제1절 미국 13
1. NMMSS(Nuclear Material Management & Safeguard System) 13
2. WWIS(WIPP Waste management Information System) 15
3. IWTS(Integrated Waste Tracking System) 17
4. CID(Central Internet Database) 19
제2절 캐나다 24
1. WIP-III(Waste Inventory Program-III) 24
제3절 영국 26
1. BRIMS(Brisitish Radwaste Information Management System) 26
제4절 독일 28
1. ReVK(Restoff-Verfolgung und-Kontrolle) 28
제5절 국외 Waste Tracking System 특징분석 31

제4장 국내 방사성폐기물 분류기준 분석 33
제1절 원자력발전소 중 한빛 Site의 폐기물 분류기준 33
제2절 한국원자력연구원(KAERI) 34
제3절 한전원자력연료(KNFC) 36
제4절 통합적 관리를 위한 폐기물 분류기준 설립 37

제5장 WTS 시나리오 39
제1절 시나리오 분류기준의 적용 39
제2절 폐기물 패키지 기본 정보 48
제3절 WTS 시나리오 작성을 위한 폐기물 이동경로 분석 50
1. 한빛원전에서 처분장 운반시나리오 50
2. KAERI에서 처분장 운반 시나리오 54

제6장 결론 및 제안 56

참고문헌 57
조선대학교 일반대학원
양기태. (2020). 국내 방사성폐기물 통합적 관리를 위한 폐기물 추적관리 시스템 시나리오 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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